Been packing already, because tommorow I am going to DC and then won't really have a lot of time to pack.
spydernights no worries mang I was just giving you shit, because I am so very good at it. I just took a walk and unfortnetnly I am coming down with puffy sinus because everything and their plant-mother is in bloom out here and my NW raised eyes are not used to all the pollen. Yet I got some decongestent for my nose, and some zinc, and hope fully I will be all cleared up by Wenesday because I have to go to work. *growls and bares teeth*, I don't WANT to but on the other hand I NEED the money. Yet it might mean I will not get to see Sami until Sunday :-( 3 weeks tommorow! To think last time this year I was with Mr. Kevin. WOW! Sami blows him out of the water, at 21, he is more mature and has a goal and isn't drinking his life away.
Another beautiful day in Bawlimore (thats how they pronouce it out here) warm, very nice. It has been a good visit, I am realizing that Dad's visits are rocky, but the talk we had with his lovely friend Linda last night was really good, and I got to say alot of things I have been meaning to tell him for YEARS but can't. I think we may have made an impression with him. Linda's house had some ghosties, she lives in a really old old appartment building, went down an old stairwell and heard steps following me and looked around and there was nothing! Her cat kept meowing at the wall then freaking out. There are a lot of old places out there like that. Gettysburg I was getting a big headache, and I can hardly describe the Shanksville Crash Site and what I felt there
fairie_lark I got some good stories!
Well peeps, I am going to take a walk, I want to take in this warm weather some more.