whatever is good...

Dec 20, 2004 09:04

ok, now that school is over, my life is back on track. and it's going quite well if i do say so myself. The Lord always seems to work out the greatest things at just the right time doesn't he?

actually, well, no that statement is true. but i'm realizing more and more how wishy washy we're making God seem these days. kinda like Pedro, "believe in me and all your wildest dreams will come true". which, yes, can be true. however, this is also the God who has said "if you dont believe in me, i'll flood you, locust you, burn you, kill you...etc etc". or has even been known to say "believe in me...and i'll still allow the killing of your family, the destroying of your crops and the downfall of the wellness of your health" God is no wishy washy God. He's pretty ########. pretty wild. pretty awesome, in the true sense of the word. He is one to fear. We've grown in this culture and time to preach of someone who is more like a rigged slot machine than a God. If you put in your twenty five cents for the week then you'll get something in return, even if it's only your twenty five cents back. I remember reading the book The Sacred Romance and i'm going through it with my cell, and this one chapter just keeps coming up in my life and through my head. The Wildness of God. Sometimes i wonder if the people who are looking at the Christians from the outside in, see or know more about God than we do. The book says that goodness does not eqate to security or safety or niceities. God is good, He is not always safe. If we knew this about the God we serve, would we still serve Him. If we knew that it wouldn't always be a fun ride or a nice time, but that it would be good because we are with the Lord? It is good because i am with the Lord. It is good.

Lately there has been a lot going on around me and in me that does not seem nice or happy or safe or secure or all of those words that you want to put in there that are positive. But those things going on around me are good, because the Lord is in them, the Lord is around them.

well, i dont think i have much else to say. i wasn't planning on this being a really theological entry, actually i was planning on telling about my night last night, but i'm pleased with how this has come out. So i guess that's all.
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