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Aug 30, 2020 19:46

AG Barr: Democrats are now the "Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system"

"They're not interested in compromise. They're not interested in [a] dialectic exchange of views. They're interested in total victory...It's a substitute for religion." pic.twitter.com/92Gx7GZFBo
- Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) August 9, 2020
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tijd August 31 2020, 23:34:01 UTC
Живая иллюстрация к книжке “Jesus and John Wayne”: Эрик Метаксас.

A Portland activist who had traveled to Washington, D.C., to protest the Republican convention says he was punched in the head by one of President Donald Trump’s most ardent evangelical Christian allies. Video of the attack appears to support his claim.
On Thursday, pro-Trump writer and talk radio host Eric Metaxas was among the roughly 1,500 attendees at Trump’s Republican National Convention speech on the White House lawn. Afterwards, Metaxas left the White House grounds with a crowd of people, entering streets where protesters had been staging demonstrations throughout the night.
Footage of that moment shows anti-Trump protester Anthony Harrington biking past a group of Trump supporters, yelling “Fuck Trump, fuck you!” As Harrington passed by, a man Harrington identified to The Daily Beast as Metaxas punched him in the side or back of the head.
The assailant, whose clothing matches what Metaxas wore that night, is then shown rapidly running backwards through the street, as a law enforcement officer pulls Harrington away.
Metaxas did not return requests for comment. But even his allies believe he threw the punch, supporting Metaxas by name while defending his action on grounds that Harrington “had it coming.”
“Sometimes you have to use violence to preserve order,” Christian writer and Metaxas' friend Rod Dreher wrote in a blog post.

By the end of this, Dreher admits he's overthought it all. "I don't care that Eric threw a punch at that guy. He had it coming."
There's a long history of this ends-justify-the-means thinking in white evangelical "Christian manhood." Makes a lot of sense of where we are now.
- Kristin Kobes Du Mez (@kkdumez) August 29, 2020


tijd September 1 2020, 14:52:48 UTC
По поводу скандала с Джери Фолуэллом Ларри Флинт смеётся последним.

If there is one person who could be said to have lifted the orange buffoon over the hump in 2016, it’s arguably Jerry Falwell Jr. The evangelical base, crucial for the election of any national GOP politician, was not warming up to Trump in the primaries, for good reason. Here was a man who had violated almost every principle of the Christian faith: he was married three times; accused of multiple extramarital affairs; repeatedly defrauded investors, contractors, and students; habitually lied; and practiced thinly disguised sexism and racism.
But Jerry Jr. assured his nervous flock that Trump “lives a life of loving and helping others as Jesus taught in the great commandment.” After the Access Hollywood tape came out, with Trump bragging about grabbing women’s pussies with impunity because he’s a rich bastard, the flock started getting cold feet again. But Jerry Jr. came galloping to the rescue with these choice bits of flimflammery: “God called King David a man after God’s own heart even though he was an adulterer and a murderer. You have to choose the leader that would make the best king or president and not necessarily someone who would be a good pastor.” And this: “It’s such a distortion of the teachings of Jesus to say that what he taught us to do personally-to love our neighbors as ourselves, help the poor-can somehow be imputed on a nation. Jesus never told Caesar how to run Rome.”
Many of the flock were not convinced by these rationalizations. Dozens of graduates from Liberty University returned their diplomas in protest, accusing Falwell Jr. of having corrupted the university’s “core mission and defiled its core beliefs, substituting the worship of power and influence for the worship of God.” Another former Liberty student, Kaitlyn Schiess, summed it up best in a recent New York Times editorial: “At Liberty, our minds may have been receiving correct content, but our hearts were being trained to love wrongly: to love political power, physical security and economic prosperity as higher goods than they are… A thirst for political power-and sometimes, obtaining that power-begets more than corruption: It often involves sexual immorality, degraded moral judgment and financial malpractice.”
It’s possible Jerry Falwell Jr. will find forgiveness from his flock, but even if he doesn’t, the $10 million severance payout from Liberty University will surely ease his pain. As for the rest of the country, I repeat the sentiment that has guided me for decades: If there were ever to be a Second Coming of Jesus Christ, I have no doubt that his first order of business would be picking up a whip and banishing forever all the hucksters and false prophets who have perverted his message.


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