Oct 26, 2005 12:39
sometimes your so gaddamn frustrating
yes no push pull
i feel like im working to extract things out of you
then after we talk and you say everything is alright
you dump crap on me like in your last post
why wont you ever tell me whats really going on
i told you i felt stupid and immature about doing what i did
you said it didnt bug you at all and if i ever did something that you piss you off you would tell me right away
im not you mind reader or your therapist im not trying to devle into you mind to find out what your problems with me are
if your really fine then fine
but if you do have a problem then fucking say it
how am i supposed to do anything when you wont say whats wrong
how is our relationship supposed to grow and be trusing and healthy if me or you keep things inside
thats bullshit to rolodex things and then bring them out later to attack me with
its gets nothing done open the fuck up
im pissed because i alredy tried to be open and honest with you on the ride home
i told you it was ok to be upset with me but you have to let me know about it i think
i at least deserve that
ifeel sometimes like im pulling teeth and im tired of trying
so next time you have a prioblem with the way i act then tell me
i can try and change, im open to change, but if ya act like everything is perfect then i dont know what to change
it just pisses me off when i get snowballed with something you said you absolutly had no problem with