Герои нашего времени

Mar 04, 2018 19:26

До печально известного Алекса Джонса, " настоящего американца" по версии Дугина, добрались проклятые глобалисты.  Его канал в YouTube оказался под угрозой закрытия. Вдобавок от этого канала массово отрекаются рекламодатели. Вдобавок на Джонса подали иски его бывшие сотрудники, обвиняя его в сексуальных домогательствах, а также расистских и антисемитских высказываниях.

Alex Jones has had, to put it mildly, a terrible week. Not only did former InfoWars employees file complaints to accuse him of sexual harassment, discrimination, and bullying, but he also butted heads with YouTube in a big way. That is to say, the platform pulled a video from the Alex Jones Channel, and the platform’s “three strikes” policy meant that the account would inevitably be shuttered if the trend continued. The video in question involved Jones accusing Florida school shooting survivors of being “crisis actors.” Now, it looks like Jones racked up the other two strikes and shall pay the price.
As a result, Jones is now very upset because YouTube has frozen his channel and plans to fully delete it (and all of its content) on Sunday. He claimed to have received a warning about the impending shutdown while (also conveniently) announcing his new video page.
Jones is, of course, claiming censorship, although any First Amendment arguments really don’t apply in the case of a privately-run company like YouTube. However, there’s an another twist at work here. Over the past few days, Jones has been the subject of an advertiser exodus because several companies didn’t even realize their ads were running on Jones’ conspiracy-theory videos.

Russian state TV shows Alex Jones, pledging allegiance to Putin "and his great minion Trump," noting this is no longer funny for Trump admin pic.twitter.com/vl8qNesHOX
- Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) October 30, 2017

Казалось бы, ничего не предвещало таких проблем. Два месяца назад Джонс потирал руки, заманивая после отставки Стива Бэннона разочарованную аудиторию Breitbart.

The MAGA base has come to expect specific things from its news content, which Breitbart provided in relentless streams: a strong anti-establishment stance that included targeting the media and both major political parties, and a penchant for “triggering the libs,” a phrase used to ridicule progressive stances on cultural and social issues. Those are the elements that Trump weaponized to help him achieve victory.
After Trump took the White House, and following a year of reported chaos within the administration, the audience’s ethos now also includes unapologetic Trump loyalty, a defense mechanism that serves as a validation of their electoral choice. If Breitbart’s readers ultimately side with Trump and flee the website, Alex Jones’ Infowars seems like a prime candidate to pick up the disgruntled MAGA crowd by providing those readers the fix they’re looking for.
The fact is that Infowars has fewer constraints than Breitbart because it’s a financially independent outlet reportedly grossing close to $10 million a year -- not from advertisers, but from selling nootropic supplements and other merchandise. And this relative independence will only incentivize Jones to push forward on the path of bigotry, homophobia, and lies by pushing even more conspiracy theories and Trump propaganda that captivate the MAGA audience.

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Своим MAGA-патриотизмом Джонс известен давно. В августе 2008 он звонил на канал Russia Today, чтобы поддержать Россию в войне с проклятыми американцами, напавшими на русские анклавы Абхазию и Южную Осетию: "I'm ashamed as an American. My country has been taken over by a private international military industrial complex, and they launched a sneaky attack on the Russian enclaves."

В июле 2014 Джонс хвастался, что своим творчеством вдохновил RT и что его регулярно слушают в Кремле:

"The head of RT was a huge listener. And they were -- I was told they literally started it, modeled a little bit off Infowars. That was part of it. And that the basic Russian government listens to my show. And I never really said that on air because it sounds so wild, but it’s confirmed. It’s come out in communiques and cables and stuff like that."

А в декабре 2016 ведущий RT передал ему привет непосредственно от Путина.

MAX KEISER: Vladimir Putin says to say hello, by the way.
ALEX JONES: Did that really happen?
KEISER: Oh yeah. He said, when you see Alex, tell him I said hello.
JONES: That’s crazy. I better not go over there, though.
KEISER: I’m going to introduce -- interview Putin this year.
JONES: Really?
KEISER: Yeah. Going over there.
JONES: Now I am interested in this because I was told by the head of RT America, before they even launched it, like eight, nine years ago, Putin’s a big listener and by the way, he likes how you play.

Свое знаменитое интервью Алексу Джонсу (со словами "Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.") Трамп давал 2 декабря 2015. Через два дня после этого Джонс брал интервью у печально известного певца ртом и члена Совета директоров NRA Тедa Ньюджентa, которому он посоветовал идти к Трампу в вице-президенты.

Как и Трамп, Ньюджент в свое время откосил от службы во Вьетнаме (по его собственным рассказам, он для этого специально объелся амфетаминами и обделался прямо на медосмотре). Но, как и Трамп, он любит воображать себя героем - в том числе на месте немецкого еврея в 1938, который вместо того, чтобы покорно садиться в поезд и ехать в концлагерь, отнимает у нацистов оружие и поднимает восстание:

“I wanted to be a Jew in Nuremberg in 1938. While the Brownshirts were hurling people onto trains, I would have figured out a way to get that Brownshirt, Nazi-punk-ass luger away from him. I would’ve shoved it up his ass and I’d touched off a clip, I would’ve got the magazine and I would’ve got all the other Jews to raise hell. Now I’m not knocking people who fell for it, but I’m telling you, don’t fall for it. Don’t get on the train.”

Как бы продолжая эту фантазию, в феврале 2016 Тед Ньюджент стал постить антисемитские картинки, под которые радостно слетались нацистские тролли.

The Israeli flag appears over or next to each of the 12 faces in the photo, which is the same one that has been shared many times in white supremacist circles, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
The post prompted applause from anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi groups.
Nugent later posted a photo of Nazis rounding up Jews during the Holocaust and described gun-control advocates as “soulless sheep to slaughter.”

На волне поднявшегося скандала он спокойно подождал 10 дней, прежде чем ка бы извиниться, сказав "ачотакова".

Ten days after posting an anti-Semitic image to his Facebook page, National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent has apologized, claiming he did not realize the image he shared that placed Israeli flags next to faces of 12 Jewish American politicians and gun violence prevention advocates had a "connection whatsoever to any religious affiliation."

Но подобного поведения за ним накопилось много.

За день до выборов Тед Ньюджент выступал на митинге Трампа в родном Мичигане, который традиционно считался демократическим штатом. Схватив себя за промежность, он воскликнул "I’ve got your blue state right here, baby! Black and blue!”

Трамп выиграет Мичиган, а Ньюджент будет вознагражден в апреле 2017 ужином с президентом в Белом доме в компании Сары Пэйлин и Кида Рока.

В 2015 Ньюжент говорил, что Трамп достоин Президентской медали Свободы за его слова про мексиканских иммигрантов. Теперь мыть шею под медаль настала очередь ему самому, в компании с Алексом Джонсом и другими героями нашего времени.

Stephen A Smith and Ted Nugent arguing on Fox right now pic.twitter.com/jzsk4bQR7l
- Allan Smith (@akarl_smith) May 18, 2017

конспирология, пропаганда, rt

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