Back from Madrid

May 03, 2007 02:27

Just came back from Madrid and Toledo. Beautiful place, great shopping, (minus the fact that I don't appreciate the food, and that the people don't seem very friendly to asians). Europe is indeed a shopping paradise. Had an initial budget of S$1,000 to spend there and I ended up spending over $3,000.  There are just so many good buys over there! Plus the tax rebates! I really couldn't help myself!



Here are my great buys!

And these are the really really really really good buys which are so much cheaper in Spain:

Camper shoe x 1pair, Camper slippers x 1 pair, Loewe wallets x 2, Loewe bag x 1, swarovski ring x 1, swarovski necklace x 1, zara ties x 2,  Pull & Bear T shirts x 2, H & M shirts x 25, mango bag x 1, LV  wallet x 1

There are just so many things I wanted to buy but had not enough time. Wanted to grab some zara shirts at S$40 but was really too tired to try them. And I looked like an idiot grabbing so many H & M shirts ,like some 'suaku' like that.

Will update again
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