В прошлую пятницу Госдеп выпустил ежегодный отчет о ситуации с правами человека в мире.
https://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/humanrightsreport/index.htm МИД РФ огрызнулся и, как ныне водится, жалуется на русофобию:
Что касается России, то, к сожалению, констатируем, что от русофобских стереотипов Вашингтону избавиться пока не удалось. Так, раздел, посвященный России, подготовлен в априори негативистском ключе и без учета неоднократно дававшихся российской стороной основательных разъяснений как публично, так и на профильных международных правозащитных площадках по конкретным темам обеспечения прав человека в Российской Федерации. Авторы доклада по-прежнему не гнушаются приемов, имеющих своей целью сформировать стойкое негативное отношение к России как «основному нарушителю прав человека». Для придания «весомости» этому тезису Вашингтон использует в докладе шаблонный набор обвинений, во многом скопированный из предыдущих докладов, и подверстанные под них «факты».
http://www.mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/-/asset_publisher/cKNonkJE02Bw/content/id/3187004 Про Россию в докладе много всего пишется. В своем выступлении и.о. госсекретаря Джон Салливан сказал
Finally, the Russian Government continues to quash dissent and civil society, even while it invades its neighbors and undermines the sovereignty of Western nations. We once again urge Russia to end its brutal occupation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, to halt the abuses perpetrated by Russian-led forces in Ukraine’s Donbas region, and to address impunity for the human rights violations and abuses in the Republic of Chechnya. <...>
In conclusion, let me say America leads the way globally to promote human rights. We will also continue to impose consequences on those who abuse human rights. Over the past year, through the Russia Magnitsky and Global Magnitsky sanctions programs, we have undertaken some of our most aggressive measures yet. No human rights abuser, no matter where in the world, is out of our reach.
https://www.state.gov/s/d/2018/280666.htm Год назад Рекс Тиллерсон
тупо проигнорировал выпуск доклада о правах человека.
Вместе с тем к новому докладу у правозащитных организаций есть претензии.
Human Rights Watch отмечает исчезновение упоминания
абортов и других репродуктивных прав.
@StateDept report guts the analysis of sexual and reproductive rights, reflecting the Trump administration’s hostility toward these issues.
#reprorightsarehumanrights #whatsmissingHRR2018 pic.twitter.com/Ye38RELiLq- Human Rights Watch (@hrw)
April 20, 2018 Amnesty International отмечает выхолащивание критики саудовских друзей, в частности их военных преступлений в Йемене.
In the section on Saudi Arabia, the State Department pared down language on the effects of its U.S.-backed bombing campaign in the Yemeni civil war and misquoted reporting from human rights watchdogs, according to Raed Jarrar, a Middle East expert with Amnesty International.
The report, Jarrar says, “sugarcoats” the conclusions of Amnesty International and other nongovernmental organizations in writing, “some coalition airstrikes caused disproportionate collateral damage.” Amnesty’s actual reporting says the Saudi bombing campaign constituted serious violations that could be amount to war crimes.
“I thought to myself, how dare you misquote us in the report,” he tells Foreign Policy. “That’s not our language at all, and it was obviously changed for political motives.”
http://foreignpolicy.com/2018/04/21/human-rights-groups-bristling-at-state-human-rights-report/ Организация Freedom House доклад Госдепа не комментировала, но бъет тревогу о состоянии либеральной демократии в мире в новом докладе "Confronting Illiberalism".
In 2018, Nations in Transit registered the most score declines in the project’s 23-year history: 19 of the 29 countries had declines in their overall Democracy Scores. For the second year in a row, there are more Consolidated Authoritarian Regimes than Consolidated Democracies.
https://freedomhouse.org/report/nations-transit/nations-transit-2018 Click to view
Та же организация сообщает также о негативном тренде в области свободы прессы.
As recently as five years ago, global pressure on the media did not appear to affect the United States or the established democracies of Europe in any significant way. Today, populist leaders constitute a major threat to free expression in these open societies. Ambitious politicians around the world are increasingly willing to dispense with the norms of behavior that held their predecessors in check, in some cases blatantly undermining press freedom. <...>
The rise of democratically elected leaders who seek to cripple or co-opt the independent media has been compounded by external forces, most prominently the authoritarian government in Russia. As Moscow plants disinformation in the media environments of democratic countries, the public’s sense that the press is unreliable grows. Democratic governments have fumbled in their search for effective mechanisms to combat this threat. <...>
U.S. president Donald Trump’s use of threatening rhetoric-including declarations that the media are “the enemy of the American people”-and his repeated disparagements of specific journalists and outlets have undermined public trust in fact-based journalism. At the same time, media organizations and independent journalists have maintained robust coverage of the administration and other topics of public interest, investigating potential abuses by powerful figures, publishing a range of commentary and analysis, and reporting in depth on the media’s own performance.
https://freedomhouse.org/report/special-reports/attacks-record-state-global-press-freedom-2017-2018 Похожие ноты звучат в новом докладе Reporters Sans Frontières.
https://rsf.org/fr/classement-mondial-de-la-liberte-de-la-presse-2018-la-haine-du-journalisme-menace-les-democraties США в их рейтинге свободы прессы сползли на 45-ое место в мире (с 41 в 2016 и 43 в 2017), Россия находится на 148-ом месте.
Press freedom rankings, 2018
15 Germany
18 Canada
19 Australia
28 S Africa
31 Spain
33 France
40 UK
43 S Korea
45 US
46 Italy
67 Japan
87 Israel
102 Brazil
138 India
147 Mexico
148 Russia
157 Turkey
169 Saudi
176 China
180 N Korea
(Reporters Without Borders)
- ian bremmer (@ianbremmer)
April 25, 2018