День отца

Jun 17, 2018 16:55

Вдобавок к ставшей символичной фотографии никарагуанской девочки на границе размещу по случаю американского Father's Day две картинки из предыдущих постов.

Картинка из поста Оказался наш отец... - про отцовские качества Трампа.

Картинка из поста Безотцовщина - про комплексы Трампа.

Подобно никарагуанской девочке, маленького Дональда оторвали от родителей в нежном возрасте 13 лет, чтобы послать в школу-интернат военного образца.

When Donald was 13, his father abruptly sent him to a military boarding school, where instructors struck him if he misbehaved and the requirements included daily inspections and strict ­curfews. “He was essentially banished from the family home,” said his biographer, Michael D’Antonio. “He hadn’t known anything but living with his family in a luxurious setting, and all of a sudden he’s sent away. That’s a rough way to start out in life.”

Ныне вдовавок к предыдущей появилась отцовская фигура Ким Чен Ына. Трамп даже перенес на нового друга любимое выражение "а good thing, not a bad thing".

"He is great. We have a great chemistry together. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. <...> Of course I met. Meeting is a good thing, not a bad thing."

Но и старое увлечение никуда не делось. Саммит с Путиным ожидается в июле, и к нему идет активная подготовка.

The president’s interest in a meeting with Putin became public in March after the Kremlin disclosed that Trump extended an invitation in a phone call with the Russian leader. But U.S. officials say Trump privately has been asking his aides for a bilateral meeting ever since he met with Putin in Vietnam in November on the sidelines of a multilateral economic summit. “After that meeting, the president said he wanted to invite Putin to the White House,” one U.S. official said. “We ignored it.”

Fresh off his showy Singapore summit with the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, President Trump is pushing his team to arrange another dramatic one-on-one meeting, this time with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, as soon as this summer. Negotiations with the Kremlin have been under way for weeks. “There’s no stopping him,” a senior Administration official familiar with the internal deliberations said. “He’s going to do it. He wants to have a meeting with Putin, so he’s going to have a meeting with Putin.”

Happy Father's Day!

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