32-летний Ритчи Торрес из Бронкса вошел в историю в 2020, победив на выборах в Конгресс.
Ritchie Torres, a New York City Council member, won his US House race to represent the South Bronx, becoming the first black member of Congress who identifies as gay.
Torres, 32, overwhelmingly defeated Republican Patrick Delices in the district, one of the poorest and most Democratic in the country, after winning a 12-way Democratic primary in June.
"Tonight, we made history," he tweeted. "It is the honor of a lifetime to represent the essential borough, the Bronx."
In a recent interview, Torres portrayed the primary campaign between himself and a rival, Rev. Rubén Díaz Sr., as "essentially a struggle between good and evil." Díaz, a cowboy hat-wearing, 77-year-old, socially conservative City Council member with a history of homophobic remarks, has said that he is in favor of traditional family values and claims he has been attacked for espousing them
https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/04/politics/ritchie-torres-house-win/index.html Торрес - прогрессивный демократ, но по ряду вопросов расходится с Александрой Окасио-Кортес, коллегой из соседнего округа, в частности в своей безоговорочной поддержке Израиля. AOC поддерживала на праймериз другого кандидата, но промахнулась.
В округе Торреса находится Bronx Zoo, один из крупнейших зоопарков в Америке.
В далеком 1906 в этом зоопарке в вольере для обезьян для смеха показывали человека, пигмея из Африки. Когда поступили протесты (от черных пастырей), редакционная статья New York Times популярно разъяснила, что речь идёт о недочеловеке:
“We do not quite understand all the emotion which others are expressing in the matter,” the paper said in an unsigned editorial. “Ota Benga, according to our information, is a normal specimen of his race or tribe, with a brain as much developed as are those of its other members. Whether they are held to be illustrations of arrested development, and really closer to the anthropoid apes than the other African savages, or whether they are viewed as the degenerate descendants of ordinary negroes, they are of equal interest to the student of ethnology, and can be studied with profit.”
The editorial said it was absurd to imagine Benga’s suffering or humiliation. “Pygmies,” it continued, “are very low in the human scale, and the suggestion that Benga should be in a school instead of a cage ignores the high probability that school would be a place of torture to him … The idea that men are all much alike except as they have had or lacked opportunities for getting an education of books is now far out of date.”
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/03/the-man-who-was-caged-in-a-zoo Ota Benga-estimated to be somewhere between 15 and 23 years old-was “acquired” in the Belgian Congo, at the behest of the National Geographic Society, by a wannabe anthropologist and failed missionary named Samuel P. Verner, who saw him as an ideal candidate for an “educational” exhibit at the St. Louis World’s Fair of 1904. Verner arrived in the Congo in 1895, but he soon became more consumed with acquisition than conversion and began collecting everything from tribal masks and musical instruments to chimpanzees and, ultimately, Africans. Although he wished desperately to be taken seriously as an objective scientist, he celebrated the “invincible” onward march of the white race, a “marvel of modern times.”
Although Verner later claimed that he had saved Ota Benga from being eaten by cannibals, he may have bought him at a slave market. Having secured seven other young men and boys in addition to Ota Benga, Verner brought them all to St. Louis, where they were indeed displayed at the World’s Fair in a kind of ethnographic sideshow that included Ainu from northern Japan, Filipino tribesmen and American Indians, among them the Apache warrior Geronimo.
The noted Swiss-American scholar Franz Boas protested that such exhibitions degraded their subjects and were racist in their assumptions. But such “high-minded debates,” Ms. Newkirk writes, “were for the academic elite. For the general public, the sight of barely clad, presumably primitive people assembled across the fairgrounds was evidence enough of Caucasian superiority... The reality-that the delegation comprised captured African children-if considered at all, was understood merely as a means to a scientific end.”
https://www.wsj.com/articles/scientific-racism-1433538610 Газеты радостно публиковали репортажи о диком поведении африканца на потеху публики, которая валила в зоопарк поглазеть на него, а иногда и погонять по вольеру.
Many of those in the crowd who watched Benga’s antics doubted if he was a human being, and one heard questions in various languages.
“Ist dass ein Mensch” a German woman asked, for instance.
Director Hornaday, who recently returned from a trip abroad, was asked last evening whether he saw no impropriety in exhibiting Benga in the monkey cage, and if he was allowing it with the acquiescence of the Directors of the Zoological Society, to which he replied:
“Yes, what is being done in the matter with the acquiescence of the society. The Secretary, Mr. Madison Grant, was in fact present when I made the arrangement with Dr. Verner for the keep of the little African savage.
“The idea is not exactly new. Zoological societies in Europe frequently resort to it, sometimes to recoup their finances.”
“But not in the monkey houses, in a monkey cage?” It was suggested.
“No,” replied Mr. Hornaday: “but the little black man is really very comfortable there. The keepers have given up the room to him, and he seems happy.”
https://humanzoos.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2018/01/manandmonknyt091006.pdf Ota Benga let some of the savage nature of the African forest come out yesterday and tried to use a knife on one of the keepers at the Bronx Zoological Gardens.
The keepers were cleaning the monkey house, and Benga watched them. They were using a hose, and the stream of water filled him with amusement. One of the men turned the water upon him, and he seemed to think it a great joke. But in order to get the full benefit of the flood he decided to take his clothes off.
Visitors were coming, and it would not do to let him appear dressed like his pet chimpanzee. One of the keepers prevented him from shedding his raiment. He became greatly excited and rushed to his quarters. In a minute he was back, armed with an ugly looking knife that he had secreted among his belongings and made for one of the keepers, who saw him coming.
He tried to wrest the knife away, but did not succeed. It took two other men to subdue the little fellow and disarm him. Then as a punishment Ota was locked in a cage. He was released in the afternoon.
https://humanzoos.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2018/01/otabengaattacksnyt092506.docx.pdf К концу месяца "he seems happy" стало сложнее использовать в качестве оправдания, и Бенгу выпустили на руки черных пастырей, которые переслали его в семинарию в Вирджинии. Через 10 лет от покончил с собой, выстрелив в сердце.
В прошлом году огранизация "Wildlife Conservation Society", которой принадлежит зоопарк в Бронксе, впервые выпустила официальное извинение за всю эту историю.
First, we apologize for and condemn the treatment of a young Central African from the Mbuti people of present-day Democratic Republic of Congo. His name was Ota Benga. Bronx Zoo officials, led by Director William Hornaday, put Ota Benga on display in the zoo’s Monkey House for several days during the week of September 8, 1906 before outrage from local Black ministers quickly brought the disgraceful incident to an end and the Reverend James Gordon arranged for Ota Benga to stay at an orphanage he directed in Weeksville, Brooklyn. Robbed of his humanity and unable to return home, Ota Benga tragically took his life a decade later.
We further apologize for and condemn bigoted actions and attitudes in the early 1900s toward non-whites-especially African Americans, Native Americans and immigrants-that characterized many notable institutions at the time, including our own.
Specifically, we denounce the eugenics-based, pseudoscientific racism, writings, and philosophies advanced by many people during that era, including two of our founders, Madison Grant and Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr. Excerpts from Grant’s book “The Passing of the Great Race” (with a preface by Osborn), were included in a defense exhibit for one of the defendants in the Nuremberg trials.
https://www.wcs.org/reckoning-with-our-past-present-and-future-at-wcs Мэдисон Грант, руководитель зоопарка, одобривший человеческий экспонат, был представителем нью-йоркской аристократии и другом
Теодора Рузвельта. Любитель природы и охоты на диких зверей, он внес большой вклад в создании системы национальных парков и охрану редких видов растений и животных, вроде оленей Рузвельта и секвой Калифорнии.
Помимо борьбы за сохранение первозданной чистоты природы, Грант призывал бороться за сохранение чистоты расы - в частности "нордической расы" высоких белокурых европейцев. Среди многочисленных поклонников его псевдонаучной книги "The Passing of the Great Race: Or, The Racial Basis of European History", опубликованной в 1916, были не только соотечественники, но и фанаты с другого континента.
Roosevelt wrote Grant a letter praising “The Passing of the Great Race,” which appeared as a blurb on later editions, calling it “a capital book; in purpose, in vision, in grasp of the facts our people most need to realize.” Henry Fairfield Osborn, who headed the New York Zoological Society and the board of trustees of the American Museum of Natural History (and, as a member of the U.S. Geological Survey, named the Tyrannosaurus rex and the Velociraptor), wrote a foreword to the book. Osborn argued that “conservation of that race which has given us the true spirit of Americanism is not a matter either of racial pride or of racial prejudice; it is a matter of love of country.”
For Grant, Roosevelt, and other architects of the country’s parks and game refuges, wild nature was worth saving for its aristocratic qualities; where these were lacking, they were indifferent. Grant, as his Times obituary noted, “was uninterested in the smaller forms of animal or bird life.” He wrote about the moose, the mountain goat, and the redwood tree, whose nobility and need for protection in a venal world so resembled the plight of Grant’s “Nordics” that his biographer, Jonathan Spiro, concludes that he saw them as two faces of a single threatened, declining aristocracy. Similarly, Roosevelt, in his accounts of hunting, could not say enough about the “lordly” and “noble” elk and buffalo that he and Grant helped to preserve, and loved to kill. Their preservation work aimed to keep alive this kind of encounter between would-be aristocratic men and halfway wild nature.
For these conservationists, who prized the expert governance of resources, it was an unsettlingly short step from managing forests to managing the human gene pool. In a 1909 report to Roosevelt’s National Conservation Commission, Yale professor Irving Fisher broke off from a discussion of public health to recommend preventing “paupers” and physically unhealthy people from reproducing, and warned against the “race suicide” that would follow if the country did not replenish itself with Northern European stock.
https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/environmentalisms-racist-history America, he argued, was committing “race suicide.” No longer were immigrants coming from “desirable” parts of northwestern Europe like the British Isles, Scandinavia, and Germany; they were coming from lesser countries in Southern and Eastern Europe. First published in the spring of 1916, The Passing of the Great Race was reprinted in 1922, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1930, 1932, and 1936, selling more than a million copies-arguably, one of the most popular scientific tracts in history.
In 1917-one year after Grant published his book-Congress passed a law banning “all idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded persons, epileptics, insane persons, [and] persons of constitutional psychopathic inferiority” from entering the U.S. During deliberations, one congressman read directly from The Passing of the Great Race. As a consequence, about 1,500 immigrants a year were denied entrance. One ardent eugenicist wrote a letter to Grant urging him to build a Great Wall: “Can we build a wall high enough around this country so as to keep out these cheaper races; or will it be a feeble dam, leaving it to our descendants to abandon the country to blacks, browns, and yellows.”
In 1921, Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act, which limited the number of immigrants to no more than 3 percent of the number of people originally from that country residing in America. In the year prior, some 800,000 immigrants entered the United States; the year after it was enacted, that number was reduced to 300,000.
In 1924, Congress passed the Immigration Restriction Act, which limited Africans and banned Arabs and Asians outright. After 1924, the number of immigrants permitted to enter the United States every year was cut to 20,000.
In 1929, Congress passed the National Origins Act, further restricting immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe.
Because of these laws, more immigrants came into the United States in 1907 alone than during the entire next quarter-century.
Madison Grant was thrilled. “[This is] one of the greatest steps forward in the history of this country,” he said, according to Jonathan Peter Spiro’s book, Defending the Master Race: Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant. “We have closed the doors just in time to prevent our Nordic population from being overrun by the lower races.” The director of Ellis Island, the entry point for most European immigrants, commented that immigrants were starting to look more like Americans.
Ten years after The Passing of the Great Race was published, it was translated into German, the language in which a disgruntled corporal-recently imprisoned for his part in a riot in Bavaria-read it. After finishing it, he sent a letter to Madison Grant. “This book is my Bible,” he wrote. The soldier later included whole sections of Grant’s book in his own book, Mein Kampf. What Grant had called the Nordic race, Adolf Hitler called the Aryan race.
To say that The Passing of the Great Race had influenced Mein Kampf would be an understatement; in some sections, Hitler had virtually plagiarized Grant’s book.
https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-loathsome-american-book-that-inspired-hitler На вопрос "Ist dass ein Mensch", заданный в сентябре 1906 посетительницей зоопарка в Бронксе, позже ответила концепция
Неизвестно, ходил ли тогда в зоопарк один из жителей Бронкса, немецкий иммигрант Фредерик (урожденный Фридрих) Трамп, но теория генетического превосходства плотно укоренилась в его семье.
Trump’s father instilled in him the idea that their family’s success was genetic, according to Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio.
“The family subscribes to a racehorse theory of human development,” D’Antonio says in the documentary. “They believe that there are superior people and that if you put together the genes of a superior woman and a superior man, you get a superior offspring.”
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-eugenics_n_57ec4cc2e4b024a52d2cc7f9 "You have good genes, you know that, right?" Trump said at a recent campaign rally. "You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn't it, don't you believe? The racehorse theory. You think we're so different? You have good genes in Minnesota."
The President was speaking to a nearly all-White crowd in Bemidji, Minnesota, a city that's about 80% White in a state that's even more White.
Notably, Bemidji is the seat of Beltrami County, which in January voted against refugee resettlement.
"Every family in Minnesota needs to know about sleepy Joe Biden's extreme plan to flood your state with an influx of refugees from Somalia, from other places all over the planet," the President said.
https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/22/politics/donald-trump-genes-historical-context-eugenics/index.html Цитата из книги Мэдисона Гранта, которую Гитлер называл своей Библией: "The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race."
В контексте речь шла не о лагерях смерти, а о насильственной стерилизации - программе, которую поклонники модной тогда псевдонауки евгеники продвигали вместе с
иммиграционными квотами и запретами на межрасовые отношения. Законы о стерилизации умственно отсталых и других недочеловеков были приняты в разных штатах, некоторые из них бежали впереди других - в том числе Вирджиния.
At the time of Richard and Mildred Loving’s marriage in Washington, D.C., Virginia had some of the strictest anti-miscegenation laws in the country, defined by what came to be known as the “one-drop” rule. Under the leadership of Walter A. Plecker and with pressure from “Anglo Saxon Clubs” supporting racial segregation, Virginia came to define “colored” as any non-white ancestry - black, Native American, Asian, or otherwise - despite centuries of documented racial intermingling.
A bulletin from the Virginia Department of Health advising registrars on how to categorize “whites” and “coloreds”.
Plecker and the Anglo Saxon Clubs were adherents of a debunked scientific discipline known as “eugenics”, which sought to improve or perfect the human form through selective breeding. Though its aims were lofty - a society free from disease, disability, criminality, and ignorance - it was invariably rooted in racist views of non-white people, and even subgroups of white Europeans, like Irish and Italians. Many eugenicists even advocated for the extermination of “lesser races” through forced sterilization.
Indeed, the Racial Integrity Act banning interracial marriage was not the only law tabled on its day in 1924. It was submitted alongside another law, called the “Sterilization Act”, demanding the forced sterilization of state inmates with mental disabilities or other impairments.
The laws would lead to the sterilization of over 8000 individuals in Virginia, but even then, many of the racists atop Virginia’s state health system were not satisfied. They wanted to turn the tools of eugenics on minority populations, and actively exterminate blacks and Indians in Virginia.
Dr. Joseph DeJarnette, a prominent hospital director in Virginia, carried on an active correspondence with the engineers of Nazi eugenic programs, lamenting that the United States was not more aggressive in forcibly sterilizing its “12,000,000 defectives.” He even wrote a charmless ode to his brutal, racist views:
Oh, why do we allow these people
To breed back to the monkey’s nest,
To increase our country’s burdens
When we should only breed the best?
Oh, you wise men take up the burden,
And make this you(r) loudest creed,
Sterilize the misfits promptly-
All are not fit to breed!
Then our race will be strengthened and bettered,
And our men and our women be blest,
Not apish, repulsive and foolish,
For the best will breed the best.
Unlike the anti-miscegenation laws that prevented Richard and Mildred Loving from legally marrying, the Sterilization Act was never declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
https://www.withgoodreasonradio.org/2017/02/06/virginias-eugenics-laws/ Дело про закон Вирджинии о насильственной стерилизации (
Buck v. Bell) дошло до Верховного суда в 1927. Почти единогласным решением 8 на 1 суд подтвердил конституционность закона.Против голосовал судья Батлер, религиозный католик и сын ирландских иммигрантов. От имени большинства решение написал
судья Холмс: Если государство ради общего блага может требовать от граждан вакцинации, то почему бы не дать ему такого же права в отношении стерилизации?
"It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/274/200/ Как позже выяснилось, Кэрри Бак, первая стерилизованная по закону, была признана умственно отсталой единственно на основание того, что у нее была отсталая мать и что она родила ребенка вне брака после изнасилования родственником, тем самым демонстрируя свою неразборчивость в связях. Она проживет до 1983, не демонстрируя никаких отклонений в умственном развитии.
Writing for the majority in the Supreme Court’s affirmative decision of the Buck v. Bell landmark case, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. described Charlottesville native Carrie Buck as the “probable potential parent of socially inadequate offspring, likewise afflicted” stating that “her welfare and that of society will be promoted by her sterilization.”
Current scholarship shows that Carrie Buck’s sterilization relied on a false diagnosis premised on the now discredited science of eugenics. It is likely that Carrie’s mother, Emma Buck, was committed to a state institution because she was considered sexually promiscuous, that the same diagnosis was made about Carrie when she became an unwed mother at the age of 17 due to being raped, and that her daughter Vivian was diagnosed as “not quite normal” at the age of six months largely in support of the legal effort to sterilize Carrie.
http://exhibits.hsl.virginia.edu/eugenics/ Buck was born into an impoverished family in 1906. The father disappeared at some point and her mother, who would have two more children, would be later be deemed “promiscuous” and labeled a “moron.” The mother was committed to the Lynchburg Colony.
Buck was placed with a neglectful foster family, which took her out of elementary school and made her work as a servant. Buck was raped and impregnated by the foster mother’s nephew when she was 17. After her daughter, Vivian, was born, Buck was also sent to Lynchburg under the same premise of her mother. Vivian was placed with Buck’s foster parents. When she was around 6 months, she was assessed by the Eugenics Record Office and deemed “backward.”
The state wanted to sterilize Buck, and she became the test case for its 1924 law. In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court backed Virginia in Buck v, Bell, ruling that Virginia had the right to sterilize Buck for the greater good of society. One judge famously declared “three generations of imbeciles are enough.” The Virginia case would make eugenic sterilization legal across the country.
People who underwent the surgery were often told they were being operated on for something else. Catte writes that Buck’s younger sister, Doris, was eventually sent to Lynchburg and told when she was 16 that she needed an appendectomy. When she was in her 60s, she called the hospital for her medical record. She then learned about being sterilized. All of her life, she’d blamed herself for not being able to have a child with her husband.
https://www.pilotonline.com/life/vp-db-eugenics-book-022521-20210223-nxjjavzfcra6to2ybau2ikf5mq-story.html В свете этой истории символическое значение принимает город Линчберг, где застрелился Ото Бенга и где, в заведении Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded, Кэрри Бак подверглась насильственной операции. А также город
Шарлоствилл, где она родилась и была похоронена. На фотографии из колонии 18-летняя Бак, у которой только что отобрали новорожденную дочь, запечатлена с матерью в 1924. В тот год в Шарлоствилле воздвигли печально известный памятник генералу Ли. Неделю назад городской совет Шарлотсвилля единогласно проголосовал за снос этой статуи.
VEDANTAM: And what of Vivian, Carrie's daughter? She'd been adopted by John and Alice Dobbs. According to the Supreme Court, she was the third generation of imbeciles in the Buck family.
LOMBARDO: Vivian went to school. She went to the first grade and did passably well. She went to the second grade. That summer, she got the measles, apparently developed some kind of secondary infection, and died when she was only 8 years old. So her story was pretty much buried for the better part of 50 years, until the larger story of Buck v. Bell became public.
VEDANTAM: Before she died, Vivian, the child who was deemed to be not quite normal, had been on the honor roll. After the Supreme Court decision, the nation embraced forced sterilizations for decades. The last of the country's eugenics laws were repealed only in the 1970s. By then some 65,000 Americans had been sterilized. The targets were almost always the least powerful - Native American and African-American women, immigrants, the physically and mentally ill, and, of course, the poor.
https://www.npr.org/transcripts/604926914 Но первым штатом по насильственным стерилизациям была не Вирджиния, а Калифорния. На следующий год после решения Верховного суда по делу Buck v. Bell бизнесмен Эзра Госни основал в Пасадине организацию Human Betterment Foundation (HBF) для продвижения дела евгеники. В руководство организации вошли выдающиеся местные ученые.
The initial board of trustees were Gosney, Henry M. Robinson (a Los Angeles banker), George Dock (a Pasadena physician), David Starr Jordan (chancellor of Stanford University), Charles Goethe (a Sacramento philanthropist), Justin Miller (dean of the college of law at the University of Southern California), Otis Castle (a Los Angeles attorney), Joe G. Crick (a Pasadena horticulturist), and biologist/eugenicist Paul Popenoe. Later members included Lewis Terman (a Stanford psychologist best known for creating the Stanford-Binet test of IQ), Robert Millikan (Chair of the Executive Council of Caltech), William B. Munro (a Harvard professor of political science), and University of California, Berkeley professors Herbert M. Evans (anatomy) and Samuel J. Holmes (zoology).
After Gosney's death in 1942, Gosney's daughter Lois Castle and the HBF's board liquidated HBF with its funds going to form the Gosney research fund at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1943.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Betterment_Foundation Через несколько лет их наработки оказались востребованными в другой стране.
Germany’s “Law on Preventing Heredity Ill Progeny” was modeled after the California eugenic practices, a result of the correspondence exchanged between German eugenists and the Human Betterment Foundation. The following year, the California foundation hosted a “Public Health and Eugenics in New Germany” exhibit in Pasadena, supported by Popenoe’s article reviewing the German program. The 1935 report to the foundation’s Board of Trustees even contained a quotation from Goethe evaluating his prolonged trip to Germany:
You will be interested to know that your work has played a powerful part in shaping the opinions of the group of intellectuals who are behind Hitler in this epoch-making program. Everywhere I sensed that their opinions have been tremendously stimulated by American thought, and particularly by the work of the Human Betterment Foundation. I want you [Mr. Gosney], my dear friend, to carry this thought with you for the rest of your life, that you have really jolted into action a great government of 60,000,000 people.
https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/vocesnovae/vol7/iss1/7/ После войны и вскрытия правды о нацистских программах усовершенствования "генетического материала" евгеника вышла из моды вместе с программами массовой стерилизации. Но "научный расизм" не исчез, а ушел под воду, поднимая голову в трудах
Уильяма Шокли и
других деятелей.
К этой теме мы еще вернемся, но пока забежим немного вперед.
Движение "Black Lives Matter"
возникло спонтанно в Калифорнии в июле 2013.
The phrase “black lives matter” was born in July of 2013, in a Facebook post by Alicia Garza, called “a love letter to black people.” The post was intended as an affirmation for a community distraught over George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the shooting death of seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin, in Sanford, Florida. Garza, now thirty-five, is the special-projects director in the Oakland office of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, which represents twenty thousand caregivers and housekeepers, and lobbies for labor legislation on their behalf. She is also an advocate for queer and transgender rights and for anti-police-brutality campaigns.
Garza has a prodigious social-media presence, and on the day that the Zimmerman verdict was handed down she posted, “the sad part is, there’s a section of America who is cheering and celebrating right now. and that makes me sick to my stomach. we gotta get it together y’all.” Later, she added, “btw stop saying we are not surprised. that’s a damn shame in itself. I continue to be surprised at how little Black lives matter. And I will continue that. stop giving up on black life.” She ended with “black people. I love you. I love us. Our lives matter.”
Garza’s friend Patrisse Cullors amended the last three words to create a hashtag: #BlackLivesMatter. Garza sometimes writes haiku-she admires the economy of the form-and in those four syllables she recognized a distillation not only of the anger that attended Zimmerman’s acquittal but also of the animating principle at the core of black social movements dating back more than a century.
Garza grew up as Alicia Schwartz, in Marin County, where she was raised by her African-American mother and her Jewish stepfather, who run an antiques store. Her brother Joey, who works for the family business, is almost young enough to have been Trayvon Martin’s peer. That is one reason, she says, that the Zimmerman verdict affected her so deeply.
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/03/14/where-is-black-lives-matter-headed Поскольку автор лозунга BLM принадлежит сразу к нескольким меньшинствам, целью движения с самого начало было выведение не только людей с темным цветом кожи, но и других маргинальных меньшинств из роли изгоев общества, жизни которых не представляют никакой ценности.
"Given the disproportionate impact state violence has on Black lives, we understand that when Black people in this country get free, the benefits will be wide reaching and transformative for society as a whole. When we are able to end hyper-criminalization and sexualization of Black people and end the poverty, control, and surveillance of Black people, every single person in this world has a better shot at getting and staying free. When Black people get free, everybody gets free. This is why we call on Black people and our allies to take up the call that Black lives matter. We’re not saying Black lives are more important than other lives, or that other lives are not criminalized and oppressed in various ways. We remain in active solidarity with all oppressed people who are fighting for their liberation and we know that our destinies are intertwined.
And, to keep it real-it is appropriate and necessary to have strategy and action centered around Blackness without other non-Black communities of color, or White folks for that matter, needing to find a place and a way to center themselves within it. It is appropriate and necessary for us to acknowledge the critical role that Black lives and struggles for Black liberation have played in inspiring and anchoring, through practice and theory, social movements for the liberation of all people. The women’s movement, the Chicano liberation movement, queer movements, and many more have adopted the strategies, tactics and theory of the Black liberation movement. And if we are committed to a world where all lives matter, we are called to support the very movement that inspired and activated so many more. That means supporting and acknowledging Black lives."
https://thefeministwire.com/2014/10/blacklivesmatter-2/ Последующие годы принесли как сильное противодействия этой цели, включая четыре года президента Трампа со всеми из него вытекающими, так и тектонические сдвиги в общественном сознании.
Внешним проявлением этих сдвигов стала волна переименований.
Благополучная средняя школа в богатом городе Пало Альто - ближайшая к домам миллиардеров Стива Джобса и Марка Цукерберга - носила имя Дэвидa Старрa Джорданa, первого президента Стэнфордского университета. По специальности зоолог (ихтиолог) и успешный организатор науки, Джордан был также одним из лидеров калифорнийской евгеники.
Beginning in 1906, David Starr Jordan was chair of the Eugenics Section of the American Breeders Association, a member of the Human Betterment Foundation, and an advisory council member of the Eugenics Committee of the American Eugenics Society. In a 1902 publication titled “The Blood of the Nation: A Study in the Decay of Races by the Survival of the Unfit,” Jordan publicly advocated eugenics as a practice and suggested that talent and poverty could be inherited via blood.
“For a race of men or a herd of cattle are governed by the same laws of selection. Those who survive inherit the traits of their own actual ancestry,” Jordan wrote. “If we sell or destroy the rough, lean, or feeble calves, we shall have a herd descended from the best.”
https://www.stanforddaily.com/2016/12/07/stanfords-history-with-eugenics/ Для Джордана евгеника была не просто посторонним хобби, а центром мировоззрения. В его представлении она твердо следовала из учения об эволюции и, как и у Мэдисона Гранта, сочеталась с охраной природы - участием в природозащитной организации Sierra Club
https://www.sierraclub.org/michael-brune/2020/07/john-muir-early-history-sierra-club В отличие от Рузвельта, Джордан не поддерживал войн и был активным участником движения борьбы за мир. Он считал, что Гражданская война испортила американский генофонд, поскольку на ней погибли самые лучшие сыны нации, и что нельзя допускать подобной гибели на новых войнах. На его взгляды оказало влияние чтение немецких историков из числа социальных дарвинистов, которые объясняли падение Римской империи тем, что из-за гибели старых благородных патрициев римский народ опасно измельчал.
Из популярной брошюры Джордана "Blood of the Nation":
In his recent noble history of the "Downfall of the Ancient World" ("Der Untergang der Antiken Welt," 1897), Professor Otto Seeck, of Greifeswald, makes this fact very apparent. The cause of the fall of Rome is found in the "extinction of the best" ("Die Ausrottung der Besten"), and all that remains to the historian is to give the details of this extermination. He says, "In Greece a wealth of spiritual power went down in the suicidal wars." In Rome "Marius and Cinna slew the aristocrats by hundreds and thousands. Sulla destroyed no less thoroughly the democrats, and whatever of noble blood survived fell as an offering to the proscription of the triumvirate." "The Romans had less of spontaneous power to lose than the Greeks, and so desolation came to them all the sooner. He who was bold enough to rise politically was almost without exception thrown to the ground. Only cowards remained, and from their brood came
forward the new generations. Cowardice showed itself in lack of originality and slavish following of masters and traditions." Had the Romans been still alive, the Romans of the old republic, neither inside nor outside forces could have worked the fall of Rome. But the true Romans passed away early.
https://archive.org/details/bloodofnationstu00jorduoft Недолго думая, в той же брошюре Джордан намекал, кто именно виноват в раздувании войн в Европе:
"A recent French cartoon pictures the peasant of a hundred years ago ploughing in a field, a gilded marquis on his back, tapping his gilded snuff-box. Another cartoon shows the French peasant of today, still at the plough. On his back is an armed soldier who should be at another plough, while on the back of the soldier rides the second burden of Shylock the money-lender, more cruel and more heavy even than the dainty marquis of the old regime."
Он развил эту мысль полнее в брошюре "Unseen Empire", которая повлияла на соратника по мирному движению, Генри Форда, и позже помогла тому
подсесть на "Протоколы сионских мудрецов".
Baldwin believes (as did Louis Marshall) that the prime influence here was not Liebold or Cameron but David Starr Jordan, the first president of Stanford University, a world-renowned ichthyologist, and a leading pacifist and racist. In a 1912 book, Jordan argued that an “unseen empire” of Jewish bankers had gained control of the financial affairs of Europe, and was determining questions of war and peace.
https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/jonathan-sarna-3/henry-ford-and-the-jews-by-neil-baldwin/ Сообщение из 1912:
"Ever since the battle of Waterloo the Rothschilds have been the actual rulers of Europe, and the European nations are so in debt to them that it would be impossible ever to pay them off," said David Starr Jordan, President of Stanford University in an address to the student body to-day.
https://www.nytimes.com/1912/02/09/archives/rothschilds-rule-europe-declares-dr-jordan-who-says-financial.html Вскоре после этих выступлений будущий президент Герберт Гувер, выпускник и член Совета попечителей Стэнфорда, добился отстранения Джордана с поста президента университета. Его перевели на номинальную должность "chancellor" и отстранили от руководства.
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За год до того, как Дэвид Старр Джордан приехал в Стэнфорд, Антон Чехов создал яркий персонаж зоолога/ихтиолога фон Корена в повести "Дуэль". Фон Корен называет паразитических членов общества "макаками" и, следуя идеям социального дарвинизма, не чурается мысли об их
физическом уничтожении ради оздоровления нации.
- Вот они каковы макаки... - начал фон Корен, кутаясь в плащ и закрывая глаза. - Ты слышал, она не хотела бы заниматься букашками и козявками, потому что страдает народ. Так судят нашего брата все макаки. Племя рабское, лукавое, в десяти поколениях запуганное кнутом и кулаком; оно трепещет, умиляется и курит фимиамы только перед насилием, но впусти макаку в свободную область, где ее некому брать за шиворот, там она развертывается и дает себя знать. Посмотри, как она смела на картинных выставках, в музеях, в театрах или когда судит о науке: она топорщится, становится на дыбы, ругается, критикует... И непременно критикует - рабская черта! Ты прислушайся: людей свободных профессий ругают чаще, чем мошенников - это оттого, что общество на три четверти состоит из рабов, из таких же вот макак. Не случается, чтобы раб протянул тебе руку и сказал искренно спасибо за то, что ты работаешь.
- Не знаю, что ты хочешь! - сказал Самойленко, зевая. - Бедненькой по простоте захотелось поговорить с тобой об умном, а ты уж заключение выводишь. Ты сердит на него за что-то, ну и на нее за компанию. А она прекрасная женщина!
- Э, полно! Обыкновенная содержанка, развратная и пошлая. Послушай, Александр Давидыч, когда ты встречаешь простую бабу, которая не живет с мужем, ничего не делает и только хи-хи да ха-ха, ты говоришь ей: ступай работать. Почему же ты тут робеешь и боишься говорить правду? Потому только, что Надежда Федоровна живет на содержании не у матроса, а у чиновника?
- Что же мне с ней делать? - рассердился Самойленко. - Бить ее, что ли?
- Не льстить пороку. Мы проклинаем порок только за глаза, а это похоже на кукиш в кармане. Я зоолог, или социолог, что одно и то же, ты - врач; общество нам верит; мы обязаны указывать ему на тот страшный вред, каким угрожает ему и будущим поколениям существование госпож вроде этой Надежды Ивановны.
- Федоровны, - поправил Самойленко. - А что должно делать общество?
- Оно? Это его дело. По-моему, самый прямой и верный путь - это насилие. Manu militari ее следует отправить к мужу, а если муж не примет, то отдать ее в каторжные работы или какое-нибудь исправительное заведение.
- Уф! - вздохнул Самойленко; он помолчал и спросил тихо: - Как-то на днях ты говорил, что таких людей, как Лаевский, уничтожать надо... Скажи мне, если бы того... положим, государство или общество поручило тебе уничтожить его, то ты бы... решился?
- Рука бы не дрогнула.
https://ilibrary.ru/text/1339/p.8/index.html Джордан навряд ли читал Чехова, но собственное влияние на литературу тоже оказал: его популярные лекции про теорию эволюции с переходом в евгенику посещал Джек Лондон,
проникшийся этими идеями. Подруга Лондона и студентка Стэнфорда
Анна Струмская пройдет через собственную эволюцию взглядов, которая завершится идеей создания организации NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).
Как бы то ни было, после петиции родителей и многолетних дискуссий, в 2018 школа в Пало Альто была переименована и названа в честь Фрэнка Грина, чернокожего компьютерного инженера и участника борьбы за гражданские права.
The Palo Alto Unified School District board unanimously decided Tuesday that Jordan Middle School should be renamed after Frank Greene Jr. and Terman Middle School after Ellen Fletcher. In making those choices, it snuffed out a controversy that erupted when the name of Fred Yamamoto, an inspirational local figure with a reviled last name, was nominated.
Greene, who died in 2009, is remembered for having designed the fastest memory chip in the 1960s, being one of the first African-American founders of a publicly traded tech firm and founding a venture capital firm that was an early supporter of female and minority startups. Fletcher, who died in 2012, was a Holocaust survivor who immigrated to the United States and, in addition to serving as the city’s mayor and council member, devoted 40 years as a volunteer for bicycling and environmental causes.
They were chosen from six finalists recommended by a city renaming committee.
https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/03/28/palo-alto-middle-schools-to-be-named-after-frank-greene-jr-ellen-fletcher/ В 2020 волна переименований докатилась до Стэнфорда, где было решено избавиться от имени Джордана на зданиях и других объектах.