Jul 10, 2018 17:00

Как бы последовав совету сенатора Шелби " think the unthinkable", известный публицист Джонатан Чаит написал длинную заглавную статью Will Trump Be Meeting With His Counterpart - Or His Handler? в журнале New York, собрав многочисленные факты и свидетельства в пользу гипотезы о Трампе, как агенте и марионетке Кремля.

What is missing from our imagination is the unlikely but possible outcome on the other end: that this is all much worse than we suspect. After all, treating a small probability as if it were nonexistent is the very error much of the news media made in covering the presidential horse race. And while the body of publicly available information about the Russia scandal is already extensive, the way it has been delivered - scoop after scoop of discrete nuggets of information - has been disorienting and difficult to follow. What would it look like if it were reassembled into a single narrative, one that distinguished between fact and speculation but didn’t myopically focus on the most certain conclusions?

Новых для себя фактов я в этом анализе не обнаружил, но их компиляция заслуживает внимания.

That Trump has some sort of unsavory clandestine relationship with the Kremlin (agent-of-influence-like) since at least 1987 is screamingly obvious to anyone versed in FCI & RIS. Nice to see the MSM now join the party. Would have been nice if they noticed a couple years earlier.
- John Schindler (@20committee) July 9, 2018

В этом и других анализах комментаторы заслуженно обращают внимание на ключевую роль поездки Трампа в Москву в 1987, но упускают из внимания другую точки бифуркации - 2011 год.

2010: Дэвид Босси, опытный республиканский политтехнолог, знакомит Трампа со Стивом Бэнноном. Совместно они начинают планировать президентскую кампанию Трампа.

GROSS: So how did Steve Bannon first get connected to Donald Trump? You said they were introduced through David Bossie?
GREEN: They were introduced by David Bossie, who as some listeners may know, is a longtime Republican operative whose specialty really is taking on the Clintons. Bossie first came on the scenes as an investigator for Dan Burton, the chairman of the Government Oversight Committee in the '90s, who was the main figure trying to take down Bill Clinton at the time.
Bossie was fired from his job for doctoring tapes that were meant to incriminate Bill and Hillary Clinton. But he wound up becoming the head of a group called Citizens United, which is probably most famous today for having sued the FEC and won the Citizens United Supreme Court case that was built around a movie that Bossie and Citizens United had produced, an anti-Hillary Clinton movie that was supposed to run on the eve of the 2008 election.
So Trump met Bossie through Steve Wynn, the Las Vegas casino mogul. And they were at a fundraiser. He brought the two of them together. Trump was thinking about getting more seriously involved in politics, started turning to Bossie for advice. And one day in 2010, Bossie asked his friend Steve Bannon to come along. And that's how they all met.

Следуя заветам Ли Этуотера, Босси начинал свою политическую карьеру с охоты на Билла Клинтона.

He first came to national attention in a July 1992 report on the "CBS Evening News." It was not an auspicious debut.
Correspondent Eric Engberg reported that Bossie and a retired D.C. police officer, Jim Murphy, both working for Brown, had been harassing the friends and family of Susan Coleman, who had committed suicide years before. They were trying to confirm that Coleman shot herself "following a love affair with her law professor, Bill Clinton, that left her pregnant," Engberg reported. Bossie and Murphy trailed Coleman's mother to an Army hospital in Augusta, Ga., where her husband was being treated for a stroke. "Here the two men burst into the sick man's room," Engberg narrated, "and began questioning the shaken mother about her daughter's suicide." A chastened Bossie later told friends that the CBS story had made his grandmother cry.

После он переключился на всю чету Клинтонов и в 2004 был готов обрушить тонны собранного компромата на Хиллари Клинтон. К его разочарованию, в тот год она не стала баллотироваться в президенты.

Kerry was clearly not Bossie's first choice of nominee. In his basement he proudly showed me dozens, perhaps hundreds, of boxes marked "HILLARY: WHITEWATER" or "HILLARY: TRAVELGATE." He called them the "Sierra Madre of Hillary oppo," regretfully adding that what could have been "ready to roll in twenty-four hours" will now have to wait until 2008.

В 2016 Босси присоединился к кампании Трампа в качестве заместителя Бэннона и, оставаясь в тени, выполнял ключевую работу. Ему приписывается идея проводить последние митинги перед выборами в таких штатах, как Висконсин и Мичиган, которые считались частью непробиваемой "синей стены" демократов и за счет которых Трампу удалось выиграть.

Bossie said that Comey’s letter to congressional leaders about renewing the Clinton probe was not the impetus for the expansion. He said Trump’s trips to Michigan, Wisconsin and New Mexico, as well as Maine, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania, were planned before the FBI director made his announcement and were based on confidence in Trump’s appeal to non-Republican voters.

“He was largely responsible for the decision to move components and campaign resources to Michigan and Wisconsin at the last minute, and moved the president’s schedule,” a senior Trump campaign aide told The Daily Beast. “Kellyanne would do these things with the pollsters, then Bossie came up with the plan of how to get them there… and worked closely with the digital team, finance department, and [communications] team to do it. He tied [it all] together.”
Another Team Trump alumnus described Bossie as a “key component” to why “Trump went [to ‘Blue Wall’ states], and why he won” the White House.

После вступления в должность Трамп, вопреки ожиданиям, не взял Босси в Белый дом, потому что решил, что его будет эффективней использовать снаружи, в частности для борьбы с Рашагейтом.

The president decided that Bossie and Lewandowski would be “more valuable on the outside than on the inside fighting back against the Russia narrative specifically,” said a person with knowledge of the conversations.

Но вернемся в 2011.

10 февраля 2011: Трамп неожиданно появляется среди участников CPAC и в своем выступлении заявляет о готовности выставляться на выборы президента.

"If I decided to run, I will not be raising taxes, we'll be taking back hundreds of billions of dollars from other countries that are screwing us, we'll be creating vast numbers of productive jobs, and we'll rebuild our country so that we can be proud. Our country will be great again."

17 марта 2011: Резолюция 1973 СБ ООН становится началом международной интервенции в Ливии.

22 марта 2011: На передаче Джона Стюарта комедиант Льюис Блэк в шутку агитирует за Трампа. Юмор, как говорится, мало состарился.

“What this country needs is a crazy Third World dictator, and Donald Trump has what it takes to be that. He’s already got a plane with his name on it, solid-gold buildings, a harem! <...> He’s even got the look of a dictator! Now, is [Trump's] hair any less crazy than [Kim Jong-il’s] hair? And he’s got what every good dictator needs: a ridiculously over-sized ego <...> This is what I’ve been waiting for my whole life! A president who’s not afraid to tell the truth-about being a lying asshole.”


23 марта 2011: Трамп подхватывает знамя "birtherism"а для нападок на Обаму.

“Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate? I wish he would because I think it’s a terrible pall that’s hanging over him <…> There’s something on that birth certificate that he doesn’t like.”

Вскоре это становится его главным коньком для завоевания популярности среди республиканцев. Fox News любезно предоставляет платформу.

22 апреля 2011: Психологи в Кэмбридже разрабатывают метод психометрики на основе Фейсбука - прототип технологии Cambridge Analytica.

For the first time, it means that companies, politicians, celebrities and anyone else with a Facebook presence can investigate not just how many people “like” them - they can also draw up a detailed profile that includes information about their average follower’s personality, IQ and satisfaction with life. Other data such as the gender balance and average age of their fanbase is also made available.
In addition, users can examine what people with similar profiles also like on Facebook. For example, a quick search for Barack Obama reveals that his typical fan is middle-aged, relatively happy with life and a relaxed, steady-going individual. Similar people tend to be fans of Adam Sandler, Bob Marley, Family Guy and the Angelina Jolie action thriller, Salt.
Not surprisingly, Sarah Palin appeals to a rather different personality type. Her followers are likely to be more traditional in mindset, disciplined, dutiful, and older than the average Obama fan. Perhaps less predictably, her typical Facebook followers are not hockey-mums, but men. People with similar profiles still track the fortunes of the last President, George W. Bush, and also enthuse about Pizza Hut and the Seattle Seahawks. More sample profiles are shown in the panel below.
The site was created by Michal Kosinski and David Stillwell, both researchers at the University of Cambridge’s Psychometrics Centre. So far they have aggregated the data from about 170,000 participants, which means that they have been able to process about 36,000,000 individual “likes” in all.

27 апреля 2011: Обама публикует свидетельство о рождении.

29 апреля 2011: На съезде NRA Клайн Престон знакомит президента организации Дэвида Кина с Александром Торшиным.


1 мая 2011: Обама и Сет Майерс жестко высмеивают Трампа и его президентские амбиции на White House Correspondent's Dinner.

16 мая 2011: Трамп официально объявляет о выходе из президентской гонки.

"I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election. I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector. <...> Issues, including getting tough on China and other countries that are methodically and systematically taking advantage of the United States, were seldom mentioned before I brought them to the forefront of the country’s conversation. They are now being debated vigorously."

1 июня 2011: Откликаясь на встречу Трампа с Сарой Пэйлин в Нью-Йорке, Джон Стюарт издевательски учит Трампа, как правильно есть пиццу.


июнь 2011: Миллиардеры Мерсеры знакомятся с Бэнноном и Эндрю Брейтбартом и вкладывают деньги в Breitbart.

In 2011, Bannon drafted a business plan for the Mercers that called for them to invest ten million dollars in Breitbart News, in exchange for a large stake. At the time, the Breitbart site was little more than a collection of blogs. The Mercers signed the deal that June, and one of its provisions placed Bannon on the company’s board.

15 июля 2011: Бэннон выпускает фильм "The Undefeated", призванный послужить трамплином для президентской кампании Сары Пэйлин. Фильм проваливается в прокате и высмеивается критиками.

1 августа 2011: Юрий Мильнер, которому уже принадлежит 10% Фейсбука, делает серьезное вложение в Твиттер - платформу, которую сыграла большую роль в Арабской Весне.

Twitter has confirmed rumors that it has received funding from Yuri Milner's DST Global, along with existing investors.
The company said in a blog post that it was a "significant funding," with the amount not specified, but reports from AllThingsD and others peg the deal at $400 million plus a possible $400 million in secondary funding.

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20-25 августа 2011: Визит корейского диктатора Ким Чен Ира в Россию.

Обсуждают проект газопровода. Но Ким, подобно Путину, похоже, тоже не на шутку обеспокоен Арабской Весной и событиями в Ливии, включая бегство Каддафи. Эти события напоминают ему о необходимости как можно быстрее обзавестись ядерным оружием.

Вопрос: Каковы итоги встречи с Ким Чен Иром, и обсуждались ли энергетические вопросы?
Д.Медведев: У меня вполне позитивные ощущения от встречи, она была откровенной, содержательной, очень многоаспектной. Говорили по двусторонним вопросам, и по многосторонним, и по региональным проблемам безопасности, естественно - по корейской ядерной программе и по денуклеаризации Корейского полуострова. В общем, по всем существенным вопросам прошлись.

24 сентября 2011: На съезде "Единой России" Медведев официально объявляет о рокировке с Путиным.

20 октября 2011: Смерть Каддафи.

10 декабря 2011: Через неделю после жульнических выборов в Госдуму массовые протесты на Болотной площади в Москве.

17 декабря 2011: Смерть Ким Чен Ира.

антураж, выборы, история

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