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tijd June 16 2020, 15:50:58 UTC
Американцы дополнительно проводили так называемые "последующие Нюрнбергские процессы", включая дело судей, о котором рассказывает фильм Стенли Крамера https://tijd.livejournal.com/43625.html

Юридический казус - как можно обвинять судей, если они судили в полном соответствии с законами того времени, включая законы о расовой чистоте? Но поскольку международный трибунал признал нацистскую партию преступной организацией, судьи-нацисты становились участниками заговора.

Председательствующим на деле судей Каррингтон Маршалл (прототип персонажа, которого в фильме играет Спенсер Трейси) был республиканцем из Огайо, как и Роберт Тафт . Но на республиканских праймериз в 1948 он поддержал не Тафта, а Гарольда Стассена, либерального губернатора Миннесоты.

The "surprise" candidate of 1948 was Stassen, the former "boy wonder" of Minnesota politics. Stassen had been elected governor of Minnesota at the age of 31; he resigned as governor in 1943 and served in the United States Navy in World War II. In 1945 he had served on the committee which created the United Nations. Stassen was widely regarded as the most "liberal" of the Republican candidates, yet as the primaries continued he was criticized for being vague on many issues. <...>
Stassen stunned Dewey in the Wisconsin and Nebraska primaries, thus making him the frontrunner. He then made the mistake of trying to beat Senator Taft in Taft's home state of Ohio; Taft defeated Stassen on his home turf and Stassen earned the animosity of the party's conservatives. <...>
The 1948 Republican National Convention was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was the first presidential convention to be shown on television. As the convention opened, Dewey was seen as having a large lead in the delegate count. His major opponents - Taft, Stassen, and Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan - met in Taft's hotel suite to plan a "stop-Dewey" movement. However, a key obstacle soon developed when the three men refused to unite behind a single candidate to oppose Dewey. Instead, all three men simply agreed to try to hold their own delegates in the hopes of preventing Dewey from obtaining a majority. This proved to be futile, as Dewey's efficient campaign team gathered up the delegates they needed to win the nomination. After the second round of balloting, Dewey was only 33 votes short of victory. Taft then called Stassen and urged him to withdraw from the race and endorse him as Dewey's main opponent. When Stassen refused, Taft wrote a concession speech and had it read at the start of the third ballot; Dewey was then nominated by acclamation. Dewey then chose popular Governor Earl Warren of California as his running mate. Following the convention, most political experts in the news media rated the GOP ticket as an almost-certain winner over the Democrats.


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