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Feb 20, 2018 23:01

Мюллер добавил ещё один скальп к своим трофеям - адвокат Alex van der Zwaan, зять олигарха Германа Хана, признал себя виновным во вранье ФБР. Его допрашивали о том, как в своё время по заказу Манафорта он готовил отчёт, чтобы отмазать Януковича от обвинений в политической подоплеке операции “lock her up” в отношении Юлии Тимошенко.

Special counsel Robert Mueller today indicted the Dutch lawyer Alex Van Der Zwaan with charges of lying to federal prosecutors and deleting evidence of his contact with top Trump campaign staffer Rick Gates and an unnamed “Person A.” The three were allegedly in touch about a report on the controversial trial of former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Timoshenko. The report was authored by top New York law firm Skadden Arps, where Van Der Zwaan worked at the time.
Gates and Paul Manafort contracted Skadden in 2012 while working as spin doctors for then-Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych’s government. Yanukovych, who fled the country in 2014, has been accused of extraordinary corruption while in office and had locked up rival Timoshenko on charges widely considered to be false. Skadden’s report that year largely supported the charges against her. Manafort then hired the Podesta Group and Mercury Communications to lobby US officials to support Yanukovych, using the report.

Видимо, ван дер Зваану было что скрывать, если он решился на враньё. Этим ходом Мюллер предположительно усиливает давление на Манафорта.

Расследование Buzzfeed обнаружило, что Манафорт был замешан в отмывании значительно больших сумм, чем ранее предполагалось, и что его финансовые махинации расследовались по крайней мере с 2014, как часть поиска денег, украденных Януковичем и его кликой.

Federal law enforcement officials have identified more than $40 million in “suspicious” financial transactions to and from companies controlled by President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort - a much larger sum than was cited in his October indictment on money laundering charges.
The vast web of transactions was unraveled mainly in 2014 and 2015 during an FBI operation to fight international kleptocracy that ultimately fizzled. The story of that failed effort - and its resurrection by special counsel Robert Mueller as he investigated whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election - has never been fully told.
But it explains how the special counsel was able to swiftly bring charges against Manafort for complex financial crimes dating as far back as 2008 - and it shows that Mueller could still wield immense leverage as he seeks to compel Manafort to cooperate in the ongoing investigation.
Last week, Mueller’s team told a judge that it had evidence Manafort committed bank fraud, and news organizations have reported that the special counsel may be preparing additional charges.

Манафорт, Мюллер, Украина

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