Jan 24, 2005 20:12
Well monday got new teachers there ok i want A lunch still i had it today but i was told to go to C toamrrow so whatever well during C lunch Pat and I and going to jam with dan w and jon felis and eric S and nick toamrrow in the theory room so awsome jam with our guitars if i bring mine and school was alright today.
After school stopped at pats to see if our 16 track mixing board came too bad it didn't then pat and phil dropped me and dan off at my house and we chilled and went to Felis's and Dan willenburg eric nick were over along with anthony and ashely came and we had some good old fun and stuff and willenburg totally kissed me today fag. lol just kidding man your cool.
well thursday gonna go to a show and see anthony's band i hope we make it and yeah.
Here are all the possible times Friends for Never might play:
Anthony's basement
with saturday night survivor
at north to raise money for tsunami wave (battle of the bands)
for the academy awards and north (i doubt it but maybe)
Recording were starting please hang in there and buy the Demo cd when we's gets one
well i guess that was everything i wanted to say so i'll catch you guys on the flip side peace.
hey like um comment