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Aug 13, 2018 11:48

Сегодня утром судья Дабни Фридрих, которая ведет дело питерской фабрики троллей, отвергла нападки адвокатов Пригожина и подтвердила конституционность Мюллера в качестве специального прокурора.

A federal judge on Monday rejected a Russian firm’s bid to escape charges brought by the special counsel, denying a challenge to the appointment of Robert Mueller III to lead the investigation into Moscow’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
In a 41-page opinion, Judge Dabney Friedrich, a Trump administration nominee to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, struck down each of the arguments Concord Management and Consulting raised to contest Mueller’s authority.
“The appointment does not violate core separation-of-powers principles,” Friedrich wrote. “Nor has the special counsel exceeded his authority under the appointment order by investigating and prosecuting Concord.”

Тем самым она присоединилась к мнению трех других федеральных судей.

Judge Dabney Friedrich, who Trump appointed to the U.S. District Court of Washington D.C. last year, is the fourth judge to quash efforts to upend Mueller's legitimacy and cancel his investigation. Judges overseeing the two trials of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort -- D.C. judge Amy Berman Jackson and Eastern District of Virginia Judge T.S. Ellis -- rejected Manafort's bid to invalidate Mueller.
Earlier this month, the D.C. circuit's Chief Judge Beryl Howell issued a lengthy ruling rejecting similar legal arguments offered by Andrew Miller, a longtime associate of Trump confidant Roger Stone, who was attempting to beat back a subpoena to testify before Mueller's grand jury. Miller's lawyer, Paul Kamenar, told POLITICO on Monday morning that Miller still intends to appeal the decision. Last week, Miller was held in contempt of court for again ignoring the grand jury subpoena, a move Kamenar said was necessary in order to pursue his appeal.

Наиболее авторитетным остается мнение судьи Берил Хaуэлл, которому она посвятила 93 страницы.

Chief Judge Howell's 93-page opinion rejecting various constitutional challenges to Special Counsel Mueller's appointment, officer status, & subpoena power is a tour de force, and ought to sound the death knell for arguments like those made by Calabresi:https://t.co/vqaYgsSaa8
- Steve Vladeck (@steve_vladeck) August 2, 2018

С Хaуэлл борется упомянутый выше адвокат Пол Каменар. Каменар представляет интересы Эндрю Миллера, который работал на Роджера Стоуна. Но его главная цели - аппелировать решение о конституционности расследования Мюллера и, если понадобится, довести дело до Верховного суда.

Эта деятельность оплачивается консервативной конторой National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) и ее донорами.

Attorney Paul Kamenar, who represents longtime Stone associate Andrew Miller, told The Daily Beast he is taking a reduced rate because he believes the special counsel probe is unconstitutional. He said the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) is helping fund his work because they share his Constitutionality concerns.
This is all part of a effort to have a judge find that Mueller’s investigation is against the law.
Peter Flaherty, the chairman of the board of directors for the National Legal and Policy Center, told The Daily Beast that Miller is his group’s only Mueller-related client.
“We needed one client for this project and we have him,” he said. “We’re committed to paying all the costs associated with this Constitutional challenge.”

Первый большой успех NLPC был в середине 1990ых, когда им удалось в судебном порядке раздобыть документы рабочей группы Хиллари Клинтон, которая в 1993 пыталась пробить через Конгресс всеобъемлющую реформу здравоохранения. Руководители NLPC написали по этому поводу книжку "The First Lady: A Comprehensive View of Hillary Rodham Clinton".

Like all dreams, Hillary's came to an end, dying along with her health care plan. The defeat was devastating. First, the purpose of the entire Clinton Presidency seemed to evaporate because so much had been staked on its passage. Secondly, it destroyed the resurgent notion advanced by liberals in 1992 that Americans were ready for a return to activist government. The defeat emboldened conservatives in the 1994 elections, and Republicans gained control of both the House and the Senate. It was more than a personal defeat for Hillary. It was a turning point in American history, and Hillary found herself on the wrong side of history.
By 1995, the political agenda was being dominated by Republicans, especially by the new House Speaker, Newt Gingrich. President Clinton was forced to assert during a press conference that he was still "relevant." Hillary made no such assertion about herself and no one made it on her behalf. Her defeat was total and final. She would still wield influence on her husband and within the White House, but it would be exercised in a traditional way, in the manner of previous First Ladies. The new role she had pioneered, the independent and powerful First Lady with her own agenda and power base, was a thing of the past. The grand experiment, which created so much excitement in 1993, had failed.

Крестовый поход против Мюллера - их новая миссия.

Kamenar will file the appeal Monday morning based on our assertion that Mueller was appointed in violation of the Appointments Clause of the Constitution, and that his appointment is invalid because he was not appointed by the Attorney General but by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Today’s action paves the way to higher courts, and possibly the Supreme Court. Getting to this stage was not automatic or easy. We received significant media coverage today. We are trying to get the constitutional issue front and center.

Между тем нападки Трампа на расследования Мюллера несколько участились.

В попытке нащупать дно, трампогандисты Fox News заняты обсуждением вопроса о том, кто хуже - Мюллер или Путин.

Speaking to NRA TV’s Dan Bongino, Pirro crossed her arms and asked, “Is Mueller a greater threat than [Russian President Vladimir] Putin to this country?
Bongino took the bait.
“Well, he’s a serious threat,” Bongino opined, before adding he is basing his entire operation on a “sham.”
Then, with the chyron blaring “Pressure mounts on Mueller’s witch hunt” on the bottom of the screen, Bongino made his case, citing the “unverified” dossier.
Pirro then asked the same question to Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.
With a shake of the head, Kirk said that it was tough to say before adding Mueller was doing “so much damage” to this country. He then pointed fingers at Congressional Republicans for appointing Mueller and giving him “unlimited power” to go after President Donald Trump.

Последняя порция нападок на Мюллера и ФБР вызвана очередным креативом "сливного бочка" Джона Соломона, которого за вранье перевели в раздел opinion. Соломону кто-то слил переписку Кристофера Стила с Брюсом Ором http://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/400810-opinion-how-a-senior-justice-official-helped-dems-on-trump-russia-case

В ФБР Брюс Ор заведовал отделом по борьбе с организованной преступностью.

Have any of the nutters obsessing about Christopher Steele to Bruce Ohr revealed whether ongoing comms between them were related to TRUMP or just to organized crime, though I admit the distinction is hard to sustain.
- emptywheel (@emptywheel) August 12, 2018

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