Великая российская стена

Jul 16, 2017 18:14

Дядя со смешными усами - новый адвокат Трампа Тай Кобб (Ty Cobb), призванный стать "российской стеной" и организовать работу других адвокатов.

Insiders say Cobb will serve as a Grand Central for congressional and other Russia probes, and will set guardrails for who can and can't talk to each other about the matter internally. Everything will have the ultimate aim of protecting the President.
Cobb's role will be the eye in the sky - the quarterback. One Trump veteran calls Cobb "the official wall of Russia."

Кобб родом из Канзаса и сохранил ковбойские манеры, которые приходят на помощь в суде присяжных.

“He is an excellent trial lawyer,” says James Ulwick, a partner at Kramon & Graham, “somebody that can connect with juries on a gut level. They see him as somebody who is like them or somebody they would like to be-a bit of a smart aleck, but never in a mean-spirited way; always in a way that is endearing. … If you’re a defense attorney and you’ve got the jury laughing, you’re a long way toward an acquittal at that point. He’s got a showman’s personality and he uses it to his great advantage.”
As for the footwear, Cobb explains, “Except for hiking boots, I’ve only ever worn cowboy boots and tennis shoes. … I’m fundamentally a cowboy and I’m definitely all about Kansas.”

Неожиданным ходом вместо того, чтобы оплачивать услуги Кобба из своего кармана или на худой конец из денег своей избирательной кампании, Трамп зачислил его на работу в Белый дом.

Между тем в звездной команде специального прокурора Мюллера уже больше 25 человек. Они переехали в новое помещение, включающее комнаты для просмотра секретных документов.

That team includes attorneys, FBI employees and support staff, according to Peter Carr, the spokesman for special counsel.
The team has now moved into new office space in southwest DC, about a mile away from Justice Department headquarters. The special counsel's initial office space lacked secure meeting rooms, known as SCIFs, for reviewing classified materials.

адвокаты, прокурор, республиканцы

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