I don't know how I'm going to get through this next couple of days. I hardly did anything last night because I have no motivation and have the attention span of a mayfly. I'm almost done with this big 40-item book file that was due today for children's lit, but I didn't get it finished. And I also have to do a poetry anthology of twenty poems. And I got to the final today and everyone had their anothologies and files all nicely bound and decorated. Which means I'll have to do that as well. I got an extension until tomorrow morning at nine. So I'll have to do all that by tonight AND study for my math final, which is the final I'm most worried about. I'm going to see about taking an incomplete on the workbook I have to do for Special Ed because I CAN'T do it all. I just can't. I feel like throwing up. But I really hate doing that, so I won't.
Also, the phone got shut off sometime last night. I know this because Jessica e-mailed me saying she'd tried to call me and the number had been suspended. My parents will kill me if I can't re-instate in time for them to arrange when they're coming up. So I'll have to walk down to wherever they are, cause of course I can't call them. And I have to find the ORC building and pick up my volunteer forms because they're no longer at the place I volunteered at. And I need them to get extra credit for doing the hours. It was extra credit for Sped, and I need every point I can get in that class. *Screams* I thought taking only four credits this semester would be easier. Ha. I just suck.
*Breathes* It's okay. It'll all be over soon, for good or bad. After this is all done, I plan to use the extra ten dollars my Mom gave me and purchase "Absolute Boyfriend" at the comic store. And when I get home I will immerse myself in Naruto until I feel better. I need my Rock Lee. *See icon*