Двойной удар

Apr 14, 2018 23:11

Две истории этой недели нашли логическое завершение под конец недели.

1. Угрозы в адрес Сирии завершились обещанным ракетным ударом.

"In 2013, President Putin and his government promised the world that they would guarantee the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons. Assad’s recent attack -- and today’s response -- are the direct result of Russia’s failure to keep that promise.
Russia must decide if it will continue down this dark path, or if it will join with civilized nations as a force for stability and peace. Hopefully, someday we’ll get along with Russia, and maybe even Iran -- but maybe not."

"Своими действиями США еще больше усугубляют гуманитарную катастрофу в Сирии, несут страдания мирному населению, по сути потакают террористам, семь лет терзающим сирийский народ, провоцируют новую волну беженцев из этой страны и региона в целом."

Pentagon spokesperson on strikes in Syria: “The Russian disinformation campaign has already begun. There has been a 2,000% increase in Russian trolls in the last 24 hours.” https://t.co/0Bzv1nm4q6 pic.twitter.com/va1zq5qF3m
- CNN (@CNN) April 14, 2018

В Пентагоне предупредили о массированной российской кампании дезинформации.

Based on recent experience, we fully expect a significant disinformation campaign over the coming days by those who have aligned themselves with the Assad regime.

Радует в этой кампании то, что сразу вылезает на поверхность вся шобла агентов влияния и полезных идиотов.

Trump's anti-interventionist base, in this case, Alex Jones, reacts badly to Syria intervention: "Is no one pure in this world?.... F**k Trump!" pic.twitter.com/lBPVctVS1G
- WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 14, 2018

На Fox News в этом деле преуспел Такер Карлсон.

"And we should be skeptical of this. Starting with the poison gas attack itself. All the geniuses tell us that Assad killed those children, but do they really know that? Of course they don't really know that. They are making it up. They have no real idea what happened."

В четверг, в любимом шоу вождя Fox & Friends ведущие без тени стыда распространяли российскую пропаганду про Белые Каски

STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): There are these stories out there, and you've got to figure some of it could be Russian propaganda, but I was reading this morning in Newsweek, online because there is no print edition anymore, that apparently this group called the White Helmets, which used to be the Syrian defense organization, there are stories that they staged bodies to make it look like there was a gas attack. Meanwhile, you've got Russian media saying, "We sent investigators in, our military did, and they could not find any traces of any toxins or gas on any of the bodies."

А в пятницу они уже предлагали залп по Сирии в качестве тактики для отвлечения внимания от выходящей на днях книжки Коми.

AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): If the president, and France, and the UK decide to strike Syria, don't you think that story would be a bigger story than [former FBI Director James] Comey's book that's released on Tuesday?

2. Дело Майкла Коэна выявило множество инкриминирующих деталей и подтвердило, что он является объектом криминального расследования.

In response to Cohen's motion to prevent prosecutors from using evidence collected in Monday's raids of his home and office, the US attorney in New York asserted the raids were authorized by a federal judge to seek evidence of conduct "for which Cohen is under criminal investigation."
A court filing did not detail what Cohen is under investigation for.
But the filing contains the first details released by the Justice Department on the searches, which covered Cohen's residence, hotel room, office, safety deposit boxes and two cell phones. Previous search warrants allowed New York federal prosecutors to search multiple email accounts, the filing said. In them, they found that Cohen had done "little to no legal work, and that zero emails were exchanged with President Trump."
The prosecutors assert that they have confidence that any seized material would not fall under the significant amount of attorney-client privilege that Cohen has claimed. They said Cohen has told at least one witness that his only client was Trump.

Самым взрывным оказалось сообщение McClatchy о том, что у Мюллера имеются доказательства поездки Коэна в Прагу, о которой говорится в досье Стила и которую тот подозрительным образом отрицал.

The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy’s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election.

Если информация подтвердится, она забьет окончательный гвоздь в гроб попыток отрицания пресловутого "collusion".

omg this is amazing pic.twitter.com/TOlAIKvPl5
- Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) April 14, 2018

Выйдя из зала суда, Коэн был замечен в компании курящих сигары приятелей, главный из которых был идентифицирован, как Ротем Росен, зять Тамира Сапира и один из израильско-российских контактов в окружении Трампа.

Before the scandal on Ataturk’s yacht, Arif partnered closely with Trump, Ivanka Trump and Sater in the development of Trump SoHo along with the Sapir family, a New York real estate dynasty and the other half of Bayrock-Sapir.
Its patriarch, the late billionaire Tamir Sapir, was born in the Soviet state of Georgia and arrived in 1976 in New York, where he opened an electronics store in the Flatiron district that, according to the New York Times, catered largely to KGB agents.
Trump has called Sapir “a great friend.” In December 2007, he hosted the wedding of Sapir’s daughter, Zina, at Mar-a-Lago. The event featured performances by Lionel Ritchie and the Pussycat Dolls. The groom, Rotem Rosen, was the CEO of the American branch of Africa Israel, the Putin oligarch Leviev’s holding company.

досье, Сирия, мафия

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