Control and The Tennis Incident Incident

Jun 25, 2004 12:42

More of Control:

Didn't he trust him?


Hakkai was ignored as the other's lips grazed lazily across his chest over to the neglected nipple. Sanzo's hand below continued its rhythmic motions.


The silence that followed was brief. In growing frustration, Sanzo roughly bit the nipple before him, eliciting a gasp from Hakkai. For someone who was so quiet the rest of the time, he couldn't understand why the youkai couldn't just be silent...

"I'll say it."

"Then say it," was Sanzo's curt response.

Hakkai considered this and kept quiet.

The priest's head lifted from a chest marred with faint scars and moved up so that his lips grazed Hakkai's earlobe. "You've been very disobedient tonight. ...Trust me, Hakkai. Let me control you."

A brief moment passed before Hakkai nodded in silence and then relaxed. His tension wasn't obvious until there was something else to compare it to.

Sanzo kissed his lips, biting down gently and then running his tongue along to both excite and soothe, as Hakkai's mouth parted slightly - an instinctive reaction as opposed to a deliberate action - and welcomed the warm, moist tongue it was rather fond of. Their tongues slid alongside one another and Sanzo's fingers below quit their motions to run gently up the underside of Hakkai's cock.

There was a pulsing, throbbing sensation, more demanding than before, and Hakkai's stomach flip-flopped pleasantly.

And the less lemony, but no less 383-ish Tennis Incident:
A few hours and a little hardwork later, our party stood outside in between two homemade tennis courts as Gojyo and I attempted to explain the game of tennis to our two companions.

"Well, you see, it's like this," Gojyo began. We had agreed that giving them an oversimplified version of the rules and whatnot was best. "See that little bouncy ball Hakkai has in his hand? Well, the object of the game is to hit that little ball over the net with the raquet I have in my hand."

Goku shifted impatiently. "Is that all? This game is easy!"

"Er, in our very simplistic version, yes, it is easy," I answered in hopes that this would be an enjoyable experience for us all.

As Gojyo hit his palm against the raquet, he added, "And for scoring --"

"Ah, Gojyo, let's not use scoring just yet..." I interjected, not wanting this to turn into something awful and competitive, like it had a chance of becoming with a certain duo playing. "Everyone understand so far?"

Goku nodded enthusiastically while Sanzo muttered a lackluster, "Sure."

"Let's get this game started, then!" Gojyo announced, a hint of the all-too familiar competitive spirit shining through. "How shall we play, Hakkai? Doubles? Singles?"

A few thoughts crossed my mind, making the decision relatively simple. "Singles, just so they can practice the game better. Gojyo, teach Goku how to play, and...I'll teach Sanzo."

That knowing smile Gojyo gave as he picked up a spare ball and carted Goku off was almost annoying.

As Sanzo picked up his raquet, I headed over to the other side of the net with the ball. "Now Sanzo, there are different techniques for hitting the ball, but I want you to just try a few times on your own..." He didn't answer, but he still held the raquet in his hands, which I took to be a sign that he would still play. I bounced the ball once before slowly and lightly hitting it over the net.

The ball bounced right in front of him, and it was a perfect opportunity for an easy hit...only, Sanzo didn't attempt anything except a halfhearted swing long after the ball had rolled off somewhere.

"Er, Sanzo, the object of the game is to hit the ball..."

An apathetic "hn" was all he grunted as he turned and went after the ball in a painfully slow walk. In the adjacent court, Goku and Gojyo volleyed rather nicely, only, it seemed that Goku was primarily concerned with hitting Gojyo with the ball... At least they were having fun.

Sanzo came back and tossed the ball as I tried to figure out what to say to him.

"Ah, well, try it again," I managed as I bounced the ball and hit it lightly again.

This time he at least made the attempt (as stiff and awkward as it was), and, well, that was all that mattered, I guess. He sighed and slowly went after the ball again.

When he came back, I crossed over to his side of the court and assured, "At first this game can be a little difficult, Sanzo, but you just have to keep your eye on the ball. You'll get better with practice."

He stared at me a few moments before surprising me with, "How do I hit it?"

"Well, you just go through a smooth motion, and..." I tried to demonstrate, but then it occurred to me that helping him do it might be best. "Here," I said as I put down my raquet and came behind him with the ball. He looked back at me as if he had no idea what I was doing...but he let me do it anyway.

From behind, I lined my arms against his, taking his hand and raquet into mine, into what probably looked like an awkward embrace. "Like this," I said as my arm guided his through a smooth execution. "See?"

...But Sanzo did not see and required Hakkai to go through the motion once again, making sure that his hips ground into him in the process. Ha, I should actually put that it...not.

the tennis incident, control, saiyuki

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