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tijd July 6 2020, 16:35:44 UTC

Джон Болтон рассказывает в своей книжке про то, как 20 ноября 2018 Трамп решил публично поддержать саудовского наследного принца в частности для того, чтобы таким образом отвлечь внимание прессы от разоблачения использовании частного почтового сервера его советником Иванкой Трамп.

With the media in a foaming-at-the-mouth frenzy, Trump decided to issue an unequivocal statement of support for Mohammed bin Salman, which he essentially dictated to Pompeo. The text was utterly unqualified and thus risked harming Trump himself if the facts changed. It was not all that difficult to make a few editorial changes to build in protection, but Pompeo would not accept any changes or even hold the draft a day for further review. Pompeo said, “He asked for it, and I’m sending it in,” a characteristic “Yes, sir, roger that” answer. The next day, November 20, my birthday, Trump wanted to call bin Salman to tell him the statement was coming out, saying, “We’re doing him a hell of a favor,” namely stating that “whether he did it or not, we’re standing with Saudi Arabia.”
We debated whether Trump himself would read the statement from the White House podium or whether we would just release the text. “This will divert from Ivanka,” Trump said. “If I read the statement in person, this will take over the Ivanka thing.” (The “Ivanka thing” was a flood of stories about Ivanka’s extensive use of her personal e-mail for government business, which the White House was trying to explain was actually quite different from Hillary Clinton’s extensive use of her personal e-mail for government business.) “Goddamn it, why didn’t she change her phone?” Trump complained. “What a mess we have because of that phone.” Then he turned to Pompeo, settling on his calling the Crown Prince, and said, “Tell him it’s unbelievable, what a great thing I’m doing. Then get his opinion, and we’ll decide what to do.” We decided to issue a statement and have Pompeo answer questions, but there was considerable debate over whether the text should be released before or after the annual ceremony pardoning the Thanksgiving turkey (pun not intended). Sorry, Crown Prince, but we have our priorities. (I met with Turkey’s Foreign Minister that same day, another coincidence.) Pompeo and Trump both ultimately took questions, which Trump had wanted to do anyway. It was an all-Trump show, obvious to everyone except Rand Paul, who tweeted that he thought I had written the statement!

This is, without a doubt, the most uninformed, imbecilic, toady, poorly-written, categorically untrue statement I have ever seen from a president of the United States. A complete disgrace. https://t.co/9eqoWFeroX
- Joe Cirincione (@Cirincione) November 20, 2018

I’m pretty sure this statement is Saudi Arabia First, not America First. I’m also pretty sure John Bolton wrote it.
- Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) November 20, 2018


tijd July 6 2020, 16:43:13 UTC
Q Mr. President, how can you say for sure that all of Ivanka’s emails were preserved when she was using a private server and a private address?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, they were preserved. The lawyer told me they’re all preserved - historically, they’re preserved.
Q Mr. President, what about the CIA assessment that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi? Don’t you believe the CIA?
THE PRESIDENT: They didn’t make a determination. And it’s just like I said, I think it was (inaudible) - maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. They did not make that assessment. The CIA has looked at it. They’ve studied it a lot. They have nothing definitive.
And the fact is, maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. If you look at Iran, what they’ve done - they’ve been a bad actor. You look at what’s happening in Syria with Assad, with hundreds of thousands of people killed. We are with Saudi Arabia. We’re staying with Saudi Arabia.
And, by the way, just so everybody knows, I have no business whatsoever with Saudi Arabia. Couldn’t care less.

Сообщение о почте Иванки:

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.
White House ethics officials learned of Trump’s repeated use of personal email when reviewing emails gathered last fall by five Cabinet agencies to respond to a public records lawsuit. That review revealed that throughout much of 2017, she often discussed or relayed official White House business using a private email account with a domain that she shares with her husband, Jared Kushner.
The discovery alarmed some advisers to President Trump, who feared that his daughter’s prac­tices bore similarities to the personal email use of Hillary Clinton, an issue he made a focus of his 2016 campaign. He attacked his Democratic challenger as untrustworthy and dubbed her “Crooked Hillary” for using a personal email account as secretary of state.
Some aides were startled by the volume of Ivanka Trump’s personal emails - and taken aback by her response when questioned about the practice. She said she was not familiar with some details of the rules, according to people with knowledge of her reaction.

В связи с убийством Хашогги Коркер и Менендез запустили процедуру Глобального Акта Магнитского.

Under the law, the president is now required to determine whether MbS is responsible and report to our committee with a determination and a decision on the imposition of sanctions. Read our letter: pic.twitter.com/G9xFGyw4TH
- Senator Bob Corker (@SenBobCorker) November 21, 2018


tijd July 6 2020, 16:52:47 UTC
Конгресс пытался расследовать практику использования частных почтовых серверов в администрации Трампа, но безуспешно.

After being selected as Chairman of the Committee in December, Cummings sent a letter to the White House reiterating previous requests for information that were sent by former Republican Chairmen Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy on March 8, 2017, September 25, 2017, and November 20, 2018. Cummings did not request specific emails at that time because the White House assured the Committee that it was conducting its own review and would provide information “as soon as practicable.”
After hearing no further response, Cummings wrote again to the White House on March 21, 2019, conveying troubling new information about apparent violations by Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Steve Bannon, and K.T. McFarland. In addition, the report issued by Special Counsel Robert Mueller found that Mr. Bannon admitted that “he regularly used his personal Blackberry and personal email for work-related communications (including those with [Erik] Prince), and he took no steps to preserve these work communications.”
On July 1, 2019-approximately six months after Cummings’ request-he sent a letter condemning the White House’s “complete refusal to produce a single document in response to the Committee’s investigation” and requesting copies of all emails or texts to or from White House officials that violated federal law because they were not copied to official accounts within 20 days, as required by the Presidential Records Act.
Over the past month, the White House has neither responded to Cummings’ letter nor produced any of the documents or information requested.
Cummings stated at today’s vote:
“Just a few years ago, President Trump and many Republicans demanded that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provide thousands of her private emails to Congress as part of the Benghazi investigation. Rep. Gowdy, then the Chairman of the Benghazi Select Committee, demanded copies of all emails relating to Benghazi sent or received by Secretary Clinton using her personal email account. We received those documents, and I called for them to be made public. Our approach today should not be different merely because Donald Trump is President.”


tijd July 6 2020, 23:46:47 UTC
Закон Магнитского - самый пророссийский из всех законов, как называл его Борис Немцов - вступил в действие в Великобритании.

It was the first time since leaving the European Union in January that Britain imposed its own sanctions for human-rights violations. British officials cast the move as proof that the country can play an influential global role on its own, with some noting that the European Union has yet to adopt similar sanctions.
Among the 47 people who face travel bans and frozen assets in Britain are 25 Russians accused of aiding and abetting in the death of Sergei L. Magnitsky and 20 Saudis accused in the assassination of the dissident Saudi columnist Jamal Khashoggi. It also sanctioned two high-ranking generals from Myanmar and two North Korean organizations responsible for the isolated country’s brutal prison system.

Болтон пишет о том, как Акт Магнитского всплыл на переговорах в Хельсинки.

Unfortunately, Putin had a curveball ready, offering to try in Russia the just indicted GRU agents (how thoughtful), under an unspecified treaty, saying further he would let Mueller’s investigators come in to do their work, so long as there was reciprocity with respect to Bill Browder, a businessman whose lawyer in Russia, Sergei Magnitsky, had been arrested and killed by the Putin regime. Browder’s grandfather Earl Browder had been General Secretary of the US Communist Party for many years in the 1930s and ’40s, marrying a Soviet citizen. The capitalist grandson, now a British citizen, had done well financially in Russia, but Magnitsky’s murder and the actions taken against his investments moved him to launch an international campaign against Moscow. He persuaded Congress to pass a law that enabled the US to sanction Russian human-rights violators; several other countries followed suit. The way Putin saw it, Browder had given Hillary Clinton’s campaign, foundation, and other parts of the Clinton galactic empire some $400 million that he had basically stolen from Russia, which got Trump’s attention. It was all hot air, but Trump was very excited about it. I tried to deflate his enthusiasm, at least until I could find out more about the treaty Putin had raised. This seemed like a trap if there ever was one. <...>
We were hard at work researching the MLAT, confirming the initial view that Putin had totally distorted the treaty, both how it applied to Bill Browder and what Mueller’s team might be able to obtain. It was pure propaganda, Soviet-style. <...>
This was hardly the way to do relations with Russia, and Putin had to be laughing uproariously at what he had gotten away with in Helsinki. Condi Rice called to tell me she was not going to make any public comment on Helsinki, but she said, “You know, John, that Putin only knows two ways to deal with people, to humiliate them or dominate them, and you can’t let him get away with it.” I agreed. Lots of people were calling on various senior officials to resign, including Kelly, Pompeo, Coats, and myself. I had been in the job only a little over three months. Things sure moved fast in the
Trump Administration!


tijd July 6 2020, 17:05:47 UTC
Тактика переключения внимания прессы от Иванки на Саудовскую Аравию сработала.

What the revelation from Bolton also reinforces is that Trump is motivated more by short-term, cable-news victories than his legacy over the long term. To get CNN to stop covering the hypocrisy of his daughter’s actions, he formalized his own position on Saudi Arabia’s actions and its treatment of journalists.
Of course, that links to another part of Bolton’s book as reported by Dawsey.
“These people should be executed,” he said of journalists who wouldn’t reveal their sources, according to Bolton. “They are scumbags.”


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