Вилы для Нунеса

Aug 15, 2018 10:33

Конгресс находится на каникулах, во время которых конгрессмены обычно встречаются с избирателями. Вчерашняя попытка избирателей в Калифорнии пробиться к печально известному Девину Нунесу закончилась тем, что его сотрудники заперли дверь и вызвали полицию.

For more than a year, people have been gathering outside Nunes’ constituent services office every Tuesday, demanding an appearance from the Republican congressman, who is the chair of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee. The regular protesters say that the office is unstaffed.
On Tuesday, front office staff at the Sentinel Executive Offices called Clovis police on the protesters and kicked members of the media and the public out of the building and locked the door.
Democrat Andrew Janz, who is competing for Nunes’ congressional seat, said a building employee (who asked not to be named) would not allow him to go upstairs to Nunes’ office.
“I told her that Nunes ’office is paid for by taxpayers and is public property,” Janz said. “We pay for this office, but if we’re not even given the opportunity to go to the office to make an appointment, and are prohibited from making our way up to his office, I think that’s definitely an issue.”

Independent polling shows our grassroots supported campaign has it all tied up here in #CA22! We have to keep pushing to #ReplaceNunes
Poll -> https://t.co/JOJ1Kep0j6 Donate ->https://t.co/Rp3k0Eph8b pic.twitter.com/jCGTH9rL36
- Andrew Janz (@JanzforCongress) August 14, 2018

Маловероятно, что Нунеса удастся прокатить на выборах в ноябре. Округ считается сугубо республиканским и до сих пор не представлял для него никаких проблем.

For the past decade, Nunes has sailed to reelection in the conservative 22nd District, where Democrats have tended to only run candidates of the “sacrificial lamb variety,” Fresno State political science professor Tom Holyoke told Mother Jones in February. Enter 34-year-old Andrew Janz, a Fresno prosecutor whose nearly $2.9 million fundraising haul and viral campaign ads may give Nunes his closest fight to date. Democrats shouldn’t expect any miracles though: Nunes beat Janz by more than 30,000 votes in the state’s so-called “jungle primary” in June, and the Cook Political Report still rates the district as “solid Republican.”

К тому же Нунес собрал на свою кампанию значительную сумму, в том числе от таких доноров, как Фейсбук.

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Tulare, flexed his fundraising muscles this spring, bringing in nearly $5 million between April 1 and June 30 as he faced a surprising surge from challenger Andrew Janz.
In all, the House Intelligence Committee chairman has raised more than $7 million this election cycle. He ended 2016 with just over $3 million and has spent nearly $4.5 million as of June 30, leaving him with a little over $6 million on hand. <...>
Much of Nunes’ fundraising continues to come from retired or acting agribusiness leaders and corporate PACs, one of which may be a bit of a surprise: Facebook. The social media giant’s PAC gave Nunes $1,000 in June and has donated $6,000 to the incumbent to date.

Последний скандал с Нунесом - в подслушанном выступлении на встрече с донорами его пробило на откровенность. Он признался, что собирается с коллегами устроить импичмент Роду Розенштейну, но после выборов, чтобы не отвлекать Сенат от утверждения нового верховного судьи. Он также сказал, что считает себя последней линией защиты Трампа.

Nunes also said that "if Sessions won't unrecuse and Mueller won't clear the president, we're the only ones. Which is really the danger," according to the audio.
"I mean we have to keep all these seats. We have to keep the majority. If we do not keep the majority, all of this goes away," he added, apparently referring to keeping Republican control of the House in the 2018 midterm elections.

По этому случаю местная газета Fresno Bee, которая в прошлом поддерживала Нунеса, имела сказать несколько слов в редакционной статье:

It is not Nunes’ job to protect Trump from anything. However, it is expressly Nunes’ duty to act as a check on the executive branch. That was the role the Senate played during the Watergate scandal that forced President Richard Nixon from office. That is how the founders of our country designed our government to work.
Devin Nunes needs to uphold our system of checks and balances. Far from being a “true American patriot,” as Trump called Nunes, he is actually acting against our very form of government.

На днях Девин Нунес вместо с того, чтобы встречаться в Калифорнии со своими избирателями, неожиданно обнаружился в Баку на встрече с президентом Азербайджана Алиевым.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has received a US Congressional delegation led by Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Devin Nunes and including member of the committee Rick Crawford.
The successful development of the bilateral relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the United States of America in political, economic, energy and security areas was stressed at the meeting. The sides said Chairman of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Devin Nunes`s visit to Azerbaijan will contribute to the expansion of cooperation.

Неизвестно, что именно заинтересовало Нунеса в одной из самых коррумпированных стран из бывшего СССР.

The regime in Azerbaijan-headed by President Ilham Aliyev and, swiping a move from House of Cards, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva as vice president-is one of the most corrupt, nepotistic governments within the post-Soviet space, and perhaps the most overt kleptocracy in the region. Not only has the government in Baku never overseen a free or fair election, but it even released presidential election results before the actual vote took place-a feat few, if any, autocracies elsewhere have attempted.
Meanwhile, the ruling Aliyev family, buoyed by massed oil wealth off its Caspian shore, has gutted the country’s internal finances, constructing, as the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists wrote last year, “an empire of hidden wealth,” new tentacles of which investigators are continually discovering. And the government has been only too happy to allocate certain of its kleptocratic funds toward whitewashing its image and operations abroad, from corrupting European institutions, to threatening to bring down the Maltese prime minister, to helping spark the largest U.S. congressional ethics scandal since the days of Jack Abramoff.

До развода с женой в 2015 зятем президента Алиева был знакомый Трампу Эмин Агаларов, которым ныне интересуется Мюллер.

Special counsel Robert Mueller has requested an interview with Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, who helped set up the now infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting, according to Agalarov's lawyer.
“Conversations are ongoing" about a potential interview, the lawyer, Scott Balber, wrote in an email. “Unclear how this will play out.”

I suppose any publicity is good publicity, but guys there’s a limit 🤷🏽‍♂️ Hopefully will see everyone during my USA tour next year ✊🏼😀

A post shared by eminofficial (@eminofficial) on Aug 8, 2018 at 6:39am PDT

#replacenunespoll, Мюллер, мафия, #ca22, Конгресс

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