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tijd June 1 2020, 14:43:56 UTC
Рейган упоминает Райтера в речи о пользе частной собственности - в том числе идеи передачи акций компании ее работникам (август 1987):

In so many countries, what will change despair into confidence, deprivation into plenty, stagnation into upward mobility is a commitment to human freedom and an understanding of how that relates to the economic progress of mankind. We see evidence of this in the great progress taking place on the Pacific rim. There competition flourishes, the market is less controlled, and the people are freer to invest and engage in enterprise. They are more confident that they will be permitted to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Freedom of enterprise at an individual level builds countries from the bottom up; a lack of it, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. <...>
You know, I have a recent hobby. I have been collecting stories that I can tell -- or prove are being told by the citizens of the Soviet Union among themselves which display not only a sense of humor but their feeling about their system. One of them has to do with the fact that in the Soviet Union to buy an automobile as a private citizen you have to wait 10 years for delivery of the car. [Laughter] And so this story has this one individual going through all the agencies and bureaus that he has to go through with regard to the purchase. And finally he's at the last place where they stamp the paper. And then, 10 years in advance of delivery, he must put up the money -- give them the money for the car. And the man then that had made the final stamp of the paper, taken the money, said, "All right, come back in 10 years and get delivery of your car.'' And he said, "Morning or afternoon?'' [Laughter] And the fellow said, "Well, 10 years from now, what difference does it make?'' "Well,'' he said, "the plumber's coming in the morning.'' [Laughter] <...>
There's no reason to believe that the citizens of most countries with struggling economies are not as bright and hard working and capable as those in countries which are enjoying great progress, like on the Pacific rim. If an environment is created where enterprise can thrive and profit can be made, investment will flow, jobs will be created, production will increase, and everybody will be better off. <...>
In this century, the United States has evolved into a great industrial power. Even though they are now, by and large, employees, our working people still benefit from property ownership. Most of our citizens own the homes in which they reside. You know, every time I take Marine One, that helicopter, and go off to Camp David or something, and I look down at those tracks of homes, some of them with a little backyard swimming pool and all of them with an automobile or two in the driveway, some lawn surrounding it, and I have a fantasy of having Mr. Gorbachev beside me -- [laughter] -- and being able to point down and say those are the homes of American workers. They own them. And then I get frustrated, because he'd think it was something we created artificially just to show him. [Laughter] <...>
Walter Reuther was one of the first major labor leaders to advocate that major -- or that management and labor shift away from battling over wage and benefit levels to a cooperative effort aimed at sharing in the ownership of the new wealth being produced. He was looking far beyond the next contract. There's a story that Reuther was touring a highly automated Ford assembly plant when someone said, "Walter, you're going to have a hard time collecting union dues from all these machines.'' And Reuther simply shot back, "Not as hard a time as you're going to have selling them cars.'' [Laughter] Reuther was killed in a tragic plane accident in 1970, so he didn't live to see the passage of legislation sponsored by Senator Russell Long of Louisiana that provides incentives for employee stock ownership plans, or, as we call them, ESOP's.


tijd June 1 2020, 15:33:20 UTC
Через месяц после этого выступления Трамп разместит, на правах рекламы, во всех крупнейших газетах обращение к американскому народу с критикой политики Рейгана.

Trump described the Gulf as ″an area of only marginal significance to the United States for its oil supplies, but one upon which Japan and others are almost totally dependent.″
″Why are these nations not paying the United States for the human lives and billions of dollars we are losing to protect their interests? ... The world is laughing at America’s politicians as we protect ships we don’t own, carrying oil we don’t need, destined for allies who won’t help.″
Trump’s name has been mentioned for various public offices, including mayor of New York City, governor and the presidency.
Asked if Trump’s letter had anything to do with political aspirations, Klores said, ″Right now Donald Trump has no ambition to seek political office of any kind.″


tijd June 1 2020, 15:44:43 UTC
Выступление Горбачева на пленуме ЦК КПСС в июне 1987:

Ключ же к созданию действенных стимулов повышения эффективности производства мы видим в обеспечении человеку труда положения подлинного хозяина и на своем рабочем месте, и в коллективе, и в обществе в целом. Теоретически и практически бесспорно, что интерес трудящихся как хозяев производства - самый сильный интерес, самая мощная движущая сила ускорения социально-экономического и научно-технического прогресса.
Но что значит, на деле превратить труженика в реального и активного хозяина общественной собственности? Это значит предоставить коллективам и отдельным работникам широкие возможности в распоряжении общественным достоянием и повысить их ответственность за эффективность его использования. Это значит, на деле обеспечить участие широчайших масс трудящихся в управлении экономикой на всех уровнях - от бригады до народного хозяйства. Это значит, что доходы трудящихся должны быть поставлены в зависимость от того, как человек трудится на своем рабочем месте, в рамках своего предприятия, да и, в конце концов, от того, как дело идет во всей стране, вообще - от конечных результатов.
Демократизация экономики неразрывно связана с активным использованием наряду с государственной собственностью различных форм кооперации, индивидуальной трудовой деятельности. На этот счет у нас приняты решения. Но надо сказать, что их практическая реализация вызвала неоднозначную реакцию. Причем зачастую речь ведут не о том, как быстрее и лучше использовать открывшиеся возможности, а насколько правомерны эти формы экономической деятельности на нынешнем этапе социализма.
Кое-кто усмотрел в кооперации и индивидуальной трудовой деятельности чуть ли не возрождение частнохозяйственной практики. Думаю, товарищи, и наш собственный опыт, и опыт других социалистических стран говорит о полезности и необходимости умелого использования в рамках социализма таких экономических форм. Они помогают наиболее полному удовлетворению насущных потребностей людей, вытеснению "теневой" экономики, всевозможных форм злоупотреблений, то есть реальному процессу оздоровления социально-экономических отношений.

В мае 1988 будет принят закон «О кооперации в СССР», и дело с частной собственностью пойдет быстрее.


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