I have paid my last 20.00 co-pay to The Everett Clinic after seeing a Dr. Cunt. I usually don't use that word, but I showed up there at 1130am right when my appointment was, and the slammed me with paperwork of shit that they already knew, and by the time I got in the office I got treated very rudely, suppose its punishment for being late, yet no receptionist told me to be a half hour early. WTF? So anyway she rushed through my list, looked at me very condensible making snide comments, and didn't do any blood work or new tests. I was so angry when I left that I was nearly in tears. The only thing she did right for me was give me 2 months supply of nicotine patches (
spydernights you may want to sit down) because I have decided to quit smoking. She also prescribed me some Ambian to get some sleep. Other than those two things she was just plain fucking rude as all hell. I mean isn't that why they are called waiting rooms? So she figured or assumed my lack of sleep was due to my anxiety and weight loss. She didn't go into any detail but merely labeled me, and I hate that shit. So my therapist will get an earful of venting tomorrow, and I will never go back. I have also decided in order not to gain more weight to start exercising by swimming at the local pool here, and with quitting smoking I will be saving about 35 bucks a month. Perhaps I can join a gym, but I am off to get another opinion because something is wrong.
fairie_lark I made you proud today, I scrubbed down the kitchen, vacumed and cleaned the living room. Got an early start on spring cleaning and Sammy is gonna be shocked when she comes home to a clean living room and kitchen