Показания в Конгрессе Юрия Швеца, бывшего сотрудника ПГУ КГБ:
"The first full-scale money laundering in Russia to the best of my knowledge is associated with the All-Russia Exchange Bank. It was established in Moscow on April 24, 1991, but the concept of this operation had been formulated in the mid-1980's. The bank was established under the full KGB control and one was under its total operational control. As a front of the operation, the KGB used a 24-year-old Russian citizen, Alexander Konanykhine, appointing him the president of the bank. The full corresponding account of the All-Russia Exchange Bank was opened in the Central European International Bank, Bupapest, Hungary, in November 1991. From November 1991 to May 1992, the bank channeled from Russia hundreds of millions of dollars which are still missing. The total amount of the theft is not clear yet. High ranking officials of law enforcement agencies speaking before the closed door in Russian Duma acknowledged the theft of $300 million. The former president of the bank recently publicly acknowledged the theft of $1 billion. It is remarkable that the money was being taken out of Russia during the first months of Boris Yeltsin assuming the presidency of independent Russia. The newly appointed democratic government, chaired by Yegor Gaydar, declared that the state reserves of hard currency were totally depleted and asked the West for humanitarian aid. At the same time humanitarian aid was coming in, the former KGB was taking hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars out of Russia. It is even more remarkable that the theft was committed by the former KGB in 1992, but after this date the Russian military prosecutor's office has been going out of its way to cover the theft up. Several governments and prime ministers and prosecutors were appointed and dismissed, but military prosecutors kept covering this crime up. The Russian government went as far as misinforming the U.S. Administration on this case. It demonstrates better than any declarations of the Russian officials that the former KGB leadership is as powerful today as it was in the Soviet Union and is as well connected at the top Yeltsin regime and that this regime is corrupt. I would add also that this bank, while executing this money laundering operation, contributed significantly to the Yeltsin electoral campaign in 1992. As a result, I am not very much optimistic when the Russian law enforcement agency pledges to cooperate with the American counterparts on investigating allegations of money laundering in the Bank of New York or other American financial institutions. When the All-Russia Exchange Bank completed money laundering operations, the president, Alexander Konanykhine, moved to the United States and was granted political asylum in this country. I believe it was a mistake. I believe granting him political asylum was a mistake. There are strong indications that Konanykhine was a willing accomplice of the KGB in the operation, in stealing the money from Russia and laundering the money through Western financial institutions." http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/bank/hba59889.000/hba59889_0f.htm
Карон фон Герке-Томпсон считала, что операция ЦРУ по слежке за Конаныхиным была провалена из-за Олдрича Эймса.
"The $1.7 billion Konanykhine wanted to move out of Russia raised a red flag with me, no pun intended. Russia was in the early phase of its transition from a command economy to a free market economy. We had a pending $4 billion appropriation bill to provide financial aid to Russia to assist them in their transition. I telephoned a contact I had at the CIA who served as the director of the Soviet Eastern division. His telephone call was returned to me by a Mr. Z-and I am identifying these individuals by the initial of their last name to protect their identities-who informed me that the CIA was extremely interested in obtaining intelligence on and monitoring the activities of Konanykhine and Khodorkovsky, President of Menatep Bank. Mr. Z informed me that I would be contacted by a Mr. V. On the same day, I received a telephone call from Mr. V. He informed me that the CIA believed that they were engaged in an elaborate money laundering scheme to launder billions of dollars stolen by members of the KGB and high-level government officials. The operation was abruptly ended in September of 1993 when Konanykhine telephoned his Washington associate Elena Cidorchuk-Heinz-Volevok from Turkey to instruct her to terminate the contract with First Columbia Company, Inc., and to cut off all further communications with us. She cited Konanykhine's decision to terminate the contract was based on his belief that I was a phoney. In April of 1994, I was advised by two CIA intelligence officers that the operation had been compromised by convicted spy Aldrich Ames. Mr. V corroborated that I had been compromised on the operation. He personally had routed the traffic on the operation to Ames who was responsible for monitoring money laundering operations at the CNC-the CIA's Counter Narcotics Center. An FBI report submitted to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence confirmed that Ames and Konanykhine were in Turkey in September of 1993 at the same time, in the same location, and at the precise time that Konanykhine telephoned his assistant from Turkey to terminate the contract with First Columbia Company, Inc. A Senate Select Committee report on the damage assessment of Ames' espionage activities also confirms that Ames was in Turkey in September of 1993, where he attended an international counternarcotics convention and where, according to a Statement of Fact, he turned over to the KGB classified cables and documents he had downloaded from the CIA's mainframe computer onto his personal laptop computer. <...> Here is a man who conducted not one, but two money laundering operations out of the Willard Hotel directly across the street from the Office of the President of the United States: the KGB money laundering operation, and the European Union Bank, both of which were undertaken by Konanykhine on behalf of Khodorkovsky of Menatep Bank. The CIA, FBI, and the Department of Justice were knowledgeable of the KGB operation and the Federal Reserve Board was knowledgeable of the European Union Bank. Surely all were knowledgeable of Khodorkovsky's involvement with the Bank of New York. Here is a man who first came to the United States as a member of Yeltsin's first official meeting with President Bush, a man who alleges he financed 50 percent of Yeltsin's presidential campaign, who Yeltsin then rewarded with a dacha previously owned by Mikhail Gorbachev, and who Yeltsin allegedly authorized his then-Chief of Security, General Korzackov, who I understand at the time was a colonel, to assign a Kremlin security deal for Konanykhine's personal safety and protection. Here is a man who was conducting a KGB money laundering operation with tentacles that reached to Boris Yeltsin that was penetrated by the CIA, the President's foreign intelligence operational arm, that was compromised by Aldrich Ames, and no one told the Administration and no one reported it to appropriate Congressional Oversight Committees." http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/bank/hba59889.000/hba59889_0f.htm
"По новой версии Швеца, Конаныхин был не слепым орудием КГБ, а сознательным и активным участником его финансовых афер. В нашем телефонном разговоре, состоявшемся уже в январе этого года, Швец подробно аргументировал свою новую версию. Прежде, говорит Швец, он считал, что Конаныхин верил, что офицеры действующего резерва КГБ, общим числом около двухсот человек, включая нескольких генералов, занимаются в штате Всероссийского биржевого банка обеспечением его безопасности. Но после того как Швец узнал, что в августе 1991 года Конаныхин пригласил на работу бывшего председателя КГБ Леонида Шебаршина, он пришел к иному выводу: после сорванной попытки путча такие люди, как генерал Шебаршин, сами нуждались в защите. Конаныхин же, судя по всему, из тех, кто привык любую ситуацию оборачивать к собственной пользе. Похищение в Будапеште тоже предстало Швецу, как он утверждает, в новом свете: теперь он считает его инсценировкой, призванной создать Конаныхину имидж борца с коррупцией и мафией. На самом деле, полагает Швец, Конаныхин прибыл в США с заданием высшего политического руководства того самого коррумпированного режима, от преследований которого он будто бы бежал. На эту мысль Швеца навели хронологические совпадения: по его сведениям, Конаныхин вместе со своим деловым партнером Еленой Цыдорчук весной 1993 года намеревались учредить в США банк для приема «миллиардов долларов» из России. Одновременно он пытался «за любые деньги» получить 125 паспортов латиноамериканских и карибских государств. Швец считает, что Конаныхин действовал в интересах «политической и социальной элиты» России. В марте 1993 года открылся съезд Верховного Совета, на котором началось жесткое противостояние президента и парламента. Оно завершилось в октябре подавленной попыткой военного переворота, но с марта по октябрь у «элиты», а точнее у ближнего круга Ельцина, не было уверенности в своей победе, поэтому круг этот на всякий случай готовил себе путь в эмиграцию." https://www.sovsekretno.ru/articles/bankir-bez-pmzh/
"The first full-scale money laundering in Russia to the best of my knowledge is associated with the All-Russia Exchange Bank. It was established in Moscow on April 24, 1991, but the concept of this operation had been formulated in the mid-1980's. The bank was established under the full KGB control and one was under its total operational control. As a front of the operation, the KGB used a 24-year-old Russian citizen, Alexander Konanykhine, appointing him the president of the bank. The full corresponding account of the All-Russia Exchange Bank was opened in the Central European International Bank, Bupapest, Hungary, in November 1991. From November 1991 to May 1992, the bank channeled from Russia hundreds of millions of dollars which are still missing. The total amount of the theft is not clear yet. High ranking officials of law enforcement agencies speaking before the closed door in Russian Duma acknowledged the theft of $300 million. The former president of the bank recently publicly acknowledged the theft of $1 billion. It is remarkable that the money was being taken out of Russia during the first months of Boris Yeltsin assuming the presidency of independent Russia. The newly appointed democratic government, chaired by Yegor Gaydar, declared that the state reserves of hard currency were totally depleted and asked the West for humanitarian aid. At the same time humanitarian aid was coming in, the former KGB was taking hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars out of Russia. It is even more remarkable that the theft was committed by the former KGB in 1992, but after this date the Russian military prosecutor's office has been going out of its way to cover the theft up. Several governments and prime ministers and prosecutors were appointed and dismissed, but military prosecutors kept covering this crime up.
The Russian government went as far as misinforming the U.S. Administration on this case. It demonstrates better than any declarations of the Russian officials that the former KGB leadership is as powerful today as it was in the Soviet Union and is as well connected at the top Yeltsin regime and that this regime is corrupt.
I would add also that this bank, while executing this money laundering operation, contributed significantly to the Yeltsin electoral campaign in 1992.
As a result, I am not very much optimistic when the Russian law enforcement agency pledges to cooperate with the American counterparts on investigating allegations of money laundering in the Bank of New York or other American financial institutions. When the All-Russia Exchange Bank completed money laundering operations, the president, Alexander Konanykhine, moved to the United States and was granted political asylum in this country. I believe it was a mistake. I believe granting him political asylum was a mistake. There are strong indications that Konanykhine was a willing accomplice of the KGB in the operation, in stealing the money from Russia and laundering the money through Western financial institutions."
"The $1.7 billion Konanykhine wanted to move out of Russia raised a red flag with me, no pun intended. Russia was in the early phase of its transition from a command economy to a free market economy. We had a pending $4 billion appropriation bill to provide financial aid to Russia to assist them in their transition.
I telephoned a contact I had at the CIA who served as the director of the Soviet Eastern division. His telephone call was returned to me by a Mr. Z-and I am identifying these individuals by the initial of their last name to protect their identities-who informed me that the CIA was extremely interested in obtaining intelligence on and monitoring the activities of Konanykhine and Khodorkovsky, President of Menatep Bank.
Mr. Z informed me that I would be contacted by a Mr. V. On the same day, I received a telephone call from Mr. V. He informed me that the CIA believed that they were engaged in an elaborate money laundering scheme to launder billions of dollars stolen by members of the KGB and high-level government officials.
The operation was abruptly ended in September of 1993 when Konanykhine telephoned his Washington associate Elena Cidorchuk-Heinz-Volevok from Turkey to instruct her to terminate the contract with First Columbia Company, Inc., and to cut off all further communications with us. She cited Konanykhine's decision to terminate the contract was based on his belief that I was a phoney.
In April of 1994, I was advised by two CIA intelligence officers that the operation had been compromised by convicted spy Aldrich Ames. Mr. V corroborated that I had been compromised on the operation. He personally had routed the traffic on the operation to Ames who was responsible for monitoring money laundering operations at the CNC-the CIA's Counter Narcotics Center. An FBI report submitted to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence confirmed that Ames and Konanykhine were in Turkey in September of 1993 at the same time, in the same location, and at the precise time that Konanykhine telephoned his assistant from Turkey to terminate the contract with First Columbia Company, Inc.
A Senate Select Committee report on the damage assessment of Ames' espionage activities also confirms that Ames was in Turkey in September of 1993, where he attended an international counternarcotics convention and where, according to a Statement of Fact, he turned over to the KGB classified cables and documents he had downloaded from the CIA's mainframe computer onto his personal laptop computer. <...>
Here is a man who conducted not one, but two money laundering operations out of the Willard Hotel directly across the street from the Office of the President of the United States: the KGB money laundering operation, and the European Union Bank, both of which were undertaken by Konanykhine on behalf of Khodorkovsky of Menatep Bank. The CIA, FBI, and the Department of Justice were knowledgeable of the KGB operation and the Federal Reserve Board was knowledgeable of the European Union Bank. Surely all were knowledgeable of Khodorkovsky's involvement with the Bank of New York.
Here is a man who first came to the United States as a member of Yeltsin's first official meeting with President Bush, a man who alleges he financed 50 percent of Yeltsin's presidential campaign, who Yeltsin then rewarded with a dacha previously owned by Mikhail Gorbachev, and who Yeltsin allegedly authorized his then-Chief of Security, General Korzackov, who I understand at the time was a colonel, to assign a Kremlin security deal for Konanykhine's personal safety and protection. Here is a man who was conducting a KGB money laundering operation with tentacles that reached to Boris Yeltsin that was penetrated by the CIA, the President's foreign intelligence operational arm, that was compromised by Aldrich Ames, and no one told the Administration and no one reported it to appropriate Congressional Oversight Committees."
Похищение в Будапеште тоже предстало Швецу, как он утверждает, в новом свете: теперь он считает его инсценировкой, призванной создать Конаныхину имидж борца с коррупцией и мафией. На самом деле, полагает Швец, Конаныхин прибыл в США с заданием высшего политического руководства того самого коррумпированного режима, от преследований которого он будто бы бежал. На эту мысль Швеца навели хронологические совпадения: по его сведениям, Конаныхин вместе со своим деловым партнером Еленой Цыдорчук весной 1993 года намеревались учредить в США банк для приема «миллиардов долларов» из России. Одновременно он пытался «за любые деньги» получить 125 паспортов латиноамериканских и карибских государств. Швец считает, что Конаныхин действовал в интересах «политической и социальной элиты» России. В марте 1993 года открылся съезд Верховного Совета, на котором началось жесткое противостояние президента и парламента. Оно завершилось в октябре подавленной попыткой военного переворота, но с марта по октябрь у «элиты», а точнее у ближнего круга Ельцина, не было уверенности в своей победе, поэтому круг этот на всякий случай готовил себе путь в эмиграцию."
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