Дойчебанк оштрафован на $150 миллионов за помощь Джефри Эпштейну в отмывании денег.
In a $150 million settlement to be announced on Tuesday, the New York Department of Financial Services said that Mr. Epstein, a convicted sex offender, engaged in suspicious transactions for years, even though Deutsche Bank had deemed him a “high risk” client from the moment he became a customer in summer 2013. “Despite knowing Mr. Epstein’s terrible criminal history, the bank inexcusably failed to detect or prevent millions of dollars of suspicious transactions,” Linda A. Lacewell, the department’s superintendent, said in a statement. A year and a day after Mr. Epstein was arrested on federal sex-trafficking charges, the settlement described how bank employees relied on informal meetings and institutional momentum to allow suspicious activity to proceed largely unchecked. Instead of performing appropriate due diligence on Mr. Epstein and the activity in his accounts, regulators wrote, the bank was focused on his potential to “generate millions of dollars of revenue as well as leads for other lucrative clients.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/07/business/jeffrey-epstein-deutsche-bank-settlement.html
The settlement reflects our unreserved and transparent cooperation with our regulator. It also shows how important it is for us to continue enhancing our AFC capabilities. - Deutsche Bank (@DeutscheBank) July 7, 2020
While Epstein held accounts at Deutsche Bank, he used the Butterfly Trust account and various other accounts to send over 120 wires totaling $2.65 million to beneficiaries of the Butterfly Trust, including some transfers to alleged co-conspirators or women with Eastern European surnames, for the stated purpose of covering hotel expenses, tuition, and rent. https://www.dfs.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2020/07/ea20200706_deutsche_bank_consent_order.pdf
Deutsche Bank faced prior scrutiny for a $1 billion loan (later restructured to $790 million) to VTB Bank, a bank also majority-owned by the Russian government. That loan was first issued in 2007, and the Wall Street Journal later reported Deutsche Bank executives raced to shed the remaining balance on it shortly after Trump’s election. At the time there was still about $600 million left for VTB to pay off, but the Journal reported Deutsche Bank took a loss in order to reduce its Russian exposure. Last month, a whistleblower named Val Broeksmit revealed to Forensic News he told the FBI that VTB underwrote the Trump loans, essentially guaranteeing a valve of money to Trump which DBTCA provided. Documents suggesting that Russian banks may have pumped $3 billion into DBTCA, which in turn handed $1 billion back to Russian bank VTB, support Broeksmit’s assertion that DBTCA was using Russian cash to finance some of its American operations. Broeksmit shared an extensively detailed and confidential Deutsche Bank spreadsheet, characterized as a “breach report,” with Forensic News. These kinds of reports are triggered by a bank when its liabilities are greater than its assets. Broeksmit found the breach report in a cache of documents belonging to his father, who was an executive at DBTCA and Deutsche Bank, after he committed suicide in early 2014. Examining his father’s emails and files soon after his passing, Broeksmit reviewed the breach report which covered all liabilities of DBTC, the holding company for DBTCA, according to bank documents. https://forensicnews.net/2020/01/21/russian-government-bank-deposited-500-million-into-deutsche-bank-subsidiary-as-it-lent-to-trump/
Отрывок из книжки "Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction":
In February 2019, the two agents-both with backgrounds in counterintelligence and currently on a squad focused on banking malfeasance-flew to California. Their meeting took place the same day that Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, testified on Capitol Hill that the president had routinely exaggerated his wealth in order to win loans from Deutsche Bank. Val, wearing a partly unbuttoned paisley shirt, arrived at the bureau’s field office in a federal building downtown. The agents met him in the tenth-floor lobby, where portraits of President Trump watched over visitors, and escorted him upstairs. The meeting lasted three hours. Val munched on Kit Kats and raspberry-flavored fig bars and drank coffee and Coke and smoked his e-cigarette and unspooled his story a final time. The agents told him they had started out investigating Deutsche’s money laundering in Russia-the notorious mirror trades-but they had widened their scope to focus on an array of potential criminality at the bank. They were interested in DBTCA. They were interested in Monte dei Paschi. They were interested in the Fed’s stress tests. If Deutsche executives had been listening in on Val’s interview, they would have been deeply unsettled. The bank’s confidence that the federal investigations into its crimes in Russia and elsewhere were wrapped up, neutered, had been misplaced. These two special agents, along with a team of their colleagues and federal prosecutors, were still on Deutsche’s trail-though it remained far from clear where this criminal investigation would go or whom it would touch. The agents didn’t think the crimes that occurred throughout the bank were the work of lone low-level employees-they suspected that this was the product of a culture of criminality that pervaded Deutsche. Tim Wiswell-Wiz, the supposed mastermind of the mirror trades-appeared to be a “fall guy,” a “scapegoat,” they explained. And now someone with a potentially valuable cache of documents was sitting in a large conference room in an FBI field office, being plied with sugary snacks-and the possibility of power. “You’re holding documents that only people within the inner circle of Deutsche would ever see,” the first agent told Val. “What we’ve been up against is stonewalling,” the other agent chimed in. “Clearly things went on in Deutsche Bank which weren’t kosher. What we’re up against is all those bad acts are being pushed down on the little people on the bottom.” “The low-hanging fruit,” the first agent added. “And the larger bank in its entirety is claiming ignorance and that it’s one bad player. But we know what we’ve seen, it’s a culture of just-” “Fraud and dirt,” Val interjected, thrilled to be part of this. He called me from a Lyft afterward. His adrenaline was still pumping. “I am more emotionally invested in this than anyone in the world,” he said. “I would love to be their special informer.” A couple of months later, a padded manila envelope arrived at [Val’s French girlfriend] Marie’s apartment, addressed to Val. The return address was the FBI’s Manhattan headquarters. Inside was a thumb drive. Val had concluded that the materials he’d guarded for the past five years belonged in the FBI’s hands-a decision made easier when the agents agreed to help Marie and her son secure visas so they could legally remain in the United States. The agents had told Val that once he had loaded his goods onto the miniature drive, someone would come by to pick it up. Val texted me a photo of the envelope. It had three postage stamps, each depicting a household pet: a mouse, a guinea pig, and a parrot. “Guess I’m the mouse,” he wrote. I asked him why, and he responded within seconds, invoking a fable. “Because I can take down an elephant.” https://www.fastcompany.com/90464248/how-a-bankers-suicide-prompted-his-son-to-dig-up-secrets-on-trumps-finances
Неожиданное имя в истории Эпштейна - Маша Дрокова, федеральный комиссар движения «Наши», награжденная в 2007-м медалью ордена «За заслуги перед Отечеством» первой степени и ставшая героиней фильма «Поцелуй Путина».
In August 2017, I received an email from publicist Masha Drokova asking whether I wanted to interview her client, Jeffrey Epstein. “I saw your piece on [President Donald] Trump’s science budget,” she wrote, referring to a story on the president’s proposed massive cuts to research in his 2018 budget request to Congress. “Jeffrey has an interesting perspective on what it will take to fill the gaps. … Would you like to speak with him next week?” Why would Science talk to a shadowy financier and convicted sex offender? I queried my editors. “How strange,” one said. “Wonder why he is seeking press now?” another asked. Eventually, we decided I should accept the invitation, on the chance that Epstein would say something newsworthy. And on 8 September 2017, I reached him, via Skype, at his mansion in New York City’s fashionable Upper East Side. (According to federal prosecutors, that is also where Epstein engaged in sex acts with teenage girls during naked massage sessions.) https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/09/what-kind-researcher-did-sex-offender-jeffrey-epstein-fund-he-told-science-he-died
С марта 2007 - руководитель московского штаба движения "Наши". В апреле 2007г награждена медалью ордена "За заслуги перед Отечеством" 1 степени. С августа 2008 федеральный комиссар НАШИх. Помощник депутата Госдумы от Тамбовской области, члена ЛДПР Сергея Абельцева. Стажировалась в Правительстве РФ, работала в Администрации президента и в "Росмолодежи". В 2008 году задействована на интернет-телеканале кремлевского пропагандиста Константина Рыкова Russia.Ru как продюссер и ведушая. В 2010 г. - соучредитель фабрики ботов Legend Media Agency. В августе 2010 года участовала в распитии спиртных напитков на берегу Москвы-реки по поводу дня рождения мальчика из оппозиции Виталия Шушкевича. На следуюший день, протрезвев, написала на именинника заявление в прокуратуру: он публично сжег сборник статей Суркова, значит - фашист. С 2011 года участвует в сколковских проектах по распилу денег. 2011 - PR-менеджер в Российском квантовом центре С ноября 2011 по август 2013 - PR-директор венчурного фонда Runa Capital В 2011-2112 гг. участвовала в съемках датского документального фильма "Поцелуй Путина". Сюжет фильма: сначала целовала Путина (в фильме указано - в какое именно место), затем под влиянием знакомых из оппозиции Яшина и Кашина ушла из политики. С августа 2013 по февраль 2014 - вице-президент по коммуникациям IT-компании Acronis. В середине 2014 года переехала в США. С июля 2014 г. - директор по развитию бизнеса сервиса для создания зацикленных видео Coub, стартовавшего на росийских инвестициях. https://davnym-davno.livejournal.com/543932.html
"The first visa I received was hundreds of pages, so I had to build a strong case and prove that I was worthy of staying in the USA, and it took a few months to do that. During that process I was lucky enough to get help from some amazing people who wrote letters in support of my visa application. I think it was easier to get a visa then than it is now, and I was lucky enough to be accepted for a Green Card. I feel incredibly lucky to have done it earlier when it was different, and I don’t know how different my application experience would be if I had tried right now. I feel super honored and grateful to be able to be working and developing a business in a country where I feel like it’s the best fit for me. The USA is where I imagine myself living for the rest of my life, and I feel incredibly grateful to the people to helped me move me. When I got my O1 visa I cried. It was a relief that I can live in the place I feel the most alive at." https://thriveglobal.com/stories/i-am-living-proof-of-the-american-dream-with-masha-drokova-founder-of-day-one-ventures/
In a $150 million settlement to be announced on Tuesday, the New York Department of Financial Services said that Mr. Epstein, a convicted sex offender, engaged in suspicious transactions for years, even though Deutsche Bank had deemed him a “high risk” client from the moment he became a customer in summer 2013.
“Despite knowing Mr. Epstein’s terrible criminal history, the bank inexcusably failed to detect or prevent millions of dollars of suspicious transactions,” Linda A. Lacewell, the department’s superintendent, said in a statement.
A year and a day after Mr. Epstein was arrested on federal sex-trafficking charges, the settlement described how bank employees relied on informal meetings and institutional momentum to allow suspicious activity to proceed largely unchecked. Instead of performing appropriate due diligence on Mr. Epstein and the activity in his accounts, regulators wrote, the bank was focused on his potential to “generate millions of dollars of revenue as well as leads for other lucrative clients.”
The settlement reflects our unreserved and transparent cooperation with our regulator. It also shows how important it is for us to continue enhancing our AFC capabilities.
- Deutsche Bank (@DeutscheBank) July 7, 2020
While Epstein held accounts at Deutsche Bank, he used the Butterfly Trust account and various other accounts to send over 120 wires totaling $2.65 million to beneficiaries of the Butterfly Trust, including some transfers to alleged co-conspirators or women with Eastern European surnames, for the stated purpose of covering hotel expenses, tuition, and rent.
Дело Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG лежит в Верховном суде и может решиться на этой неделе https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_v._Deutsche_Bank_AG
Last month, a whistleblower named Val Broeksmit revealed to Forensic News he told the FBI that VTB underwrote the Trump loans, essentially guaranteeing a valve of money to Trump which DBTCA provided. Documents suggesting that Russian banks may have pumped $3 billion into DBTCA, which in turn handed $1 billion back to Russian bank VTB, support Broeksmit’s assertion that DBTCA was using Russian cash to finance some of its American operations.
Broeksmit shared an extensively detailed and confidential Deutsche Bank spreadsheet, characterized as a “breach report,” with Forensic News. These kinds of reports are triggered by a bank when its liabilities are greater than its assets. Broeksmit found the breach report in a cache of documents belonging to his father, who was an executive at DBTCA and Deutsche Bank, after he committed suicide in early 2014. Examining his father’s emails and files soon after his passing, Broeksmit reviewed the breach report which covered all liabilities of DBTC, the holding company for DBTCA, according to bank documents.
Отрывок из книжки "Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction":
In February 2019, the two agents-both with backgrounds in counterintelligence and currently on a squad focused on banking malfeasance-flew to California. Their meeting took place the same day that Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, testified on Capitol Hill that the president had routinely exaggerated his wealth in order to win loans from Deutsche Bank. Val, wearing a partly unbuttoned paisley shirt, arrived at the bureau’s field office in a federal building downtown. The agents met him in the tenth-floor lobby, where portraits of President Trump watched over visitors, and escorted him upstairs.
The meeting lasted three hours. Val munched on Kit Kats and raspberry-flavored fig bars and drank coffee and Coke and smoked his e-cigarette and unspooled his story a final time. The agents told him they had started out investigating Deutsche’s money laundering in Russia-the notorious mirror trades-but they had widened their scope to focus on an array of potential criminality at the bank. They were interested in DBTCA. They were interested in Monte dei Paschi. They were interested in the Fed’s stress tests.
If Deutsche executives had been listening in on Val’s interview, they would have been deeply unsettled. The bank’s confidence that the federal investigations into its crimes in Russia and elsewhere were wrapped up, neutered, had been misplaced. These two special agents, along with a team of their colleagues and federal prosecutors, were still on Deutsche’s trail-though it remained far from clear where this criminal investigation would go or whom it would touch. The agents didn’t think the crimes that occurred throughout the bank were the work of lone low-level employees-they suspected that this was the product of a culture of criminality that pervaded Deutsche. Tim Wiswell-Wiz, the supposed mastermind of the mirror trades-appeared to be a “fall guy,” a “scapegoat,” they explained. And now someone with a potentially valuable cache of documents was sitting in a large conference room in an FBI field office, being plied with sugary snacks-and the possibility of power.
“You’re holding documents that only people within the inner circle of Deutsche would ever see,” the first agent told Val.
“What we’ve been up against is stonewalling,” the other agent chimed in. “Clearly things went on in Deutsche Bank which weren’t kosher. What we’re up against is all those bad acts are being pushed down on the little people on the bottom.”
“The low-hanging fruit,” the first agent added.
“And the larger bank in its entirety is claiming ignorance and that it’s one bad player. But we know what we’ve seen, it’s a culture of just-”
“Fraud and dirt,” Val interjected, thrilled to be part of this. He called me from a Lyft afterward. His adrenaline was still pumping. “I am more emotionally invested in this than anyone in the world,” he said. “I would love to be their special informer.”
A couple of months later, a padded manila envelope arrived at [Val’s French girlfriend] Marie’s apartment, addressed to Val. The return address was the FBI’s Manhattan headquarters. Inside was a thumb drive. Val had concluded that the materials he’d guarded for the past five years belonged in the FBI’s hands-a decision made easier when the agents agreed to help Marie and her son secure visas so they could legally remain in the United States. The agents had told Val that once he had loaded his goods onto the miniature drive, someone would come by to pick it up. Val texted me a photo of the envelope. It had three postage stamps, each depicting a household pet: a mouse, a guinea pig, and a parrot.
“Guess I’m the mouse,” he wrote. I asked him why, and he responded within seconds, invoking a fable. “Because I can take down an elephant.”
Неожиданное имя в истории Эпштейна - Маша Дрокова, федеральный комиссар движения «Наши», награжденная в 2007-м медалью ордена «За заслуги перед Отечеством» первой степени и ставшая героиней фильма «Поцелуй Путина».
In August 2017, I received an email from publicist Masha Drokova asking whether I wanted to interview her client, Jeffrey Epstein.
“I saw your piece on [President Donald] Trump’s science budget,” she wrote, referring to a story on the president’s proposed massive cuts to research in his 2018 budget request to Congress. “Jeffrey has an interesting perspective on what it will take to fill the gaps. … Would you like to speak with him next week?”
Why would Science talk to a shadowy financier and convicted sex offender? I queried my editors. “How strange,” one said. “Wonder why he is seeking press now?” another asked.
Eventually, we decided I should accept the invitation, on the chance that Epstein would say something newsworthy. And on 8 September 2017, I reached him, via Skype, at his mansion in New York City’s fashionable Upper East Side. (According to federal prosecutors, that is also where Epstein engaged in sex acts with teenage girls during naked massage sessions.)
С марта 2007 - руководитель московского штаба движения "Наши". В апреле 2007г награждена медалью ордена "За заслуги перед Отечеством" 1 степени. С августа 2008 федеральный комиссар НАШИх. Помощник депутата Госдумы от Тамбовской области, члена ЛДПР Сергея Абельцева. Стажировалась в Правительстве РФ, работала в Администрации президента и в "Росмолодежи".
В 2008 году задействована на интернет-телеканале кремлевского пропагандиста Константина Рыкова Russia.Ru как продюссер и ведушая.
В 2010 г. - соучредитель фабрики ботов Legend Media Agency.
В августе 2010 года участовала в распитии спиртных напитков на берегу Москвы-реки по поводу дня рождения мальчика из оппозиции Виталия Шушкевича. На следуюший день, протрезвев, написала на именинника заявление в прокуратуру: он публично сжег сборник статей Суркова, значит - фашист.
С 2011 года участвует в сколковских проектах по распилу денег.
2011 - PR-менеджер в Российском квантовом центре
С ноября 2011 по август 2013 - PR-директор венчурного фонда Runa Capital
В 2011-2112 гг. участвовала в съемках датского документального фильма "Поцелуй Путина". Сюжет фильма: сначала целовала Путина (в фильме указано - в какое именно место), затем под влиянием знакомых из оппозиции Яшина и Кашина ушла из политики.
С августа 2013 по февраль 2014 - вице-президент по коммуникациям IT-компании Acronis.
В середине 2014 года переехала в США.
С июля 2014 г. - директор по развитию бизнеса сервиса для создания зацикленных видео Coub, стартовавшего на росийских инвестициях.
"The first visa I received was hundreds of pages, so I had to build a strong case and prove that I was worthy of staying in the USA, and it took a few months to do that. During that process I was lucky enough to get help from some amazing people who wrote letters in support of my visa application. I think it was easier to get a visa then than it is now, and I was lucky enough to be accepted for a Green Card. I feel incredibly lucky to have done it earlier when it was different, and I don’t know how different my application experience would be if I had tried right now. I feel super honored and grateful to be able to be working and developing a business in a country where I feel like it’s the best fit for me. The USA is where I imagine myself living for the rest of my life, and I feel incredibly grateful to the people to helped me move me. When I got my O1 visa I cried. It was a relief that I can live in the place I feel the most alive at."
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