
Jul 03, 2018 16:57

Марк Уорнер - самый состоятельный сенатор, заработавший в прошлой жизни порядка $100 миллионов - устраивал в конце июня для коллег по демократический партии прием в своем доме в Martha’s Vineyard. Была подслушана его шутливая реплика: “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.”

Посмотрим, что нам принесут следующие пара месяцев. Пока что комиссия Сената по разведке, где Уорнер служит заместителем председателя, выпустила важный промежуточный отчет, в котором явным образом подтверждает выводы американских разведслужб, опубликованные в январе 2017, о российском вмешательстве в выборы 2016 и о том, что это вмешательство осуществлялось по личному указанию Путина и для помощи Трампу.

The Committee finds that the Intelligence Community met President Obama’s tasking and that the ICA is a sound intelligence product. While the Committee had to rely on agencies that the sensitive information and accesses had been accurately reported, as part of our inquiry the Committee reviewed analytic procedures, interviewed senior intelligence officers well-versed with the information, and based our findings on the entire body of intelligence reporting included in the ICA. <...>
As the inquiry has progressed since January 2017, the Committee has seen additional examples of Russia's attempts to sow discord, undermine democratic institutions, and interfere in U.S. elections and those of our allies.

Доклад также подтверждает, что в своих выводах разведка и котрразведка не использовала информацию из досье Стила, а полагалась на собственные источники.

The FBI had a collection of reports a former foreign intelligence officer was hired to compile as opposition research for the U.S. election, referred to asthe "dossier," when the ICA was drafted. However, those reports remained separate from the conclusions of the ICA. All individuals the Committee interviewed verified that the dossier did not in any way inform the analysis in the ICA - including the key findings - because it was unverified information and had not been disseminated asserialized intelligence reporting.

Комиссия находится в контакте с Кристофером Стилом и его адвокатами и продолжает пробивать возможность для Стила дать официальные показания.

The head of the top congressional committee investigating Russian election interference says that the panel has been in “weekly” contact with lawyers for former British spy Christopher Steele, the author of a dossier alleging years of links between President Donald Trump and the Kremlin.
“We’re still in conversation weekly,” North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, chair of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, told BuzzFeed News. Asked if Steele had provided any information to the committee, Burr said: “That continues to be the topic weekly.”

Взвешенный межпартийный подход в Сенате контрастирует с цирком, который творится в нижней палате Конгресса. Питера Строка допрашивали 11 часов за закрытыми дверями. Республиканское руководство юридической комиссии отказывается публиковать протокол его показаний, но ныне вызвало его вновь по повестке для публичных показаний.

The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed embattled FBI agent Peter Strzok Tuesday for a second round of questioning early next week, but this time it will be public.
Strzok, formerly the No. 2 counterintelligence official at the FBI, has been lambasted by Republicans lawmakers for the mountain of text messages he exchanged with former FBI lawyer Lisa Page disparaging then-candidate Donald Trump during the time the pair worked on the investigations into Hillary Clinton's private email server and potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
Strzok was interviewed last week for 11 hours, in both unclassified and classified settings, after House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte initially slapped him with a subpoena to testify last month, although the two sides ultimately agreed to a voluntary interview and the subpoena was withdrawn.

Прозрачная цель - нападками на Строка попытаться подорвать расследование Мюллера.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 10:00 a.m., the House Committees on the Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform will hold a joint hearing on “Oversight of FBI and DOJ Actions Surrounding the 2016 Election: Testimony by FBI Deputy Assistant Director #Strzok https://t.co/p0EXdXKL6f
- House Judiciary ⚖ (@HouseJudiciary) July 3, 2018

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Одновременно продолжаются нападки на Рода Розенштейна с попытками создать повод для его отстранения. Особенно усердствовал один из "цепных псов" Трампа, влиятельный конгрессмен из Огайо Джим Джордан.

Повод для нападок - давление на Министерство юстиции с требованием предоставить материалы расследования Рашагейта. Если Розенштейн прогнется под давлением, эти материалы можно будет слить Трампу и его адвокатам. Если не прогнется, то тем самым подставит себя под плаху.

Голосованием строго по партийной линии Джордан и его сообщники протащили резолюцию Палаты представителей, которая обязывает Минюст предоставить все запрошенные документы до 6 июля.

Посмотрим, как будет крутится Джим Джордан со своими требованиями "прозрачности расследования" в его собственном скандале - выяснилось, что он в прошлом покрывал доктора-педофила, жертвой сексуальных домогательств которого стали более тысячи студентов.

Rep. Jim Jordan, the powerful Republican congressman from Ohio, is being accused by former wrestlers he coached more than two decades ago at Ohio State University of failing to stop the team doctor from molesting them and other students.
The university announced in April that it was investigating accusations that Dr. Richard Strauss, who died in 2005, abused team members when he was the team doctor from the mid-1970s to late 1990s.
Jordan, who was assistant wrestling coach at the university from 1986 to 1994, has repeatedly said he knew nothing of the abuse until former students began speaking out this spring, and continued to deny it on Tuesday. His denials, however, have been met with skepticism and anger from some former members of the wrestling team.

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Для контраста - Ted Lieu на тех же слушаниях.

"And then, let me conclude my comments to you, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein. You have shown immense courage in the face of unfair criticism and overreaching requests. Stand your ground. You took an oath to the Constitution, not to any particular administration or political party, or even this Judiciary Committee. Do not produce documents that would jeopardize people's lives. Do not produce documents that can threaten sources and methods. Do not produce documents that will affect an ongoing investigation. Stand your ground. Play it straight. Do it by the book, as you have been doing, and history will judge you kindly for that."

Поживем - увидим и то, как поведет себя Розенштейн, и то, как по этому поводу рассудит история.

Сегодня Минюст покинул один из главных юристов, который помогал Розенштейну осуществлять надзор над расследованием Мюллера.

The Justice Department's senior-most career attorney, Associate Deputy Attorney General Scott Schools, is stepping down for a job in the private sector.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions made the official announcement Tuesday afternoon that Schools' last day would be Friday.
"Scott has provided invaluable leadership and counsel in his years at the Department, and his service is an example to all," Sessions said in a statement. "He will be greatly missed, and I wish him the best in his future endeavors."
Schools works under Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and has had a significant role helping manage special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.

досье, #strzok, Мюллер, Конгресс

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