Гримасы русификации

Feb 22, 2017 06:58

Журналист Роджер Коэн пишет про "русификацию Америки":

The Russification of America under Trump has proceeded apace. Vladimir Putin’s macho authoritarianism, disdain for the press, and mockery of the truth has installed itself on the Potomac.

Putin is only the latest exponent of what John le Carré called “the classic, timeless, all-Russian, barefaced, whopping lie” and what Joseph Conrad before him called Russian officialdom’s “almost sublime disdain for the truth.”

The Russian system under Putin is a false democracy based on a Potemkin village of props - political parties, media, judiciary - that are the fig leaf covering repression or elimination of opponents. Russia runs on lies. It’s alternative-fact central (you know, there are no Russian troops in Ukraine). But what happens when the United States begins to be infected with Russian disease?

Между тем опрос Gallup отмечает заметный рост популярности Путина среди американцев. За два последних года, несомненно под влиянием Трампа, популярность Путина среди республиканцев выросла почти в три раза (с 12% до 32%), а среди демократов упала с 15% до 10%.

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