I have done nothing productive today at all. Not a single thing, unless waking up counts. How bout using the bathroom? Making a sandwich? That's pretty productive, yeah? I'm just not in the mood to do stuff. I'm all pouty cause there are STILL bugs in our house (Thought they were gone; silly me), and it's gloomy outside, and I'm bored.
Man. Weekends here are so much different than when I'm at home. There, there's something going on every second, and it feels like I'm always doing something or going somewhere. It can get kind of exhausting, but I rather miss it.
I was naughty last weekend and bought a manga even though I'm poor. It's called "Kanpai!" but the full title is "A Toast to the Nape of Your Neck." It's adorable. It's about this guy whose job it is to protect demons from exorcists and exterminators. He ends up at transferring to the local middle school and immediately falls in love with this girl's nape. It's frickin' hilarious. Plus it's by the author of "Gravitation," which pleases me very much^-^. I wish the second volume was out. I'd scrape together my meager monies and get it. I need some happiness. Oh, well. I go home again next weekend for the Vet's day holiday. Then it's just a short hop to Thanksgiving, and then Christmas. A whole month away from the Evil Parasite Death House. And then it's just four more months and it's outta there for good! Are you getting the vibe that I hate this house? Yeesh, if I were Tanya, I wouldn't want to come back, either.