Take the quiz, what level of hell are you going to?

Apr 15, 2004 11:21

Have you been attending religious worship lately? No

Have you been known to dress provocatively to attract the attention of the opposite sex? No

Do you own or plan to own a flashy sports car or an SUV? No

Have you suffered suicidal thoughts? Yes

Have you been in any physical fights in recent years? Yes

Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse? Never had the chance to.

Do you believe in astrology, tarot cards, and fortune-telling? No

Do you donate time or money to charities? In the past, yes

Are you often very depressed? Yes

Do you believe in God? Yes

Have you stolen anything from an employer or friend? No

Are you good at telling lies? Yes

Do you look at pornography? Yes

Do you often lose your temper? No

Do you consider food to be one of life's finer pleasures? Some of it

Do you intentionally cause harm to yourself? Have in the past

Do you intentionally cause harm to others, or to animals? No

Do you tend to hoard your money and possessions? Not really....

Are you loyal to your friends and family through good times and bad? Try to

Have you had sex or do you plan to have sex before marriage? Should be obvious....

Do you think science and logic represent the pinnacle of human understanding? No

Do you use God's name in vain (ex. "God damn it," "Oh my God")? Yeah, plenty of times

Do you enjoy violent movies and video games? Hell Yeah!

Have you been to a strip club? Not yet....

Do you read scripture? sometimes

Do you like to "live large"? Not really, overated

Have you wished bad things upon your fellow countrymen? No

Have you ever attempted suicide? No

Do you give food or money to beggars? Not really

Do you believe it is your right to indulge yourself with every last dollar you earn? No

Have you recently done something that you've criticized others for doing? Yes

Have you ever visited or called a psychic? No

Do you repent for your sins? Yes

Do you love to shop for yourself, even when you don't need anything new? No

Do you consider living a virtuous life to be one of your top goals? No

Do you believe in an afterlife? I hope so

Do you "hate" a lot of people? Use to, just a few now

Have you ever taken pleasure in someone else's misery? Does the leach count?

Do you have any pagan religious beliefs? Some

Have you ever lent money to someone and charged them interest or expected some "extra" in return? No

Have you ever engaged in oral or anal sex? I wish

Have you ever tricked someone into thinking you were someone whom you are not? No

Have you ever seduced someone, only to lose interest soon after? Yes

Can you see yourself engaging in treason against your country? No

Do you eat at restaurants several times a week? No, too expensive

Are you ever attracted to members of your same sex? No, that's gay

Have you ever gotten someone drunk, tricked someone, or used some other underhanded means to try to initiate sexual activity for you or for a friend? Not yet

Would you sooner go without sex than go without good-tasting food? Hell no

Are you a "penny pincher"? No

Have you ever been sexually intimate with a member of your same sex? Nah, that's wicked gay

Do you hate yourself? Yes

Do you masturbate often? Excessively

Have you ever intentionally given bad advice? maybe.....

Are you overweight? yes

Think about some of the sinful or wrong things you've done in the past. Do you foresee yourself continuing to do these things? some of them

Do you make an effort to consume less resources (i.e. electicity, gasoline, plastic, glass, paper, etc.)? No

Could you picture yourself assassinating someone or ordering an assassination on someone if it meant that you would become very rich and powerful? No


Through God, all things are possible. False

In war, the best idea is to bomb the hell out of the other country. False

People are poor because they deserve to be, and should be given no help. False

Morals are relative. True, maybe

It's okay to punch someone if they "have it coming." Definately True

Religion is fiction. False

Some people, such as Nostradamus, are able to predict future events. False, hardcore false

It's okay to cut a family member out of your life if they have done something that you strongly disagree with. Depends on the situation

Rich men and women deserve every penny and should spend or save their wealth as they wish That's fucking false

It is acceptable to use false flattery to get ahead. Hmmmm.... brown nosing, depends what it is, but false

Hammering away on scandals is a good way to damage those with whom you disagree politically. False, it's petty

A pimp is a good thing to be. False

Fasting is a way of expressing religious conviction that you have chosen or would gladly choose false

Some people just deserve to die. True (serial killers, pedophiles, rapists)

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
LevelScorePurgatory (Repenting Believers)Very LowLevel 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very LowLevel 2 (Lustful)HighLevel 3 (Gluttonous)ModerateLevel 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very LowLevel 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)HighLevel 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)LowLevel 7 (Violent)Very HighLevel 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)ModerateLevel 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very Low
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test
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