Родовая травма

May 14, 2021 08:09

So if I read this right: Soviet-born honey pot worked under direction of former British spy hired by Erik Prince, alongside former Grassley staffer/Flynn ally, and source with access to NSC calendar, all to target Ntnl Sec Advisor and FBI agents. Not ideal https://t.co/nE8u82yoSW
- Peter Strzok (@petestrzok) May 13, 2021
“Soviet-born honey pot” - ( Read more... )

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tijd May 15 2021, 12:27:31 UTC
Ещё один репортаж с “evening with deplorables” - Анна Хаит среди своих.

Gavin McInnes, the founder of the bizarre, right-wing “Proud Boys” fraternity, headlined the event with a rambling speech that included multiple disparaging remarks about women who allow themselves to be a “colostomy bag for someone else’s cum” and plenty of denigrating comments about transgender women.
“Say you’re having sex with a tranny, right? If you’re a straight man and you like women, you look down and you see that weird, like, elephant-trunk baby penis that I assume they have. Do you like that? Oh, OK. Are you gay? Doesn’t a gay like a giant erect cock? So you’re looking down at this weird, twisted course of events that you created with lies,” McInnes said.
In his speech to the event, YouTube personality Stefan Molyneux addressed the women in attendance, explaining the “shitty deal” he believes they’ve been dealt by feminists. Modern feminism, he said, is dissuading women from having children, while immigration into the western world is making up for decreased birth rates.
“By the way,” he said, mocking what he claimed was the message of western liberals, “make sure you don’t have too many children, because, you see, too many children is bad for the environment. Too many children, zero population growth, we don’t need-oh wait, shit, we do. Sorry, I forgot about that. Let’s open the gates to the third world. In they come. Psych. One of the worst ‘psychs’ in the history of humanity.”
Molyneux has devoted recent YouTube rants to his theories that the latest Star Wars film and the TV show “Stranger Things” are allegories about mass immigration, diversity, and the decline of white men.
Other speakers repeated a lot of the “New Right” standard fare. Wintrich-who was arrested last year during a spat involving a speech he delivered that was full of white supremacist 4chan memes-told the crowd that he believed the biggest threat the “New Right” movement is up against is “the leftist propaganda machine.” Khait-who hosts bizarre conspiracy theorists on her show, which is streamed on Cernovich’s Facebook page-said that protesters were outside “because of the money” and referred to billionaire George Soros as “the head of the snake.”


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