
Nov 06, 2017 16:51

Хиллари Клинтон продолжает поездки по стране с презентаций своей книги "What Happened".

Глава в книге, которая называется Trolls, Bots, Fake News, and Real Russians открывается эпиграфом из "Преступления и наказания" Достоевского (в оригинале "Не рассудок, так бес!").

. @HillaryClinton tells NH questioner favorite book is Dostoevsky "Brothers Karamazov" (tell Putin!) #HillaryTODAY
- Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) October 5, 2015

Глава начинается с рассуждения про иммунную систему демократии и про то, как ее ослабление позволило проникнуть чужеродным элементам.

In 2016 our democracy was assaulted by a foreign adversary determined to mislead our people, enflame our divisions, and throw an election to its preferred candidate. That attack succeeded because our immune system had been slowly eroded over years. Many Americans had lost faith in the institutions that previous generations relied on for objective information, including government, academia, and the press, leaving them vulnerable to a sophisticated misinformation campaign. There are many reasons why this happened, but one is that a small group of right-wing billionaires-people like the Mercer family and Charles and David Koch-recognized long ago that, as Stephen Colbert once joked, “reality has a well-known liberal bias.” More generally, the right spent a lot of time and money building an alternative reality. Think of a partisan petri dish where science is denied, lies masquerade as truth, and paranoia flourishes. Their efforts were amplified in 2016 by a presidential candidate who trafficked in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the internet; a candidate who deflected any criticism by attacking others with made-up facts and an uncanny gift for humiliating zingers. He helped to further blur news and entertainment, reality TV and reality.

Глава заканчивается призывом к защите демократии.

I know some will dismiss everything in this chapter as me trying to shift blame for my loss in 2016. That’s wrong. This is about the future. In the nineteenth century, nations fought two kinds of wars: on land and at sea. In the twentieth century, that expanded to the skies. In the twenty-first century, wars will increasingly be fought in cyberspace. Yet our President is too proud, too weak, or too shortsighted to face this threat head-on. No foreign power in modern history has attacked us with so few consequences, and that puts us all at risk.
I’m not saying this as a Democrat or as a former candidate. I’m saying this as someone who loves our country and will always be grateful for the blessings America has given to me and to the world. I’m worried. I’m worried about our democracy at home, with lies and corruption threatening our bedrock values, institutions, and the rule of law. And I’m worried about the future of democracy around the world. Generations of farsighted leaders on both sides of the Atlantic came together to build a new liberal order out of the ashes of World War II. They defended universal human rights, defied totalitarianism, and delivered unprecedented peace, prosperity, and freedom. As Americans, that is our inheritance. We should be proud of it and we should protect it. But now, between Trump and Putin, all that is at risk.

Это не единственная книжка на тему "what happened". В этом месяце британский журналист Люк Хардинг, один из участников расследования Paradise Papers, выпускает в свет новую книжку Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win.

My new book " #Collusion" - on Donald #Trump, #Russia and the Steele #dossier - is published in ten countries on Thursday Nov 16th pic.twitter.com/8fo1Kr9DhV
- Luke Harding (@lukeharding1968) November 6, 2017

Одни из лучших американских исследовательских журналистов Дэвид Корн и Майкл Исикофф работают над книжкой на ту же тему под рабочим названием The Russian Connection. Она должна выйти в марте 2018.

It sure looks pretty damning. But we don't have that smoking gun yet. And that I say "yet", that's perhaps unfair. We don't have that smoking gun. We have a lot of really suspicious communications and events when lined up can look really damning. But in a court room you'd still have to come up with the witness who can say, "yes I was there. I heard Donald Trump or Donald Trump Jr. or Steve Bannon or Jared Kushner say "we need to get in touch with the Russians about this or we need to wait to hear from Moscow about this."

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