Наука вранья

Mar 11, 2018 12:46

Заглавная статья в новом номере журнала Science - исследование ученых из MIT о том, как дезинформация (fake news) распространяется в социальных сетях (в частности Твиттере). Выяснилось, что ложные новостные сообщения распространяются значительно быстрее и глубже, чем правдивые, причем не столько за счет ботов, сколько за счет подверженности людей манипулированию, основанного на эмоциях страха и отвращения.

Falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth in all categories of information, and the effects were more pronounced for false political news than for false news about terrorism, natural disasters, science, urban legends, or financial information. We found that false news was more novel than true news, which suggests that people were more likely to share novel information. Whereas false stories inspired fear, disgust, and surprise in replies, true stories inspired anticipation, sadness, joy, and trust. Contrary to conventional wisdom, robots accelerated the spread of true and false news at the same rate, implying that false news spreads more than the truth because humans, not robots, are more likely to spread it.

Как бороться с этой проблемой? Дискуссионная статья в том же номере заканчивается призывом к общественной инициативе.

Our call is to promote interdisciplinary research to reduce the spread of fake news and to address the underlying pathologies it has revealed. Failures of the U.S. news media in the early 20th century led to the rise of journalistic norms and practices that, although imperfect, generally served us well by striving to provide objective, credible information. We must redesign our information ecosystem in the 21st century. This effort must be global in scope, as many countries, some of which have never developed a robust news ecosystem, face challenges around fake and real news that are more acute than in the United States. More broadly, we must answer a fundamental question: How can we create a news ecosystem and culture that values and promotes truth?

Не очень понятно, что именно они имеют в виду под "failures of the U.S. news media in the early 20th century". Хорошо известна история о том, как расцвет желтой прессы в конце 19го века и нагнетание в ней антииспанской пропаганды привели к испано-американской войне. Со временем американская пресса действительно сумела выработать стандарты журналисткой практики и отделить таблоиды со скандальными псевдо-новостями в отдельный жанр. Хотя это не избавляет ее от провалов.

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Более конкретный набор предложений к правительству, частным компаниям и гражданскому обществу содержится в новом докладе Atlantic Council Democratic Defense Against Disinformation.

Following Russia’s interference in the 2016 US presidential campaign, “disinformation” became a topic du jour. Revelations, detailed in multiple congressional testimonies, of how the Russian government and its proxies infiltrated social-media platforms to spread false narratives and manipulate public discourse jolted the American public and policy makers to attention. <...> We regard the recommendations above-near-term steps to resist and restrict disinformation; investment in long-term tools of resistance; and an ongoing consultative mechanism for like-minded governments,
civil society, and the private sector-as a menu for democratic countries and a platform for further work. Russia’s aggressive use of disinformation has drawn immediate attention to the challenge, but Russia is merely a pioneer. The problem will grow. We are realistic about the efficacy of our own (and others’) recommendations. The challenge of
disinformation is evolving and complex; no one set of actions can eliminate it. Moreover, measures to counter disinformation will raise questions of freedom of expression. We do not recommend trading off freedom for security. Rather, we have tried to identify steps that can be effective while respecting the values we seek to protect. We believe that democratic societies may be at a short-term disadvantage in contending with propaganda and demagogues, but history demonstrates that they have longer-term advantages, especially when supported by tools of transparency, fair (and limited) regulation, and an active civil society.

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На презентации доклада присутствовали не только его авторы, Алина Полякова и Дэниел Фрид, но и другие люди, включая представителя Global Engagement Center и посла ЕС в США. Дискуссия получилась долгая, но интересная.

В Atlantic Council также на днях проходила конференция о санкциях Sanctions in the Trump Era - One Year In. В своем выступлении Сигал Манделкер, и.о. замминистра финансов и человек, ответсвенный за санкции и финансовую разведку, подтердила, что в ее министерстве тайно готовятся санкции в отношении российских лиц.

Mandelker confirmed that the administration is preparing additional Russia sanctions, drawing from the classified version of the so-called “Kremlin Report,” which is an analysis-by many accounts excellent-of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s power structure, which the Trump administration prepared under Section 241 of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). This was another welcome indication that the administration is abandoning the risible public list it submitted under Section 241 and turning to a potentially powerful sanctions tool partly in response to Russian meddling in the US elections in 2016 and continued disinformation operations.
Unexpected for the Trump administration, Mandelker emphasized human rights and anti-corruption sanctions, emphasizing that by putting “on notice” human rights violators and corrupt officials, the United States was also advancing its interests. This “campaign” (her word) to apply anti-corruption and human rights-related sanctions is striking in this administration, which often uses more narrow language to define US interests.

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Госдеп, санкции, пропаганда

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