[X] The Story of a Man and His Eye

Mar 06, 2005 00:09

The Story of a Man and His Eye
X crackficlet by me, so run away

At the Sakurazuka residence, Subaru had invited Fuuma in for tea out of sheer politeness and they sat at a small and old table with hot tea cups in hand, staring at each other, their knees brushing underneath the table accidentally - Fuuma not so accidental, though, but Subaru didn't need to know that.

The very situation was not at all comfortable for Subaru, who still was edgy from...well, everything.

Fuuma really wasn't one to help a situation, even if he wasn't consciously trying to antagonize anyone at the moment. As far as his behavior went, at present he was acting the role of a very good boy, sipping silently at his tea as his elder tried to figure out what the hell to do. Truth was, the teenager wasn't really being good, he was just bored of waiting around for the Sumeragi to do something.

Anyone who really knew Fuuma would have been more than mildly disturbed at this, but the Sumeragi was, unfortunately, a virtual stranger to him. Nice and fucked, but a stranger nonetheless.

He wouldn't have known when to run.

The container that Seishirou's eye came in was within Fuuma's reach, so when Subaru turned his head to gaze outside at the cherry blossoms and camellias blooming out of season and to ponder the symbolism of this, Fuuma, sick of waiting, grabbed the container and set it on the table loudly, bringing the other man's attention back.

"Well?" Fuuma asked, impatience tinging his voice.

"Well what?" Subaru replied calmly.

"Well?" he tried again.

Subaru regarded him coldly then rolled his eyes at the other Dragon of Earth, which rightly pissed Fuuma off, as he looked back outside.

Fuuma considered stooping to mocking ("Hi, I'm Subaru, and I angst," he'd say), but he decided to take the more direct route in getting what he wanted. It was more fun, anyway, he thought.

He reached out and touched the side of the Sumeragi's face, and when Subaru turned to him angrily, to ask what the hell he thought he was doing, Fuuma took the opportunity to create the punchline and, with grace that surprised even him, plucked out Subaru's blind eye.

Amidst Subaru's pain-filled screams, Fuuma said simply, "...Got your eye...!"

...And that was how Subaru came to wear Seishirou's eye, because really, without Fuuma's intervention, he'd probably still be sitting there, staring at the camellias and cherry blossoms.

Subaru developed a healthy phobia of the old got your nose! trick, as well, and his relationship with his dear great-uncle Toshiro was never quite the same again.

...That was totally pointless and disturbing. I must be on crack?

I x-post (omgyay) to ryutsuki!


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