Кубинские казаки

Sep 12, 2018 07:21

Одной из информационных бомб, сброшенных во время предвыборной кампании в 2016 был материал Курта Эйхенвальда в журнале Newsweek о незаконных сделках Трампа с режимом Кастро на Кубе в конце 1990ых.

Бомба была призвана взорваться во Флориде, где проживает большое число кубинских иммигрантов, традиционно голосующих за республиканцев.

Though it has long been illegal for corporations to spend money in Cuba without proper authorization, there is no chance that Trump, the company or any of its executives will be prosecuted for wrongdoing. The statute of limitations ran out long ago, and legal analysts say OFAC’s enforcement division is understaffed, so the chances for an investigation were slim even at the time.And perhaps that was the calculation behind the company’s decision to flout the law: the low risk of getting caught versus the high reward of lining up Cuban allies if the U.S. loosened or dropped the embargo. The only catch: What would happen if Trump’s Cuban-American supporters ever found out?

Бомба не сработала - сообщение прошло малозамеченным на фоне других скандалов, а флоридские кубинцы сохранили партийную лояльность и в большинстве проголосовали за Трампа.

В июле 2014 г., накануне визита Путина на Кубу, Россия простила Кубе долг в $32 миллиарда, накопившийся с советских времен. Примерно через год были восстановлены отношения между Кубой и США, и над посольством США в Гаване поднялся американский флаг.

Это предательство не прошло даром. Работники вновь отрытого американского посольства на Кубе подверглись атакам непонятного оружия, предположительно акустического или микроволнового, серьезно подорвавшего их здоровье.

Из показаний в Конгрессе работников Госдепа:

As you know, twenty-six individuals associated with Embassy Havana have incurred medically confirmed unexplained symptoms and health effects since the Department first became aware of these attacks on December 30, 2016. Reported acute symptoms have included dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, visual problems, ear complaints and hearing loss, and difficulty sleeping. Many of the affected personnel later developed other symptoms, including cognitive problems and imbalance
While the Department first became aware of these health complaints and an increase in Cuban harassment in late December 2016, it was not until months later, after highly specialized medical testing was performed and analyzed by experts, that we began to understand the spectrum of severity and confirm the extent of the health effects. That confirmation indicated that these incidents went beyond routine harassment previously experienced by U.S. diplomats in Havana.

Причастность российских спецслужб к этим атакам можно было предположить изначально. Теперь для этого появились свидетельства.

The suspicion that Russia is likely behind the alleged attacks is backed up by evidence from communications intercepts, known in the spy world as signals intelligence, amassed during a lengthy and ongoing investigation involving the FBI, the CIA and other U.S. agencies. The officials declined to elaborate on the nature of the intelligence.
The evidence is not yet conclusive enough, however, for the U.S. to formally assign blame to Moscow for incidents that started in late 2016 and have continued in 2018, causing a major rupture in U.S.-Cuba relations. <...>
If Russia did use a futuristic weapon to damage the brains of U.S. personnel, it would mark a stunning escalation in Russian aggression toward Western nations, compounded recently by the use of a military-grade nerve agent to poison an ex-spy and his daughter in Britain. Although the full extent of the resulting diplomatic fallout is difficult to predict, a determination that Russia was behind the Cuba attacks would trigger outrage in Congress and foreign capitals and calls for an immediate, concerted response, especially as President Donald Trump faces continued questions about his willingness to challenge Russia and President Vladimir Putin.

Реакции со стороны Трампа не ожидается.

Fidel Castro is dead!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 26, 2016

17 years since September 11th!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 11, 2018

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Госдеп, деньги, Конгресс

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