В "День России" 12 июня 2015, за три дня до официального вступления Трампа в президентскую гонку,
Мария Бутина публикует статью The Bear and the Elephant с подзаголовком "It may take the election of a Republican to the White House in 2016 to improve relations between the Russian Federation and the United States." В статье утверждается, что республиканский слон ближе к русскому медведю (партии "Единая Россия"), чем к демократическому ослу.
Finally, many Russians have taken note of recent Pew Research Center data that shows that the American Republican Party derives much of its support from social conservatives, businessmen and those that support an aggressive approach to the war against Islamic terrorism. These are values espoused by United Russia, the current ruling political party in Moscow. At the very least, it would appear that modern Russia has more to talk about with American Republicans than American Democrats.
https://nationalinterest.org/feature/the-bear-the-elephant-13098 Статью опубликовал Center for National Interest (CNI), который возглавляет пропутинский деятель
Димитрий Саймс (родившийся в Москве под именем Дмитрий Симис).
Д.Саймс: Я с удовольствием слушал весь предыдущий разговор и, конечно, выступление Президента. Я немножко ощущаю себя некомфортабельно, как тот честный старик, который сказал: «Господин Президент, я честный старик, мне нечего терять, вы гений». Вот я не хочу выступать в этом духе и не буду.
В.Путин: А зря. Чего проще‑то: сказал, и всё. (Смех.)
Д.Саймс: Может быть, Вам понравится, мы увидим.
http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/19243/work В 2015 CNI организовал встречу Торшина и Бутиной с руководителями Федерального резерва и Министерства финансов, очевидно для дискуссии о санкциях.
The meetings, disclosed by several people familiar with the sessions and a report prepared by a Washington think tank that arranged them, involved Stanley Fischer, then Federal Reserve vice chairman, and Nathan Sheets, then Treasury undersecretary for international affairs.
Butina traveled to the United States in April 2015 with Alexander Torshin, then the Russian Central Bank deputy governor, and they took part in separate meetings with Fischer and Sheets to discuss U.S.-Russian economic relations during Democratic former President Barack Obama’s administration.
The two meetings, which have not been previously reported, reveal a wider circle of high-powered connections that Butina sought with American political leaders and special interest groups.
Butina’s lawyer, Robert Driscoll, did not have any details about her participation in meetings with Treasury and Federal Reserve officials when asked about them on Friday.
Torshin did not answer calls to his cellphone on Monday. A spokeswoman for the Russian central bank said Torshin declined to comment on the subject.
The meetings with Fischer and Sheets were arranged by the Center for the National Interest, a Washington foreign policy think tank that is supportive of efforts to improve U.S.-Russia relations.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-russia-butina-exclusive/exclusive-accused-russian-agent-butina-met-with-u-s-treasury-fed-officials-idUSKBN1KC0DC Here's a notable Getty pic from the April 27, 2016 Mayflower Hotel event-Kislyak & Sessions both named in the official caption
pic.twitter.com/epubUUfkKc- Kerry Eleveld (@kerryeleveld)
June 1, 2017 Этот же Центр организовал 27 апреля 2016 в отеле Mayflower
первое выступление Трампа на тему международной политики: "I believe an easing of tensions, and improved relations with Russia from a position of strength only is possible, absolutely possible."
The Center for the National Interest invited Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and several other ambassadors to the speech. We regularly invite ambassadors and other foreign representatives to our events to facilitate dialogue. Ambassador Kislyak was one of four foreign ambassadors who attended the speech that day. We seated all four in the front row during the speech in deference to their diplomatic status. The Trump campaign had nothing to do with the seating arrangement.
https://nationalinterest.org/feature/statement-regarding-president-trumps-april-27-2016-foreign-19715 Пока Мария Бутина томится в предварительном заключении, выяснились ее дополнительные связи. Спонсорскую поддержку Бутиной оказывал миллиардер Константин Николаев, рожденный в Днепропетровске выпускник философского факультета МГУ и деловой партнер Тимченко и Ротенберга.
Butina told the Senate Intelligence Committee in April that Nikolaev provided funding for a gun rights group she represented, according to the person. A spokesman for Nikolaev confirmed that he was in contact with her as she was launching the gun rights group in Russia between 2012 and 2014. He declined to confirm whether Nikolaev gave her financial support.
Nikolaev’s fortune has been built largely through port and railroad investments in Russia. He also sits on the board of American Ethane, a Houston ethane company that was showcased by President Trump at an event in China last year, and is an investor in a Silicon Valley start-up.
Nikolaev has never met Trump, according to his spokesman.
However, Nikolaev’s son Andrey, who is studying in the United States, volunteered in the 2016 campaign in support of Trump’s candidacy, according a person familiar with his activities. Nikolaev was spotted at the Trump International Hotel in Washington during Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, according to two people aware of his presence.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/russian-billionaire-with-us-investments-backed-alleged-agent-maria-butina-according-to-a-person-familiar-with-her-senate-testimony/2018/07/22/dcaa7f48-8c58-11e8-a345-a1bf7847b375_story.html В Вашингтоне Бутина встречалась с
Олегом Жигановым, ныне высланным из США сотрудником российской разведки под прикрытием.
Accused Russian sleeper agent Mariia Butina met in January with the head of a Russian government-affiliated cultural center that authorities have long suspected of being a front for recruiting young American spies.
Authorities believe the meeting with Oleg Zhiganov, the longtime director of the Russian Cultural Centre, was one of several pieces of evidence that Butina was a flight risk, and a judge recently agreed. But Butina’s attorney insists the get-together was nothing more than a nice dinner out between two Russian expatriates who had met a few times at the embassy, where Zhiganov serves as first secretary.
https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/28/mariia-butina-russia-kremlin-suspected-spy-746043 Наряду с Полом Эриксоном (названным в обвинительном заключении "U.S. Person 1"), идентифицирован и "U.S. Person 2" - наследник Рокфеллера Джордж О'Нил младший.
Court papers describe Ms. Butina discussing with Americans the idea of holding “friendship dinners” to bring together Russians with politically active Americans. One of those Americans, prosecutors say, hosted such a dinner in February 2017 before that year’s National Prayer Breakfast.
Mr. O’Neill, an heir to the Rockefeller fortune and an outspoken advocate of closer ties with Russia, hosted that event, as he confirmed in a magazine column. The charging documents say Ms. Butina told him that a representative of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s administration had approved “building this communications channel.”
Mr. O’Neill, who hasn’t been accused of wrongdoing, didn’t respond to emails and phone messages. In the charging papers, he isn’t described by name but is called “U.S. Person 2.”
“All that we needed is <> from Putin’s side. The rest is easier,” Ms. Butina told Mr. O’Neill, according to the court documents, in an apparent effort to relay approval from the Russian government of a U.S-Russian back channel through events like the dinner.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/rockefeller-heir-was-contact-of-alleged-russian-agent-1532622860 В статье Why Do We Want a Cooperative Relationship With Russia? О'Нил не только признается в том, что организовал ужин в Вашингтоне с российской делегацией (включая Торшина и Бутину) после
молитвенного завтрака, но и приводит список видных американских путинистов, включая
Эдуарда Лозанского,
Стивена Коэна и т.п.
Some months back I organized a dinner on Capitol Hill that brought together some former and current Russian officials with a number of prominent U.S. Republicans and conservatives, including two congressmen, a conservative magazine publisher, some journalists, and others. It didn’t seem like a particularly newsworthy event-just a routine opportunity for some top Washington hands to share views and perceptions with prominent counterparts from another national capital. The fact that the foreign capital was Moscow testified to the fact that I have been concerned about the rising bellicosity in the U.S.-Russian relationship.
http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/why-do-we-want-a-cooperative-relationship-with-russia/ Его связи с Бутиной, возможно, помогло то, что, как истинный консерватор, О'Нил придерживается строгой морали, о чем стало известно во время скандального развода.
It is a story that can only get uglier. In diaries Amy kept toward the end of her marriage, she writes in great detail of lurid episodes in which her husband allegedly tried to coerce her into three-ways and of his tormenting her by allegedly boasting of various sexual conquests with his employees. In a lengthy letter she intended to send to her mother-in-law but decided not to, Amy describes how she spent the last year of her marriage: fending off George’s “immoral and deviant” demands, which “included sodomy, participating in group sex with prostitutes, household employees and friends, watching hardcore pornography … attending strip clubs, [and] repeatedly urging that I wear a remote control sex toy.… I suffered in silence. I did not want to disgrace my husband.… Overwhelming shame prevented me from fully articulating my experience, even in therapy. I was too embarrassed to go to confession.”
https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2000/01/rockefellers-200001 Especially if you're a certain prominent conservative thought leader. Lawyer up!
https://t.co/PoIhIClPYH- Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson)
July 19, 2018