Fun at Pirates 3....

May 26, 2007 11:57

oh ya....secksy....waiting in line...thank you Rob for getting us in!!!

so here is the deal with the pic above ^^^^^ alicia and i went and stood with my friend rob, who had gotten there long before us, and the point was to save seats once we made it into the theater....the line was killer....we needed all the things we could get to put on the seats to save them...purses...YES shauna with purses...3 to be exact. me and purses are like oil and vinegar....wanting to have nothing to do with the other...what an experience...woot....

on the way woot woot!

alicia and i messed with mackenzies camera on the way to the movie....this girl can never keep a straight face! i tell you!!!

well...the movie was amazing...SLAP ME THRICE ON ME BUM AND HAND ME TO ME MOTHER! i still need to see the first 2 though....soon i gonna be chilling in my room today...possibly pack some and deffenitly study a bit for finals on monday....history first me think....more on my adventures (lol) later! peace and love y'all
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