Jul 19, 2004 21:52
Age: 0-5 [Toddler]
When were you born?: Nov. 29, 1985
What was your first word?: i dont know
What was your favorite television show?: i liked Mr Dressup
What was your favorite movie?: i dont remember, i liked The Little Mermaid
Do you have any siblings?: Yep
If so, give their names and ages:: mark - 16
Did you have any pets?: at this age? no i dont think so
Did you have a best friend? Who?: probably Meaghan Jones, Piers Simpkin, Andrew Pastrick
Did you have a favorite relative?: grandma
What is the most memorable moment from these years?: from these years? i dont really remember anything.
Age: 6-12 [Childhood/Preteen]
What was the name of your elementary school?: Devins Drive PS
Did you get a boyfriend/girlfriend during any of these years? Who?: grade 8, are you 12 in grade 8?
What was your favorite year of elementary school? Why?: i dont know, i had my rebel years in grade 7 & 8, but they were fun i suppose
Who was your favorite teacher?: Mrs. Wilson, Mr Borg
Who was your least favorite teacher?: Mr Milligan, Mr Brooks
What was the reason for your first detention?: Passing notes too often in grade 7
Who was your best friend during these years?: in elementary school i had a new best friend every year, but the ones who were most prevelant would be: Nicole Keir, Caitlin Malone and piers probably
What was your favorite television show?: Boy Meets World
What was your favorite movie?: Princess Bride
What was your favorite song?: Ace of Base-i saw the sign
What is the most memorable moment from these years?: umm, being sick, friends, going out for lunch
Age: 13-16 [Teenager]
What high school did/are you go(ing) to?: Aurora High
Who was/are your best friend(s)?: from school? Lisa, Laura, Cait, Miriam, Christy, Rachel, Kerry
What was your favorite class?: Mrs. Prsa's math class
Who was/is your favorite teacher?: Mrs Prsa
Who was/is your least favorite teacher?: i dont know
Who was/is your boyfriend/girlfriend during these years?: myself...ha ha ha
What was your most prized possession? Why?: nothing
Were you ever suspended or expelled? Why? [Naughty Naughty!]: Nope
Were you still a virgin during these years?: Yes, and I will be until the day I'm married.
What was your favorite television show?: Seinfield
What was your favorite movie?: i dont know
What was your favorite song?: Sean Desmond, ha ha ha jokes!
What is the most memorable moment from these years?: probably youth, but from school stuff, umm, girls night outs
Age: 17-18 [Young Adult]
Still going to the aformentioned high school? If not, where?: going to Tyndale
Did you get into any major fights with your parents?: nope
Did you ever make-up?: never had too?!
Who was your best friend(s)?: none
Did you have any pets?: yes, Killer my fish
What was your favorite class?: intro to philosophy with Davis
What was your least favorite class?: Human Development 1 and 2 with posterski
Who was your favorite teacher?: Davis, Wong
Who was your least favorite teacher?: i liked them all i guess
Did you graduate? What year?: not yet, should be 2007
What was your favorite television show?: still Seinfield
What was your favorite movie?: currently... I LOVED 'The Notebook' -dito!
What was your favorite song?: lots right now
What is the most memorable memory from these years?: hanging out with Tyndale kids. slurpee runs. love.
Age: 18+ [Grown-Up]
How old are you now?: 18 turning 19 in Nov
Do you miss your childhood?: in a sense, but i dont know if i would go back
Do you feel old?: no
Do you now, now that I've asked?: nope
Are you glad that this quiz is over? Why?: i dont know