"но в 1977, после прихода к власти Джимми Картера, он решил сделать заключение и ратификацию таких договоров первым делом своей международной политики. Вопрос был принципиальным - уважение прав маленькой страны продемонстрировало бы другим странам моральной подход к международной политике и отказ от империалистических амбиций." Ну в плане международной политики, в памяти Картер остался благодаря его политике с Ираном.
Во внешней политике у Картера было много знаковых достижений:
1. Договор между Израилем и Египтом (Кэмп-Дэвидские соглашения), 2. Дипломатическое признание Китая. 3. Договор об ограничении стратегических вооружений (ОСВ) - был подписан Картером и Брежневым, но остался без ратификации. 4. Санкции против СССР за вторжение в Афганистан.
Кризис с американскими заложниками в Иране пришёлся на период избирательной кампании 1980 и действительно помог Рейгану на выборах. Рейгана поддержали также фермеры, пострадавшие от антисоветских санкций (эмбарго на поставку зерна в СССР).
В передаче из 1977 организаторы "New Right" Пол Вайрих и Ричард Вигери откровенно рассказывают о тактике использования массовых почтовых рассылок.
VIGUERIE: I`m very excited about the Panama Canal issue for a number of reasons. I feel the Panama Canal issue is a no-lose situation for conservatives. We of course expect to win on the floor of the Senate whenever the vote should be taken, but if by chance we were to lose it it would still be a great opportunity for us to organize this silent majority out there; the silent majority has not had issues to rally around and the conservatives have not had issues to go to the people. Issues that were, so to speak, pre-sold on the evening news, that were talked about on television, front page of the newspaper -- we`ve been lacking those issues, and the left has had their issues. And Jimmy Carter has given us this issue and I sort of have mixed feelings because I wish he wouldn`t give us any issues in one sense, but then I`m afraid he`s going to give us some issues that are going to help
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Говард Бейкер из Теннесси без труда переизбрался в 1978, а в 1980 стал лидером сенатского большинства. Но голосование в поддержку договора с Панамой стоила ему номинации в президенты и вице-президенты.
Mr. Baker was Senate minority leader in 1977 when President Jimmy Carter asked him to support the treaties turning over the Panama Canal to Panama. One issue he weighed was the effect on his chances of winning the Republican nomination for president in 1980. Aides such as James Cannon told him that backing the treaties would mean that the Republican Party would never nominate him. Both Mr. Baker and Mr. Cannon told me that the senator snapped, “So be it.” He backed the treaties and got other Republicans to join him. The Senate approved them in 1978. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/28/opinion/howard-baker-who-put-the-nation-ahead-of-himself.html
Baker aspired big. He didn’t make a secret of that. He hoped that
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Среди тех, кто в 1977 по наводке "New Right" собирал подписи под письмами против договора с Панамой, был безработный историк Ньют Гингрич (собравший в итоге 50 тысяч подписей). Зарекомендовав себя этой деятельностью, на следующий год он изберется в Конгресс, а, став спикером в 1994, принесет в американскую политику стиль межпартийной непримиримости.
Gingrich narrowly lost two consecutive congressional elections in 1974 and 1976 (two very bad years for Georgia Republicans) after running distinctly to the left of a crusty conservative Democratic incumbent named Jack Flint. Combined with his earlier gig as southern regional director for Nelson Rockefeller’s 1968 presidential bid, and the liberals and environmentalists conspicuous in his circle of associates at West Georgia College, Newt was badly mispositioned in Georgia Republican politics. It was his leadership of an anti-Panama-Canal-Treaty group in Georgia that sanitized him, just in time to take advantage of Flint’s retirement in 1978 by running as a newly rechristened Fighting
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Former US president says he still trusts Russia more than the government he once led. pic.twitter.com/5Wkwj8KOwZ - Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) June 10, 2021
In 2016, House majority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 23) famously said “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump.” On Jan 6, Rohrabacher roamed the Capitol all day with a guy in a giant ushanka hat. Is this epic trolling by Russia? 2/https://t.co/2zRLmLk40Ppic.twitter.com/n4fl9f8HKi - capitolhunters (@capitolhunters) June 12, 2021
Рорабейкер не имел отношения к “New Right”, но в своё время поддержал Джессе Хелмса в попытке урезать государственное финансирование искусства.
Из 1990:
Sen. Jesse Helms's onslaughts against federal support for anything vaguely homosexual have seemed cultural heroism or low comedy -- depending on your point of view. In Senate debate last fall, the North Carolina Republican railed against the "disgusting and illegal practices" of homosexuals; and earlier the "Helms transvestite amendment," as analysts at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force dubbed it, stipulated that transvestism, in and of itself, couldn't qualify as a "handicap" under the Fair Housing Amendments Act. (Helms won, 89-2
( ... )
Comments 18
Ну в плане международной политики, в памяти Картер остался благодаря его политике с Ираном.
1. Договор между Израилем и Египтом (Кэмп-Дэвидские соглашения),
2. Дипломатическое признание Китая.
3. Договор об ограничении стратегических вооружений (ОСВ) - был подписан Картером и Брежневым, но остался без ратификации.
4. Санкции против СССР за вторжение в Афганистан.
Кризис с американскими заложниками в Иране пришёлся на период избирательной кампании 1980 и действительно помог Рейгану на выборах. Рейгана поддержали также фермеры, пострадавшие от антисоветских санкций (эмбарго на поставку зерна в СССР).
VIGUERIE: I`m very excited about the Panama Canal issue for a number of reasons. I feel the Panama Canal issue is a no-lose situation for conservatives. We of course expect to win on the floor of the Senate whenever the vote should be taken, but if by chance we were to lose it it would still be a great opportunity for us to organize this silent majority out there; the silent majority has not had issues to rally around and the conservatives have not had issues to go to the people. Issues that were, so to speak, pre-sold on the evening news, that were talked about on television, front page of the newspaper -- we`ve been lacking those issues, and the left has had their issues. And Jimmy Carter has given us this issue and I sort of have mixed feelings because I wish he wouldn`t give us any issues in one sense, but then I`m afraid he`s going to give us some issues that are going to help ( ... )
Mr. Baker was Senate minority leader in 1977 when President Jimmy Carter asked him to support the treaties turning over the Panama Canal to Panama. One issue he weighed was the effect on his chances of winning the Republican nomination for president in 1980.
Aides such as James Cannon told him that backing the treaties would mean that the Republican Party would never nominate him. Both Mr. Baker and Mr. Cannon told me that the senator snapped, “So be it.” He backed the treaties and got other Republicans to join him. The Senate approved them in 1978.
Baker aspired big. He didn’t make a secret of that. He hoped that ( ... )
Gingrich narrowly lost two consecutive congressional elections in 1974 and 1976 (two very bad years for Georgia Republicans) after running distinctly to the left of a crusty conservative Democratic incumbent named Jack Flint. Combined with his earlier gig as southern regional director for Nelson Rockefeller’s 1968 presidential bid, and the liberals and environmentalists conspicuous in his circle of associates at West Georgia College, Newt was badly mispositioned in Georgia Republican politics. It was his leadership of an anti-Panama-Canal-Treaty group in Georgia that sanitized him, just in time to take advantage of Flint’s retirement in 1978 by running as a newly rechristened Fighting ( ... )
Former US president says he still trusts Russia more than the government he once led. pic.twitter.com/5Wkwj8KOwZ
- Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) June 10, 2021
Now we know https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/127314.html
In 2016, House majority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 23) famously said “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump.” On Jan 6, Rohrabacher roamed the Capitol all day with a guy in a giant ushanka hat. Is this epic trolling by Russia? 2/https://t.co/2zRLmLk40P pic.twitter.com/n4fl9f8HKi
- capitolhunters (@capitolhunters) June 12, 2021
Из 1990:
Sen. Jesse Helms's onslaughts against federal support for anything vaguely homosexual have seemed cultural heroism or low comedy -- depending on your point of view. In Senate debate last fall, the North Carolina Republican railed against the "disgusting and illegal practices" of homosexuals; and earlier the "Helms transvestite amendment," as analysts at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force dubbed it, stipulated that transvestism, in and of itself, couldn't qualify as a "handicap" under the Fair Housing Amendments Act. (Helms won, 89-2 ( ... )
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