Подписывая дополнение к закону в 1992, президент Буш сказал: “No monetary payments can ever fully compensate loyal Japanese Americans for one of the darkest incidents in American constitutional history. We must do everything possible to ensure that such a grave wrong is never repeated.” http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=21521
Выступая в 2000 на тему привлечения американцев азиатского происхождения, Клинтон говорил:
I also want to say that just as we are enhanced when we tap the strengths of all Americans, we are diminished when any American is targeted unfairly because of his or her heritage. Stereotyping, discrimination, racism have no place. And if we can overcome it, America has no limit to what we can achieve. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=58546
Клинтон использовал эту выступления для того, чтобы агитировать за дочь китайских иммигрантов по имени Долли Джи, которую он номинировал на пост федерального судьи в Калифорнии.
But we still have too many nominees who have waited too long
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>> Не является ли одержимость Кореей и ядерным оружием детским желанием вернуться и довоевать за генерала Макартура его "политически некорректную" войну
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К Макартуру много претензий. Но если бы не провал в Корее, он вошёл бы в историю великим полководцем. «Карманный фашист» Макартура Чарльз Уилоуби (урожденный Adolph Karl Weidenbach) игнорировал доклады ЦРУ и не верил в то, что Китай вмешается в войну, частично из-за расистских представлений о том, что китайцы трусливы и не умеют воевать.
Even the first encounters with Chinese forces on the battlefield did not shake the faulty intelligence estimate. In late October the Eighth Army fought a bitter and costly battle with CCF forces at Unsan in the North. The Americans were routed, but then the Chinese pulled back. They wanted to entice the Eighth Army northward to trap it far from its supply lines and to isolate it near the Chinese frontier. Willoughby dismissed the Unsan battle as unimportant and continued to claim that the Chinese would not intervene in force. So did MacArthur. The Chinese decision to trap an American unit in Unsan, then stop and regroup, would be unerringly similar to the Chinese invasion of India twelve years later
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The buildup and offensive from China occurred concurrently with the 13-day Cuban Missile Crisis (16-28 October 1962) that saw both the United States and the Soviet Union confronting each other, and India did not receive assistance from either of these world powers until the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Indian_War
Washington Post пишет, что в противостоянии с Нунесом Министерство юстиции и ФБР защищают личность ценного информатора разведки - гражданина США.
Last Wednesday, senior FBI and national intelligence officials relayed an urgent message to the White House: Information being sought by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes could endanger a top-secret intelligence source
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Comments 8
Подписывая дополнение к закону в 1992, президент Буш сказал: “No monetary payments can ever fully compensate loyal Japanese Americans for one of the darkest incidents in American constitutional history. We must do everything possible to ensure that such a grave wrong is never repeated.” http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=21521
Памятник пострадавшим открылся в Вашингтоне в 1999.
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I also want to say that just as we are enhanced when we tap the strengths of all Americans, we are diminished when any American is targeted unfairly because of his or her heritage. Stereotyping, discrimination, racism have no place. And if we can overcome it, America has no limit to what we can achieve.
Клинтон использовал эту выступления для того, чтобы агитировать за дочь китайских иммигрантов по имени Долли Джи, которую он номинировал на пост федерального судьи в Калифорнии.
But we still have too many nominees who have waited too long ( ... )
Even the first encounters with Chinese forces on the battlefield did not shake the faulty intelligence estimate. In late October the Eighth Army fought a bitter and costly battle with CCF forces at Unsan in the North. The Americans were routed, but then the Chinese pulled back. They wanted to entice the Eighth Army northward to trap it far from its supply lines and to isolate it near the Chinese frontier. Willoughby dismissed the Unsan battle as unimportant and continued to claim that the Chinese would not intervene in force. So did MacArthur. The Chinese decision to trap an American unit in Unsan, then stop and regroup, would be unerringly similar to the Chinese invasion of India twelve years later ( ... )
The buildup and offensive from China occurred concurrently with the 13-day Cuban Missile Crisis (16-28 October 1962) that saw both the United States and the Soviet Union confronting each other, and India did not receive assistance from either of these world powers until the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved.
Last Wednesday, senior FBI and national intelligence officials relayed an urgent message to the White House: Information being sought by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes could endanger a top-secret intelligence source ( ... )
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