Today was alright. I didn't do my home work over the weekend for english, ugh. But today was alright, I did ok on the quiz that we took today for Calc 2, but the quiz last week I bombed on, which sucks. I have to kick ass with the final or else I'm screwed. But today in the lab Mikey gave me his guitar. It's a New York Pro, never heard of the name before, but it's a sweet guitar. But along with the guitar, he gave me a case, a strap, and a chord. I played it on the amp upstairs in my room, it gets nice feedback, and it has a nice tone.
What happened was that Mike has a few guitars, and his dad sold the 3 decker that he owned in Boston where the guitar was being stored. He hadn't played it in 4 years, and he doesn't have a home for it. He doesn't know too many people that do play guitar, so he decided to give it to me, he trusts that I can take care of it. He's sees me in the math lab every day, and he knows that I do my best to get things done. Mike's a great guy, awesome to just talk to. He's been playing for 14 years now.
He was telling me a year ago that his guitar teacher had passed away, and that the teacher had a very simple philosophy. Observe with your mind, play with all your heart, and kick ass with your soul. And when you let go of a guitar, don't try to sell it for a profit. Give it to some one that you know can and will use it. Some one that will take care of it, because that guitar was a part of you, and you need some one to take care of it. It's you the player that gives it character. So he gave me the guitar to protect it and use it. Mike's holding on to his Acoustic electric, that's his baby.
So anyways, that was the big event today. I just felt like a million bucks, that some one would think of giving me their guitar, out of the kindness of their heart. I felt bad taking it, but excited holding it. I don't know what it is, it just feels right when I hold it in my hands.
So anyways, here's some pics of the thing, their fuzzy.
So anyways, this is it. Hope fully I'll get a new Digital camera to take better pics.
Can't wait till the 13th though, I'm getting the Mustang then. Wow, I've given away my Epiphone Special Edition and I'm giving my brother the Bass. And I've pretty much replaced them with 2 guitars now. The Jackson I'm going to fix up and give it to my sister Katy. I'm probably going to hold off until she's older though.