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tijd July 2 2021, 17:55:50 UTC
В марте 2018 Пол Манафорт готовился к предъявлению обвинений. Решался вопрос, пойдёт ли он на сотрудничество со следствием.

On February 28, 2018, Manafort entered a not guilty plea in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Jackson subsequently set a trial date of September 17, 2018, and reprimanded Manafort and his attorney for violating her gag order by issuing a statement the previous week after former co-defendant Gates pleaded guilty. On March 8, 2018, Manafort also pleaded not guilty to bank fraud and tax charges in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. Judge T. S. Ellis III of the Eastern District of Virginia set his trial on those charges to begin on July 10, 2018. On March 28, 2018, Manafort declined a plea deal.

За кулисами идёт возня. Украина прикрывает расследование Манафорта и даёт Килимнику сбежать в Россию, предположительно в обмен на Джавелины. Манафорт находится в переписке с Шоном Хэннити и жалуется, что из него выбивают показания на Трампа и его семью.

Jared Kushner is the key to unraveling the Trump Russia conspiracy.

Let's take another look at the Manafort/Hannity text messages.

1. March 2018: Manafort: "They would want me to give up DT or family, esp JK." (...) https://t.co/5ZGzsv8g4C pic.twitter.com/QPllIyLa7c
- Tami Burages (@tburages) May 14, 2020

(March 7, 2018, 2:39 am UTC)
Paul Manafort tells Sean Hannity: “You and Roger were great TV tonight.”

Hannity responds: “We r all on the same team.”

On his show the previous night, Hannity & Roger Stone went & back forth praising Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. 1/ pic.twitter.com/91kXZtOBL1
- Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D (@RVAwonk) June 22, 2019

В те же дни издание Daily Caller Такера Карлсона публикует статью Олега Дерипаски.

“At the time, I told Patel I had deep reservations about publishing Deripaska’s op-ed. I would reject it, I said. But Patel wanted to publish the piece and so, of course, that’s what I did.
Naturally, people noticed. And noticed. And noticed some more.
All these people noticed for very good reason: In addition to maintaining inseparable relationships with Russia’s autocrats and conducting influence operations for them, Deripaska is an alleged crook. The United States government has flatly branded Deripaska as an allegedly murderous mafia goon. <…>
And so The Daily Caller published an in-the-flesh James Bond villain weaving conspiracy theories and implicating American citizens in bizarrely fictional “Deep State” crimes-catnip for the conservative media audience he is all-too-familiar with. He had virtually nothing to say about U.S.-Russian relations. He didn’t even have anything to say about villainy. It was just propaganda.
I can’t speak for Patel or for Carlson, who had largely left The Daily Caller for cable-news stardom by then, but the general sentiment at the Caller always seemed to be that all publicity-and, of course, all those precious, precious page views-was wonderful. The throng of page views was certainly good for my little opinion section, which had been downright beleaguered before I took over.
But I felt terrible. I felt dirty. It was the beginning of the end for me at The Daily Caller.”

Была ли эта статья делом Манафорта или, наоборот, сигналом Манафорту о том, что у Дерипаски длинные руки?


tijd July 8 2021, 13:26:46 UTC

Tucker: Late this spring, I contacted a couple of people I thought could get us an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin… pic.twitter.com/DlWeJ1XJMp
- Acyn (@Acyn) July 8, 2021

Tucker believes these sensitive communications - ostensibly a recent effort to set up an interview with Vladimir Putin - extend from January 1, 2019 until June 28, 2021, the date he first revealed this.
That’s thirty months he has been working with Russian back channels, purportedly to set up a meeting with Putin.
That, by itself, may explain why the communications generated further attention (if indeed they did). Thirty months isn’t the pursuit of an interview, it’s a long term relationship. This would look like a recruitment effort, not journalism.
It also explains why, even though Tucker himself is the person who leaked these details (again, burning what by all accounts are legitimate intercept targets), he claims it was an effort to take him off the air. If the FBI believes that Tucker really was pursuing a long-term relationship with Russian agents, then even Fox News might rethink giving him a platform. But that wouldn’t be the content of the communications, per se, but the fact that they appear to have been going on for thirty months.


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