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tijd July 2 2021, 11:37:49 UTC

NEW: In light of today's ruling, House Judiciary leaders Nadler and Cohen say they are working on "an updated John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act." pic.twitter.com/i1V4ubeZgg
- Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) July 1, 2021

Джон Льюис - показания Сенату про назначение главного судьи Роджерса в 2005:

“Judge Roberts' memos reveal him to be hostile toward civil rights, affirmative action, and the Voting Rights Act. He has even said that Voting Rights Act violations, and I quote "should not be made too easy to prove."
Under the Court's decision in Mobile v. Bolden, the Court weakened the Voting Rights Act. Under this ruling, many political subdivisions would have been permitted to maintain at-large election systems, diluting minority voting strength. This may be less obvious than the violence and intimidation of 1965, but it is no less harmful to our nation's principles of inclusive democracy.
Section 2 has been successful in reducing barriers and has increased the number of minority elected officials. There is no doubt in my mind that had Judge Roberts' narrow reading of the Voting Rights Act prevailed, fewer people of color would be serving in Congress, and at both the state and local levels today.
As our nation is still reeling from the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, the timing of these hearings could not be more significant. What happened in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and Louisiana exposed the issues of race, class, and fairness yet again. We are still a nation deeply divided by race and class.
All Americans, of every race, of every religion or nationality, whether they are women or men, gay or straight, or people with disabilities--all of us need equal access to a fair and independent judiciary, to insure "equal justice under the law".
The stakes are higher than ever. We cannot afford to elevate an individual to such a powerful, life-time position, whose record demonstrates such a strong desire to reverse the hard-won civil rights gains that so many sacrificed so much to achieve. We've come such a great distance. We cannot afford to stand still. We cannot afford to go back. We must go forward to the creation of one America.”

John Lewis is an American hero.

Fifteen years ago, he warned the Senate that John Roberts' history of working against the Voting Rights Act would make him a dangerous Supreme Court justice.

His words proved prophetic, and they're worth revisiting still. Watch here: pic.twitter.com/5ZYU0uARc4
- Demand Justice #ExpandTheCourt (@WeDemandJustice) July 28, 2020


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