Чистка ФБР

Aug 14, 2018 10:51

#DYK The #FBI has a long history of combatting organized crime. The FBI is dedicated to eliminating transnational organized crime groups that pose the greatest threat to the national & economic security of the United States. https://t.co/v5WdFrZMFn pic.twitter.com/NoOH7a4efq
- FBI (@FBI) August 14, 2018

Вчерашнее увольнение Питера Строка, ( Read more... )

#fbi, ФБР, #dyk, Мюллер, мафия

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Comments 5

tijd August 14 2018, 20:05:55 UTC

Articles about Peter Strzok's firing are currently occupying at least 3 of the top 10 and top trending URL's being shared by accounts in the Russian-linked influence network tracked by @SecureDemocracy's Hamilton 68 Dashboard.

2/ pic.twitter.com/S2Tsy0djMB
- Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) August 14, 2018


tijd August 15 2018, 02:41:01 UTC

Fired FBI agent Peter Strzok has increased his GoFundMe goal to $500,000 from $350,000, which was an increase from the original $150,000. People have donated $333,760 in a day.
- Daniel Dale (@ddale8) August 14, 2018


kichiro_sora August 15 2018, 15:30:53 UTC
После его допроса в конгрессе - давненько я не видел такого, умного, опытного, компетентного и уравновешенного человека. Нереально спокойного under pressure. Такого бы президента нам... donated.


tijd August 15 2018, 16:03:50 UTC
Да, держался достойно.

Дополнительные детали про биографию Строка - в статье Washington Post:

Strzok joined the FBI in 1996, working first as an analyst on terrorism cases and later as a special agent in Boston and Washington. He came to specialize in espionage and counterintelligence work.
“He was beloved by the agents on his squad, and you could tell he was going places,” said Ryan Fayhee, a former Justice Department prosecutor who worked with Strzok. “As someone who has seen him operate for more than a decade, he was by far the best leader that I’d met in the FBI, and he had the most success of any counterintelligence agent.”
No matter where Strzok was assigned, he found himself at the center of the biggest cases. He located the rental car abandoned by three of the 9/11 hijackers, helped arrest Russian spies living a secret life in the United States and supervised sensitive probes of CIA officers thought to have abused their positions.Reply

tijd August 17 2018, 12:38:30 UTC
Подробно про увольнение Строка - репортаж Наташи Бертранд:

Candice Will, long-time deputy director of the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility, had cited three ways in which Strzok allegedly violated FBI policies during the election, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter. The first, “unprofessional conduct off-duty,” directly related to his use of an FBI-issued cell phone to send the private texts. The second, “investigative deficiency”-later reduced to “dereliction of supervisory duty”- related to Strzok’s perceived delay in searching a laptop as part of the probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails in the fall of 2016 that belonged to Anthony Weiner, the husband of a top Clinton aide. Finally, Will told Strzok that he had committed a “security violation” for forwarding certain law-enforcement sensitive documents to his personal Gmail account. Bowdich’s decision to overrule her and fire Strzok on August 10 was considered highly unusual.Reply

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