За месяц до
событий в Шарлотсвилле политический комментатор Jamelle Bouie предсказал, что однажды Трамп перестанет стесняться и начнет транслировать
нацистскую пропаганду.
Waiting for when Trump says some variation on "We must secure the existence of our people..." and these folks act like it's no big deal.
- b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie)
July 7, 2017 Вчера это произошло достаточно явным образом.
The United States,
as we have known it,
is going to cease to exist.
My God.
https://t.co/wM7cJcwr4d- ian bremmer (@ianbremmer)
January 14, 2019 Трамп цитирует заметку
Пэта Бьюкенена, которого он сам раньше называл неонацистом и поклонником Гитлера.
Цитируемая заметка Бьюкенена достаточно прямым образом отсылает к нацистской теории "
белого геноцида":
The only way to greater “diversity,” the golden calf of the Democratic Party, is to increase the number of women, African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics, and thereby reduce the number of white men.
https://buchanan.org/blog/memo-to-trump-declare-an-emergency-135677 Именно Бьюкенену, вдохновленному теорией белого геноцида, принадлежит идея строительства стены на южной границе. Эта идея была одним из пунктов избирательной кампании Бьюкенена на президентских выборах 1996.
Pat Buchanan suggested using the Great Wall of China as a model for closing the U.S. border with Mexico.
"I'll build that security fence and we'll close it and say, 'Listen, Jose, you're not coming in,'" Buchanan said on the campaign trail.
http://www.cnn.com/US/9603/wx_notebook/21/index.html В этой кампании было много ныне знакомых мотивов, включая лозунг “America First”.
Mr. Buchanan revels in controversy. But as he assails illegal immigration as an "invasion" and refers to Mexicans en masse as "Jose," his critics are accusing him of taking controversy a step too far. They say Mr. Buchanan is speaking in code, using xenophobic images like those or anti-Semitic references to excite bigots without alienating mainstream voters. <...>
His critics acknowledge that their charges can be hard to prove, arising as they sometimes do from inferences drawn from inflection, context, and juxtaposition of ideas in his speeches, rather than flat-out assertions. Mr. Buchanan has said repeatedly that he rejects the support of hate groups.
But every day on the campaign trail with Mr. Buchanan, the comments pop out and the questions arise again. <...>
At other points, it is the historical echo of the language Mr. Buchanan uses that alarms some listeners. Why does he specifically invoke the term "America first," when it is so intimately tied to anti-Semitism? Why, similarly, does he repeatedly attack "New York banks," often Goldman Sachs, when promoting his trade ideas?
https://www.nytimes.com/1996/02/25/us/politics-patrick-j-buchanan-candidate-s-speech-is-called-code-for-controversy.html Click to view
В 1991 Трамп говорил, что идеи Бьюканена не отличаются от идей Дэвида Дюка из Куклуксклана и предсказывал, что один из них может составить конкуренцию Бушу-старшему на выборах 1992.
"If David Duke runs, David Duke is going to get a lot of votes. Whether that be good or bad, David Duke is going to get a lot of votes. Pat Buchanan - who really has many of the same theories, except it’s in a better package - Pat Buchanan is going to take a lot of votes away from George Bush. So if you have these two guys running, or even one of them running, I think George Bush could be in big trouble."
https://www.factcheck.org/2016/03/trumps-david-duke-amnesia/ На республиканских праймериз в 1992 Бьюканен набрал 23%, но не выиграл ни одного штата у действующего президента Буша. На праймериз в 1996 дела у него шли более удачно с ранними победами в Аляске, Луизиане (вотчине Дэвида Дюка) и Нью Гэмпшире.
In the 44-year history of the New Hampshire primary, no Republican has ever won the White House without winning here first. Mr. Dole, long the leader of the Senate's Republicans, said on Tuesday night that he would still capture the nomination, but he acknowledged the power of Mr. Buchanan's effort.
"It's going to be a one-man race before long, but right now it's a two-man race," the Senator told supporters at the same hotel where Mr. Buchanan spoke. "We know that we're now engaged in a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party. That's what this race is going to be about.
"We will decide if we are the party of fear or of hope, if we are the party that keeps people out or brings people in, and if we are angry about the present or optimistic about the future." <...>
Mr. Buchanan's views on issues like world trade and immigration are at odds with the party's recent platforms, and many moderate Republicans fear he would either split the party decisively in the fall elections or drive it too far to the right even if he were not the ultimate nominee. In the New Hampshire race, his opponents had already been gingerly moving toward his positions on trade, jobs and other issues.
Mr. Buchanan has a history of inflamatory comments -- some of his detractors call them xenophobic and racist -- in his years as a conservative columnist and commentator. And many leading Republicans have argued that because he is outspoken on sensitive matters like abortion, immigration and gay rights, he will have a difficult time winning the nomination.
But with his victory in New Hampshire over Mr. Dole, who had far more money, a far better organization and the backing of this state's popular Governor, Stephen Merrill, he broke the race wide open.
https://www.nytimes.com/1996/02/21/us/politics-the-overview-buchanan-a-narrow-victor-over-dole-in-new-hampshire.html Но после Нью Гэмпшира удача Бьюкенена закончилась. Избирательная кампания Боба Доула, включая таких талантливых политтехнологов как Пол Манафорт, набрала обороты и выиграла "a fight for the heart and soul of the Republican Party".
Что касается идеи стены на южной границе, она снова всплыла в 2005 стараниями конгрессмена из Сан Диего Данкена Хантера, сыну и преемнику которого ныне
предъявлены обвинения в мошенничестве (воровстве денег из избирательной кампании на личные нужды).
BLITZER: Imagine a fence similar to the Great Wall of China, but running along the entire United States/Mexican border, stretching some 2,000 miles and perhaps costing $8 billion. My next guest says he'll introduce legislation to build one of those fences.
Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter of California says illegal immigrants are pouring across the border and a huge wall could stop them.
http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0511/03/sitroom.01.html Идею горячо поддержал последователь нацистской теории "белого геноцида", конгрессмен из Айовы
Стив Кинг.
JULY 11, 2006
Steve King goes on the House floor and argues for the construction of 2000 mile southern border wall
He says the top should have an electrified wire and compares immigrants to livestock
He constructs a model of the wall as he delivers the speech
pic.twitter.com/WpAMWpWMzB- Judd Legum (@JuddLegum)
January 13, 2019 King finished his 7/11/06 speech by comparing immigrants to livestock: "We could also electrify this wire with the kind of current that would not kill somebody, but it would simply be a discouragement for them to be fooling around with it. We do that with livestock all the time."
pic.twitter.com/et9ckX8asm- Judd Legum (@JuddLegum)
January 13, 2019 Ныне партия пытается дистанцироваться от Кинга.
Let me be clear--Rep. King’s language is reckless, wrong, and has no place in society. As
@HouseGOP leader I will not let this stand. Action will be taken.
pic.twitter.com/bgyso5VsPx- Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader)
January 13, 2019 Но это не так просто сделать, потому что трудно сказать, где заканчивается Кинг и начинается Трамп.
"Now, we're thrilled to be joined tonight by a number of terrific Republican leaders. Iowa Congressman Steve King... Where's Steve? Where is he? Where is Steve? Where is he? I wish he could get a little bit more conservative. Can you believe this guy? He may be -- we're all -- he may be the world's most conservative human being. Thank you, Steve. And I supported him long before I became a politician."
https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/10/09/president_trump_holds_maga_rally_in_council_bluffs_iowa.html В 2006 Конгресс принял закон о строительстве забора на южной границе (Secure Fence Act), подписанный Бушем. Поправка, внесённая в закон республиканским сенатором из Техаса Кэй Бэйли Хатчисон (нынешним представителем США в НАТО), оговаривала, что забор не будет строиться в тех местах, где существуют более эффективные способы охраны границы.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Fence_Act_of_2006 Намеченное строительство
было завершено во время президентства Обамы. Остальное -