26-летний Чарли Керк возглавляет молодежную организацию TP USA, которая стилистически играет для трампизма не меньшую роль, чем организация "Наши" для путинизма. https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/154110.html
>> “There's a Communist Living in the White House,” in both English and broken Spanish. ...That airhead sitcom never panned out. Instead, she became a self-described “conservative journalist.”
Неплохая политическая комедия могла получится. Гибрид британского "New Statesman" и американского "Veep".
Несостоявшийся ситком назывался «Виктория». Упущенный шанс прославиться для Джорджа Клуни.
After "SNL," Jackson landed her own sitcom. "(The studio) was paying me tons of money, and they asked me what I wanted to be in my own series. I said in all the hit comedies people play what they really are, like `Roseanne' and `Seinfeld.' They said `we're gonna make you this Las Vegas show girl.' I hate Vegas. It was just silly." The gimmicky show was aptly titled "Victoria" and cast Jackson as the "world's last innocent showgirl." Portraying her boyfriend was the as-yet-unknown George Clooney. The show was taped and ready for broadcast, but the project was scrapped before it even aired.https://tulsaworld.com/archive/snl-alum-brings-stand-up-routine-to-tulsa-club/article_59ebfa0f-f58b-5c9f-8f38-bbb00da306d2.html... )
Шарлатанская империя Брэндана Валлорани помогала мошенникам, которые в сговоре со Стивом Бэнноном собирали с лохов деньги на Стену.
One popular site, Republican Legion, has been selling a “Build the Wall” play set, including Lego-like building blocks and a Donald Trump figurine wearing a “Make America Great Again” hardhat. It also sells a “Border Patrol kit,” marked down from $40 to $34.95: a barbed-wire barrier, plus two figurines each of border dogs, gun-toting border officers and sombrero-wearing “illegal immigrants
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Comments 23
- Jason Stanley (@jasonintrator) September 8, 2020
26-летний Чарли Керк возглавляет молодежную организацию TP USA, которая стилистически играет для трампизма не меньшую роль, чем организация "Наши" для путинизма.
Reminded me that Steven Pinker, author of “Enlightenment Now,” a book partly about the Enlightenment, has often praised the work of Lindsay and Pluckrose. https://t.co/b3Nl87F7pz pic.twitter.com/3NtlebIvS8
- Justin Tiehen (@jttiehen) August 19, 2020
...That airhead sitcom never panned out. Instead, she became a self-described “conservative journalist.”
Неплохая политическая комедия могла получится. Гибрид британского "New Statesman" и американского "Veep".
After "SNL," Jackson landed her own sitcom. "(The studio) was paying me tons of money, and they asked me what I wanted to be in my own series. I said in all the hit comedies people play what they really are, like `Roseanne' and `Seinfeld.' They said `we're gonna make you this Las Vegas show girl.' I hate Vegas. It was just silly."
The gimmicky show was aptly titled "Victoria" and cast Jackson as the "world's last innocent showgirl." Portraying her boyfriend was the as-yet-unknown George Clooney.
The show was taped and ready for broadcast, but the project was scrapped before it even aired.https://tulsaworld.com/archive/snl-alum-brings-stand-up-routine-to-tulsa-club/article_59ebfa0f-f58b-5c9f-8f38-bbb00da306d2.html... )
One popular site, Republican Legion, has been selling a “Build the Wall” play set, including Lego-like building blocks and a Donald Trump figurine wearing a “Make America Great Again” hardhat. It also sells a “Border Patrol kit,” marked down from $40 to $34.95: a barbed-wire barrier, plus two figurines each of border dogs, gun-toting border officers and sombrero-wearing “illegal immigrants ( ... )
Here’s a pic of me and Rich with @BradParscale, President Trump’s campaign manager, at the Trump Rally here in Orlando! pic.twitter.com/rxrlan8xgp
- Brandon Vallorani (@vallorani) June 18, 2019
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