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Jul 09, 2019 17:45

Global warming is based on faulty science and manipulated data which is proven by the emails that were leaked http://t.co/5BeAhats
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 2, 2012

Новое любительское расследование подтверждает подозрения о том, что хакерский взлом ученых-климатологов, из которого правой пропагандой был раздут псевдоскандал ( Read more... )

конспирология, хакеры, пропаганда

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tijd July 10 2019, 02:47:28 UTC
Начинают всплывать версии ответа на последний вопрос. Кто бы мог представить, что ту не обошлось без любимого банка Трампа?

The origins of Jeffrey Epstein’s financial empire remain a mystery to even billionaires. But the investor’s former Wall Street mentor has one theory about how Epstein amassed his fortune: Fraud.
In a phone interview with Observer, Steven Hoffenberg alleged Epstein participated in a Ponzi scheme the two ran together in the 1980s, before using the ill-gotten gains to launch his investment company with the help of financial loans from Deutsche Bank.
“Its a very simplistic financial fraud that he concealed from everybody that gave him tainted money,” said Hoffenberg. “He never told anybody, and I literally mean anybody, that gave him any money since he left Towers, that he was part of Towers. And that’s a securities fraud because when you take money from people, you have to tell them your history.”
Hoffenberg oversaw Towers Financial, but was sentenced to 20 years in jail in 1997 for defrauding clients out of $450 million. Although Epstein was never charged in the case, a lawsuit filed last year by former Towers investors lists the financier as “an uncharged co-conspirator,” and alleges he “knowingly and intentionally utilized funds he fraudulently diverted and obtained from this massive Ponzi scheme for his own personal use to support a lavish lifestyle.”


tijd July 11 2019, 01:09:17 UTC

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