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tijd August 22 2020, 23:01:38 UTC

Из книжки "Shadow Network" - интересный рассказ про усилия CNP и доминионистов на выборах 2018:

But the real prize swag came in the form of a shiny disc of base metal, offered on behalf of Lance Wallnau. Wallnau’s “Cyrus-Trump Proclamation” compared “God’s Chaos Candidate” to the pagan king of Persia, who issued the edict for the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.
Many fundamentalists believed that moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem was a fulfillment of a biblical prophecy that would lead to the Rapture. In the End Times-which could come at any minute-believers would rise into the air to encounter Jesus, leaving nonbelievers (including Jews) among the “remnants” who faced an eternity in hell. In 2015 Mike Pompeo had delivered a speech at the Summit Church God and Country Rally in Kansas, denouncing the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage and stressing the importance of evangelical Christians in public office.The future secretary of state solemnly declared, “We will continue to fight these battles. It is a never-ending struggle until . . . the Rapture.” <...>
The coordination was exquisite: members downloaded the apps, the apps fed the i360 database, and i360 informed the canvassers. Morton Blackwell’s Leadership Institute and the NRA worked hand-in-glove. Glen Caroline, the director of the NRA-ILA Grassroots Programs and Campaign Field Operations Division, had taught at the Leadership Institute. He oversaw the NRA’s “campaign field operations, voter registration drives, and Get Out the Vote campaigns at the national, state, and local levels,” while also supervising over two hundred of the Leadership Institute’s “FrontLines Activist Leaders (FALs) nationwide.” <...>
In Ocala, Florida, the Kochs’ Libre Initiative invited Hispanics to free English classes at the Open Door Church. In Lincoln, Nebraska, the Kochs offered a free lunch to high school students who joined their training program.These programs were replicated across the country, recruiting local and national staff and volunteers for their campaigns. <...>
But synchronization was the name of the game, and i360 was the key. Its Federal Election Commission filing listed 884 clients from 2017 to 2018, including the NRA, the Susan B. Anthony List PAC, and Americans for Prosperity, as well as the Republican Parties of Wisconsin and Virginia, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and myriad Republican candidates at every level. Its capacity for data collection was extraordinary. Besides the usual voter files, i360 tracked voters’ marital status, interest in diet and weight loss and cholesterol levels, preference for internet ads or outdoor ads, hearing difficulty, home equity, and household monthly expendable income, in addition to a category labeled “Bible.” When the various canvassers bearing their smartphones and iPads knocked on the door, their devices gave them an excellent idea of who would answer, and offered a tailored script. <...>
On Sunday, November 4-two days before the election-Tony Perkins cohosted a preelection television marathon called The Event, carried on cable television and a Facebook feed. The Event was sponsored by the Truth & Liberty Coalition, and included CNP members Tony Perkins, W. Jackson, and Kristan Hawkins among its six featured guests. The program’s website included resources from the Family Resource Council, including the iVoter Guide and materials for church Culture Impact Teams. There were also links to a Whitehouse.gov page titled “Trump’s Accomplishments” and another to a site selling a DVD called Politics: Easy as P.I.E. by CNP executive director Bob McEwen. The cosponsors included an array of CNP partner organizations, among them the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Students for Life of America. United in Purpose and My Faith Votes were additional sponsors, as were various Baptist and other churches.


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