Книжка "Democracy in chains" подверглась нещадной критике - автора, маститого историка, критиковали за то, что она не разбирается в экономике, и за то, что она поддается конспирологии. Удивительным образом, практически все критики были каким-то образом связаны с Кохом и зависели от его финансирования.
"In the end, though, the critics discredited themselves. Researchers at Greenpeace and UnKoch My Campus produced a media tracker of all the hostile coverage. After checking IRS 990 forms, they revealed that 92 of 101 critical pieces about the book came from Koch-funded faculty or operatives who failed to disclose that financial relationship, a plain violation of Ethics 101." http://neatoday.org/2019/04/05/nancy-maclean-democracy-in-chains/
В критике от либертарианского Cato Institute для объяснения "public choice theory", главной теории Бьюканена, привлекаются сериалы House of Cards и Veep .
There’s nothing especially radical about this
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The Values Voter Summit is an annual political conference bringing together some of the most extreme groups on the right, including multiple designated hate groups. It was founded in 2006 and is hosted by the Family Research Council. The Family Research Council (FRC) is an organization that relentlessly vilifies LGBT people - portraying them as sick, vile, incestuous, violent, perverted, and a danger to children and the nation. The organization and its president, Tony Perkins, work to push the LGBT community into the closet if not into jail. The FRC makes false and intentionally dehumanizing claims about the LGBT community based on discredited research and junk science. https://www.splcenter.org/we-cannot-accept-bigotry-values-voter-summit
Превратившись в партию Трампа, республиканская партия пошла войной на SPLC.
This past weekend, the Republican National Committee caved to white supremacist and other hate groups by adopting a
( ... )
Trump Jr. and Posobiec are pictured together at a “Wall-a-Thon” event in support of We Build the Wall on July 30, 2019, in Sunland Park, New Mexico, in an image that was published to the Instagram page of someone who appears to have attended it. Trump Jr. spoke at the event along with a cluster of far-right figures such as Mike Cernovich, a male supremacist who has hosted gatherings with white nationalists, Michelle Malkin, who writes for the white nationalist website VDARE, and Darren Beattie, a former Trump speechwriter who lost his job after CNN reported on his ties to white nationalists in August 2018. (Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida, who is also speaking at the RNC on Monday
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The New York State attorney general’s office has stepped up its inquiry into whether President Trump and the Trump Organization committed fraud by overstating assets to get bank loans, asking a judge to order Eric Trump to answer questions under oath and the company to hand over documents, court papers show
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Becki Falwell, a Trump campaign surrogate, appeared on Trump campaign show last year with Lara Trump promoting “traditional family values” pic.twitter.com/OuyY8s6S4u - Will Steakin (@wsteaks) August 24, 2020
Пока не вышла его книжка, Майкл Коэн имеет сказать пару слов:
The people who know Donald Trump best are sounding the alarm: our country cannot survive four more years of a Trump presidency.
"Во время приезда Трампа в Москву в 1996 Джеованис обеспечивал ему, так сказать, культурную программу, которая могла стать частью компромата сексуального характера."
Из сенатского отчета:
Geovanis has claimed that, during Trump's travel to Russia, both in 1996 and 2013, Geovanis was aware of Trump engaging in personal relationships with Russian women. Geovanis has suggested that the Russian government was also likely aware of this information.
Речь идет о Маше Калининой, победительнице конкурса красоты 1988 года.
В июле 1988 Политбюро ЦК КПСС приняло постановление “О сооружении памятника жертвам беззаконий и репрессий”, а в Москве прошёл первый советский конкурс красоты «Московская красавица».... )
Comments 16
"In the end, though, the critics discredited themselves. Researchers at Greenpeace and UnKoch My Campus produced a media tracker of all the hostile coverage. After checking IRS 990 forms, they revealed that 92 of 101 critical pieces about the book came from Koch-funded faculty or operatives who failed to disclose that financial relationship, a plain violation of Ethics 101."
В критике от либертарианского Cato Institute для объяснения "public choice theory", главной теории Бьюканена, привлекаются сериалы House of Cards и Veep .
There’s nothing especially radical about this ( ... )
( ... )
The Family Research Council (FRC) is an organization that relentlessly vilifies LGBT people - portraying them as sick, vile, incestuous, violent, perverted, and a danger to children and the nation. The organization and its president, Tony Perkins, work to push the LGBT community into the closet if not into jail.
The FRC makes false and intentionally dehumanizing claims about the LGBT community based on discredited research and junk science.
Превратившись в партию Трампа, республиканская партия пошла войной на SPLC.
This past weekend, the Republican National Committee caved to white supremacist and other hate groups by adopting a ( ... )
Trump Jr. and Posobiec go back to at least 2017, pre-OANN.
In 2017, Posobiec was:
-“rape Melania”
-accused of plagiarism by Jason Kessler
-defending Identity Evropa
-demonstrating with neo-Nazis
That’s the man who called him “redpilled”:https://t.co/dG9eypO9w0
- Michael Edison Hayden (@MichaelEHayden) August 24, 2020
Лучшие люди, “redpilled AF”.
Trump Jr. and Posobiec are pictured together at a “Wall-a-Thon” event in support of We Build the Wall on July 30, 2019, in Sunland Park, New Mexico, in an image that was published to the Instagram page of someone who appears to have attended it. Trump Jr. spoke at the event along with a cluster of far-right figures such as Mike Cernovich, a male supremacist who has hosted gatherings with white nationalists, Michelle Malkin, who writes for the white nationalist website VDARE, and Darren Beattie, a former Trump speechwriter who lost his job after CNN reported on his ties to white nationalists in August 2018. (Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida, who is also speaking at the RNC on Monday ( ... )
Learn more about LiveJournal Ratings in FAQ.
The New York State attorney general’s office has stepped up its inquiry into whether President Trump and the Trump Organization committed fraud by overstating assets to get bank loans, asking a judge to order Eric Trump to answer questions under oath and the company to hand over documents, court papers show ( ... )
( ... )
Becki Falwell, a Trump campaign surrogate, appeared on Trump campaign show last year with Lara Trump promoting “traditional family values” pic.twitter.com/OuyY8s6S4u
- Will Steakin (@wsteaks) August 24, 2020
Пока не вышла его книжка, Майкл Коэн имеет сказать пару слов:
The people who know Donald Trump best are sounding the alarm: our country cannot survive four more years of a Trump presidency.
In our latest ad, a former member of his inner circle & "fixer" - @MichaelCohen212 - has a dire warning for us all. #RNC2020 pic.twitter.com/suPUODOdwz
- American Bridge 21st Century (@American_Bridge) August 24, 2020
"Издевательство над женой путем принуждения ее к групповому сексу с другим мужчинами объединяет Болтона со злосчастным Полом Манафортом"
Прояснилась также другая история о компромате:
"Во время приезда Трампа в Москву в 1996 Джеованис обеспечивал ему, так сказать, культурную программу, которая могла стать частью компромата сексуального характера."
Из сенатского отчета:
Geovanis has claimed that, during Trump's travel to Russia, both in 1996 and 2013, Geovanis was aware of Trump engaging in personal relationships with Russian women. Geovanis has suggested that the Russian government was also likely aware of this information.
Речь идет о Маше Калининой, победительнице конкурса красоты 1988 года.
В июле 1988 Политбюро ЦК КПСС приняло постановление “О сооружении памятника жертвам беззаконий и репрессий”, а в Москве прошёл первый советский конкурс красоты «Московская красавица».... )
( ... )
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