(Tweet, tweedle-lee-deet)
08:08 RT @twrivia On November 10 1958, which famous gemstone was donated to the Smithsonian Institution by Harry Winston?
twrivia.com # 10:13 @
xenijardin Honk
# 10:18 @
xenijardin Family friends grew pnuts in their garden, 2-3X a year had a picnic, fried catfish, boiled pnuts and made ice cream. Heaven
# 12:06 @
xenijardin One of our locals had 2 signs - 'Boled Pnuts' on one side and 'Hot Nuts' on the other. Made for great directions.
# 12:28 @
xenijardin BTW, thanks - November in CT is the wrong time for these memories. I need a food fix from down south.
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