После слушаний в Конгресса
Фиона Хилл с ее каменным лицом и стальным взлядом стала своего рода символом сопротивления
Tomorrow’s New York Times front page, ft. Fiona Hill
pic.twitter.com/9qxWclN47j- Vera Bergengruen (@VeraMBergen)
November 22, 2019 "Right now, Russia’s security services and their proxies have geared up to repeat their interference in the 2020 election. We are running out of time to stop them. In the course of this investigation, I would ask that you please not promote politically driven falsehoods that so clearly advance Russian interests."
На слушаниях в Конгрессе другую важную информацию сообщила Лора Купер, сотрудник Пентагона (в должности Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia). Она рассказали, что украинцы знали о задержке Трампом помощи, выделенной Конгрессом, и интересовались об этом в Пентагоне в день разговора Трампа с Зеленским. Таким образом они отдавали себе отчет в вымогательстве со стороны Трампа.
Cooper detailed three interactions on July 25 that make clear the Ukrainians were already aware of the hold-up in aid. At 2:31 p.m., an email from the State Department came to Cooper that read "Ukrainian embassy and House foreign affairs committee are asking about security assistance." Then another email two hours later, again from State, that made clear that "the Hill knows about the FMF (foreign military financing) situation to an extent and so does the Ukrainian embassy." And then, on that same day, Cooper said "a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance."
By the next day -- July 26 -- US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland was on the phone with Trump telling the President that the Ukrainians were ready to announce the investigations that had been clearly established as a precondition to, at a minimum, securing the White House meeting Zelensky so craved.
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Предшественницей Купер в администрации Обамы была
Эвелин Фаркаш, ушедшая в отставку после того, как были отвергнуты ее предложения о поставках противотанкового оружия Украине.
"We decided that we had to deter Russia. The most important thing we could do was to deter Russia in the Pentagon, we believed. And the best way to do that, we thought in my office, was to make the Russians afraid that they would have to pay a higher price for their military intervention. The higher price would be a price in Russian lives; that if we had anti-tank weapons, the Russian tanks coming at the Ukrainians would get hit, and Russian soldiers would die, and only that would make the Russian military command and the Russian political leadership stop and think twice about whether they should be invading their neighbors."
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/interview/evelyn-farkas/ Ныне Фаркаш идет на выборы в Конгресс на освободившееся место в демократическом округе NY-17. Человека с ее квалификацией может ждать неплохое политическое будущее.
@EvelynNFarkas announces her bid for Congress
pic.twitter.com/AjoicAefxq- Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe)
November 18, 2019 "I chose the Statue of Liberty as the symbol of my campaign as a tribute to my parents and every other immigrant who seeks the American Dream. So many families, like my own, have sought a better life here in New York, and I will stand up to President Trump to keep that dream alive."
https://evelynforny.com/ Congratulations, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy! The United States looks forward to partnering closely with the Zelenskiyy Administration to advance the U.S.-Ukraine partnership and our joint efforts to promote open markets in Europe.
pic.twitter.com/LHtE8gGtmf- Rick Perry (@SecretaryPerry)
May 20, 2019 Рассказ о врагах путинизма можно продолжить женщиной, которая выглядывает из-за спины Зеленского на фотографии с американской делегацией на его инагурации. Это - Елена (Лана) Зеркаль, заместитель министра иностранных дел Украины по вопросам европейской интеграции. За ее улыбчивой внешностью скрывается железная хватка.
Под руководством Зеркаль украинская команда добилась победы в Гааге, где Международный суд ООН согласился принять иск, обвиняющий Россию в пособничестве терроризму и этническим преследованиям.
In a legal victory for Ukraine, the United Nations’ top court for disputes between states said on Friday it would hear a lawsuit filed by Ukraine against Russia for allegedly supporting pro-Russian separatists, rejecting Moscow’s call for the case to be thrown out.
Reading a summary of the ruling, Presiding Judge Abdulqawi Yusuf said conditions had been met for the case to be heard in full, with the 16-judge panel rejecting Russian objections by a large majority.
The International Court of Justice found that on the basis of anti-terrorism and anti-discrimination treaties signed by both countries it has jurisdiction to hear the case over Russia’s alleged support for separatists in Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-ukraine-world-court/u-n-top-court-to-rule-on-jurisdiction-in-ukraine-vs-russia-dispute-idUSKBN1XI1DJ THE HAGUE, 8 November 2019. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the UnitedNations, has today delivered its Judgment on the preliminary objections raised by the Russian Federation in the case concerning Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v. Russian Federation).
"Russia does not want this Court to hear Ukraine’s case on the merits. Instead it tries to create an alternative reality and to manipulate the facts. Let me be clear: the version of the facts you heard yesterday is nonsense. Russia demands to debate the facts prematurely this week, because it knows that on the merits, with full and proper consideration of all evidences, Russia’s behavior cannot be defended."
https://mfa.gov.ua/en/press-center/news/73035-vstupna-zajava-agenta-ukrajini-oleni-zerkaly-na-sluhannyah-u-mizhnarodnomu-sudi-oon На днях стало известно, что Зеркаль уходит в отставку.
"Я розумію, що з точки зору “ми будемо дружити з Росією”, то я не той персонаж, який про дружбу. Я все ж таки файтер… Я представляю позицію, яка відмінна від бачення росіян"
Рассказ о файтерах можно дополнить женщиной-файтером, которая борется за спасение Трампа от импичмента. Элизу Стефаник, в отличие от ее коллег, агронома Нунеса и тренера по борьбе Джордана, нельзя упрекнуть в необразованности или недостатке интеллекта. Игра в цепную собаку Трампа в качестве единственной республиканки в комиссии по разведке стала ее сознательным выбором.
A new Republican Star is born. Great going
https://t.co/9QH4oUa2eg- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
November 17, 2019 У Стефаник собственный зуб на Байдена. Во время избирательной кампании 2012 она возглавляла команду, которая готовила республиканскую звезду Пола Райана к вице-президентским дебатам. Если на дебатах с Ромни Обама держался не до конца уверенно, то вице-президентские дебаты закончились однозначно: Байден размазал Райана по стенке и тем самым помог исходу выборов.
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I am more concerned about Biden in the debate than I am about Obama. Be careful on Thursday night!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
October 10, 2012 I suspect
@JoeBiden could do well tonight. Don't be fooled by his gaffes. He is a seasoned and feisty debater.
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
October 11, 2012 Not surprised Rt
@cbsnews INSTANT POLL of Undecided Voters: Who won
#VPdebate? BIDEN: 50% RYAN: 31% TIE: 19%
#vpdebates- Dan Abrams (@danabrams)
October 12, 2012 Credibility is important to me- hence must admit that both candidates did really well last night.
#VPDebate- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
October 12, 2012 Оправившись после позора с Полом Райаном в 2012, через два года Стефаник присоединилась к нему в Конгрессе. В свои 30 лет она стала восходящей звездой, проявляя ныне забытую умеренность. Ее округ, NY-17, находится на севере штата Нью-Йорк и примыкает к Вермонту и канадской границе. В 2016 он отдал 53% голосов за Трампа.
Stefanik said in a statement today: "I'm proud to have the support of my friend Paul Ryan. He's been a thoughtful and vocal leader in Washington to solve problems, and has worked hard towards getting our nation's spending under control and our budget balanced. Fiscal responsibility and growing our economy in the North Country are top priorities for my campaign."
https://www.syracuse.com/news/2014/01/rep_paul_ryan_endorses_former_aide_in_race_for_congress_as_gop_eyes_owens_seat.html Stefanik, who stresses her small-business experience on the trail, is running on a platform not that different from the one she helped co-author for the Republican National Convention in 2012: the repeal of Obamacare, a simplified tax code, less regulation and protection of military spending - in this case, jobs at Fort Drum, the district’s largest employer.
But those who worked closely with Stefanik at the White House and during her years in making policy say she’s more conservative in temperament than ideology.
“I don’t think anybody is going to mistake her for an ideologue, but at the same time, she is motivated by conservative views about the right solutions for the people she grew up with,” said Joel Kaplan, who was Stefanik’s direct superior during his time as Bush’s deputy chief of staff and remains a close friend.
Упомянутый Джоел Каплан, который был непосредственным начальником Стефаник во время ее работы в администрации Буша, ныне трудится в компании Facebook на должности Vice President for Global Public Policy. Он засветился поддержкой другого бывшего коллеги, а ныне судьи Верховного суда.
https://www.thedailybeast.com/facebook-executive-joel-kaplan-helped-quarterback-his-pal-brett-kavanaughs-supreme-court-nomination Facebook started as Facemash--a hot-or-not ripoff site that stole women undergrads' pics off internal Harvard "facebook" servers in order to humiliate and demean them. FOR CLICKS. FOR FUN. JUST TO SEE IF HE COULD.
pic.twitter.com/jSDofL549Z- Mar Hicks (@histoftech)
July 26, 2018 Стефаник была однокурсницей Марка Цукерберга в Гарварде и начала пользоваться Фейсбуком, когда он еще начинался с Facemash. Она помогла Каплану завести его первый аккаунт на сайте.
Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York who worked for Mr. Kaplan in the White House, said she helped him set up his personal Facebook account a decade ago. “He asked, ’well, is this a dating site?’” she recalled.
When Facebook hired him in 2011, he was hailed by Republicans and Democrats alike as an informed and rigorous policy maker. The Harvard-trained lawyer-who was close friends with and briefly dated Ms. Sandberg in college -was also part of a broader Facebook push to hire U.S. policy executives across the political spectrum.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/facebooks-lonely-conservative-takes-on-a-power-position-11545570000 The top 10 "impeachment"
@Facebook posts over the past 24 hours in terms of # of interactions come from:
1. Donald J Trump
2. Fox News
3. Fox News
4. Donald J Trump
5. Fox News
6. Daily Wire
7. Daily Wire
8. Fox News
9. Donald J. Trump
10. Fox News
https://t.co/bLyPf9xheN- Will Ragland (@citizenwillis)
November 21, 2019 Если Трампу удастся удержаться в кресле во время и после импичмента, это произойдет не только благодаря его союзникам в Конгрессе, включая Элизу Стефаник, и не только благодаря профессиональным пропагандистам с канала Fox News, но и благодаря чудодейственному Фейсбуку.
There are two impeachment hearings unfolding in the nation's capital. One, carried out by the Democrats, is designed to ascertain the truth as to whether Trump sought a "quid pro quo" deal with Ukraine to get the country to investigate Joe Biden and the 2016 presidential election in exchange for aid money. The other, being carried out simultaneously by the Republicans, is quite different. Instead of trying to learn the truth, it seeks to create not just a counternarrative but a completely separate reality.
Each round of GOP questioning is not meant to interrogate the witnesses, which today included Sondland, but instead to create moments that can be flipped into Fox News segments, shared as bite-size Facebook posts, or dropped into 4chan threads. Their alternate universe - built from baseless online conspiracy theories and reading the tea leaves of Trump’s Twitter feed - dominates Fox News and Facebook. And the Republicans’ strategy, as confusing and bizarre as it may seem to those on the outside, is working.
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"The ultimate aim of society should be to make sure that people are not targeted, not harassed and not murdered because of who they are, where they come from, who they love or how they pray.
If we make that our aim-if we prioritize truth over lies, tolerance over prejudice, empathy over indifference and experts over ignoramuses-then maybe, just maybe, we can stop the greatest propaganda machine in history, we can save democracy, we can still have a place for free speech and free expression, and, most importantly, my jokes will still work."
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