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Comments 18

tijd August 21 2020, 23:32:51 UTC

Сенатор Тэмми Дакуорт из Иллинойса ( ... )


tijd August 22 2020, 00:30:32 UTC

Julia Louis-Dreyfus: "If we all vote, there is nothing Facebook, Fox News, and Vladimir Putin can do to stop us." #DemConvention pic.twitter.com/gNrA5wRVNZ
- The Hill (@thehill) August 21, 2020


tijd August 22 2020, 01:11:34 UTC
Навальный упоминается в отчете Сената в связи с его расследованием про Дерипаску и Рыбку и деятельностью Бояркина и Приходько.

- Oleg Deripaska primarily implements Russian active measures through Russian national Viktor Boyarkin. Boyarkin is a Russian intelligence officer· affiliated with the GRU. The Cominittee found reliable evidence suggesting that Boyarkin is part of a cadre of individuals ostensibly operating outside of.the Russian government but who nonethdess implement influence operations that are directed by the Kremlin, 1:md funded by key Russian oligarchs, particularly Deripaska. The Committee bases its assessment that Boyarkin is a Russian intelligence officer on the following information: [Redacted ( ... )


tijd August 22 2020, 01:22:18 UTC
Как Бояркин выбивал долги из Манафорта:

In a series of emails sent that spring and summer, Manafort tried to offer “private briefings” about the presidential race to Deripaska, apparently, as one of the emails puts it, to “get whole.” Reports in The Atlantic and the Washington Post revealed those emails in the fall of 2017. Among the questions that remained unanswered was the identity of Manafort’s contact in Moscow, the one referred to in one of the emails as “our friend V ( ... )


tijd August 22 2020, 01:46:05 UTC

... )


freedom_of_sea August 22 2020, 04:22:43 UTC
разве darkness не расизм?

что касается якобы антипутинского настроя демократов я ему не доверяю на грош
На следующий день после победы Байден забудет про Путина и Навального


tijd August 22 2020, 12:35:04 UTC
Каждый год, начиная с 2006, в Госдепе выпускали заявление в годовщину убийства Анны Политковской (по совпадению - день рождения Путина).


Эта традиция прекратилась при Трампе.

Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin:

“As you probably have heard, I am a big fan of yours!” pic.twitter.com/KkclikvZsc
- Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) August 19, 2020
Через год после смерти Политковской и Литвиненко Трамп посылал Путину признания в любви. Его бизнес в это время переориентировался на прачечные для отмывания денег https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/90780.html... )


tijd August 22 2020, 12:59:48 UTC

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tijd August 23 2020, 12:30:17 UTC
Когда Байден выступал в Москве, Трамп, который в это время вошёл в президентскую гонку, обьявил о проекте в Грузии.

I will be developing the two tallest towers in the Republic of Georgia. http://nyti.ms/e9u79i
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 10, 2011

Mainly, the deal is another chance to extend the global reach of the Trump brand, whose brassy gold letters are already stamped on buildings on four continents, as well as a long-running television program, a Scottish golf course, vodka, chocolate, books and jewelry. (The signing ceremony was held at the bottom of the Trump Tower’s four-level atrium, where the surrounding shops include Trump Grill, Trump Bar and a Trump t-shirt stand ( ... )


tijd August 22 2020, 15:47:07 UTC

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tijd August 22 2020, 16:12:25 UTC
Про нарушение международных норм и приближение конца Света в Иерусалиме - полное взаимопонимание с американскими доминионистами и заговорщиками CNP.

I mean WTF...Jerusalem was always the capital of Israel & a second WTF that he said the quiet part out loud... https://t.co/0ftRGYTwr3
- Morrigan (@morrigan_1111) August 17, 2020

Current view inside of @realDonaldTrump remarks at the 2020 Council for National Policy Meeting.

Roughly 250 attendees, mostly maskless with little to no social distancing. pic.twitter.com/IjEWOktYIV
- Elizabeth Thomas (@lizzkatherine_) August 21, 2020

I do believe our white-haired grande dame waiting for Trump to speak at #CNP today is Elsa Zwiep Prince Broekhuizen, mother to Betsy DeVos & busy busy Erik Prince. #ShadowNetwork https://t.co/mtofaUEl46
- Anne Nelson (@anelsona) August 22, 2020


tijd August 22 2020, 17:04:04 UTC
Орденоносец Раш Лимбо по случаю вспомнил, как выступал на CNP по приглашению Пола Вайриха и провалился со скабрезной шуткой про Теда Кеннеди.

Trump is speaking at the Council for National Policy. This is the conservative version of the Council on Foreign Relations that the Rockefellers and Kennedys, the Zebrinskys, whatever, set up. I once emceed a Council for National Policy event. I nearly got the hook because I had not been properly informed as to who the entire membership was. And I told a true but funny Ted Kennedy story, and it bombed. And I could not believe it bombed until I found out who half the audience was. The Council for National Policy was a new organization to me. I knew it was big, and I was very flattered to have been asked to emcee the night’s festivities. Bill Bennett was there. Paul - what’s his name - I’m having a mental block on his name. One of the great, great, great conservative organizers. It’ll come to me. Anyway, I’m standing up, and Tom Clancy is there, and it’s a festive night ( ... )


tijd August 22 2020, 21:17:04 UTC

Real estate mogul Tevfik Arif, with Ivanka and Donald Trump in 2007, allegedly supplied women for prostitution encounters aboard $60M yacht Savarona (bottom). (Von Holden/WireImage) pic.twitter.com/pwGFP6MAVb
- Karol Cummins (@karolcummins) August 22, 2020

Кстати про девочек на яхте. Трамп написал письмо Путину (“As you probably have heard, I am a big fan of yours!”) через два дня после публикации расследования New York Times про Феликса Сатера.

Mr. Trump also said he was surprised to learn of Mr. Sater’s past. “We never knew that,” he said of Mr. Sater. “We do as much of a background check as we can on the principals. I didn’t really know him very well ( ... )


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